

Test Coverage
# Examples

## Basic examples

-   [hello world](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/say)
    illustrates how to call a method of a service: this example calls
    the method 'say' of a text to speech service.

-   [signal registration](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/signal)
    illustrates how to subscribe to a signal: this example prints a
    log each time a service is added to the service directory.

## Examples for NAO and Pepper

-   [animated say](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/animated-say)
    uses ALAnimatedSpeech to animate the robot.

-   [posture](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/posture)
    puts the robot in a random position.

-   [motion](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/motion)
    move the robot forward and demonstrate how to cancel a call.

-   [memory](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/memory)
    uses ALMemory to react on a touch event.

## Examples of service implementation

-   [ping pong service](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/pong)
    illustrates how to implement a service.

-   [space service](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/space)
    illustrates the client side objects creation.

-   [clock service](https://github.com/lugu/qiloop/blob/master/examples/clock)
    completed version of the clock tutorial.