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Test Coverage
# 9. Testing Concept

Date: 04/04/2017

## Status


## Context

* High level selenium-driven E2E-Tests almost always have fundamental reliability problems due to their very complex
setup. The combination of webdriver, selenium-server, an additional testing-framework like Protractor or Nightwatch
and a local/remote selenium-grid makes for a lot of potential sources of error. Plus if something goes wrong in your
testing software, such as Protractor, it can be notoriously hard to debug.
* The [TestPyramid]( is a popular concept which acknowledges these
shortcomings. It advocates having a lot of unit tests, less integration tests and only a few e2e-tests.

## Decision

We will try to avoid the complexities of a full e2e-testing-framework setup, by using a combination of many unit-tests
and a some higher-level user-acceptance-tests which do not run in a browser, but use a
fully bootstrapped app with just its external dependencies (eg. Firebase) mocked and perform normal user interactions
against it. We will then assert our expected state within our stores and trust that state to be rendered correctly
as merited by our unit-tests.

## Consequences

* Write lots and rigorous unit-tests for your components. Note that we only use very sparse mocking for our dependencies
in unit-tests. This is intentional in order to test our code under more diverse scenarios. This should only be changed
if we get too many false positives in tests due to this setup in the future or if it becomes unmaintainable.
* Think carefully about the interactions and flows the user typically undertakes and write acceptance tests
for them to ensure that the core functionalities are still working when we start changing things.