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Test Coverage
# 2. Firebase

Date: 04/04/2017

## Status


## Context

* We need a cross-device storage-solution for this project
* We want to deploy this project to a simple hosting service, like Github Pages, Now or Surge.
* We want to minimize the amount of maintenance required to run this software
* Realtime capability would be a nice touch as we could update running timers across a range of devices instantly
* This is a personal project so we are unlikely to have any issues with scaling as the number of users will probably
remain at one
* Firebase offers a simple NoSQL-style realtime database with a suitable free-tier

## Decision

* We are using Firebase

## Consequences

* Firebase data is a simple json-tree
* `undefined` values will not be saved
* Data should be saved in a normalized form:
* Make sure you understand access-rights:
* Install and use [firebase-cli](, it offers better
usability than the web-app (at least at the time of writing)