

1 hr
Test Coverage
// Package proxy contains a generated proxy
// .

package proxy

import (
    bus "github.com/lugu/qiloop/bus"
    object "github.com/lugu/qiloop/type/object"
    value "github.com/lugu/qiloop/type/value"

// ALTextToSpeechProxy represents a proxy object to the service
type ALTextToSpeechProxy interface {
    Say(stringToSay string) error
    // Generic methods shared by all objectsProxy
    // WithContext can be used cancellation and timeout
    WithContext(ctx context.Context) ALTextToSpeechProxy

// proxyALTextToSpeech implements ALTextToSpeechProxy
type proxyALTextToSpeech struct {
    session bus.Session

// MakeALTextToSpeech returns a specialized proxy.
func MakeALTextToSpeech(sess bus.Session, proxy bus.Proxy) ALTextToSpeechProxy {
    return &proxyALTextToSpeech{bus.MakeObject(proxy), sess}

// ALTextToSpeech returns a proxy to a remote service
func ALTextToSpeech(session bus.Session) (ALTextToSpeechProxy, error) {
    proxy, err := session.Proxy("ALTextToSpeech", 1)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("contact service: %s", err)
    return MakeALTextToSpeech(session, proxy), nil

// WithContext bound future calls to the context deadline and cancellation
func (p *proxyALTextToSpeech) WithContext(ctx context.Context) ALTextToSpeechProxy {
    return MakeALTextToSpeech(p.session, p.Proxy().WithContext(ctx))

// Say calls the remote procedure
func (p *proxyALTextToSpeech) Say(stringToSay string) error {
    var ret struct{}
    args := bus.NewParams("(s)", stringToSay)
    resp := bus.NewResponse("v", &ret)
    err := p.Proxy().Call2("say", args, resp)
    if err != nil {
        return fmt.Errorf("call say failed: %s", err)
    return nil

// ALMemoryProxy represents a proxy object to the service
type ALMemoryProxy interface {
    GetEventList() ([]string, error)
    Subscriber(eventName string) (SubscriberProxy, error)
    // Generic methods shared by all objectsProxy
    // WithContext can be used cancellation and timeout
    WithContext(ctx context.Context) ALMemoryProxy

// proxyALMemory implements ALMemoryProxy
type proxyALMemory struct {
    session bus.Session

// MakeALMemory returns a specialized proxy.
func MakeALMemory(sess bus.Session, proxy bus.Proxy) ALMemoryProxy {
    return &proxyALMemory{bus.MakeObject(proxy), sess}

// ALMemory returns a proxy to a remote service
func ALMemory(session bus.Session) (ALMemoryProxy, error) {
    proxy, err := session.Proxy("ALMemory", 1)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("contact service: %s", err)
    return MakeALMemory(session, proxy), nil

// WithContext bound future calls to the context deadline and cancellation
func (p *proxyALMemory) WithContext(ctx context.Context) ALMemoryProxy {
    return MakeALMemory(p.session, p.Proxy().WithContext(ctx))

// GetEventList calls the remote procedure
func (p *proxyALMemory) GetEventList() ([]string, error) {
    var ret []string
    args := bus.NewParams("()")
    resp := bus.NewResponse("[s]", &ret)
    err := p.Proxy().Call2("getEventList", args, resp)
    if err != nil {
        return ret, fmt.Errorf("call getEventList failed: %s", err)
    return ret, nil

// Subscriber calls the remote procedure
func (p *proxyALMemory) Subscriber(eventName string) (SubscriberProxy, error) {
    var ret SubscriberProxy
    args := bus.NewParams("(s)", eventName)
    var retRef object.ObjectReference
    resp := bus.NewResponse("o", &retRef)
    err := p.Proxy().Call2("subscriber", args, resp)
    if err != nil {
        return ret, fmt.Errorf("call subscriber failed: %s", err)
    proxy, err := p.session.Object(retRef)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("proxy: %s", err)
    ret = MakeSubscriber(p.session, proxy)
    return ret, nil

// SubscriberProxy represents a proxy object to the service
type SubscriberProxy interface {
    SubscribeSignal() (unsubscribe func(), updates chan value.Value, err error)
    // Generic methods shared by all objectsProxy
    // WithContext can be used cancellation and timeout
    WithContext(ctx context.Context) SubscriberProxy

// proxySubscriber implements SubscriberProxy
type proxySubscriber struct {
    session bus.Session

// MakeSubscriber returns a specialized proxy.
func MakeSubscriber(sess bus.Session, proxy bus.Proxy) SubscriberProxy {
    return &proxySubscriber{bus.MakeObject(proxy), sess}

// Subscriber returns a proxy to a remote service
func Subscriber(session bus.Session) (SubscriberProxy, error) {
    proxy, err := session.Proxy("Subscriber", 1)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("contact service: %s", err)
    return MakeSubscriber(session, proxy), nil

// WithContext bound future calls to the context deadline and cancellation
func (p *proxySubscriber) WithContext(ctx context.Context) SubscriberProxy {
    return MakeSubscriber(p.session, p.Proxy().WithContext(ctx))

// SubscribeSignal subscribe to a remote property
func (p *proxySubscriber) SubscribeSignal() (func(), chan value.Value, error) {
    signalID, err := p.Proxy().MetaObject().SignalID("signal", "m")
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("%s not available: %s", "signal", err)
    ch := make(chan value.Value)
    cancel, chPay, err := p.Proxy().SubscribeID(signalID)
    if err != nil {
        return nil, nil, fmt.Errorf("request property: %s", err)
    go func() {
        for {
            payload, ok := <-chPay
            if !ok {
                // connection lost or cancellation.
            buf := bytes.NewBuffer(payload)
            _ = buf // discard unused variable error
            e, err := value.NewValue(buf)
            if err != nil {
                log.Printf("unmarshall tuple: %s", err)
            ch <- e
    return cancel, ch, nil