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# 13. CSS uses Styled Components

Date: 04/04/2017

## Status


## Context

* The component based approach of React makes it pertinent to keep localized styles directly in your components to ensure
that the parts of a component are not distributed.
* This has been achieved by `CSS-in-JS`-approaches which usually have the downside that you cannot use the CSS-Syntax
you are normally used to
* [Styled Components]( is a more current approach which allows
you to use standard css-syntax while keeping your styles within your components and allows you to use the full expressiveness
of Javascript to write your styles, which makes a CSS-Processor like SASS or Stylus superfluous.
* Styled Components work well with the Atomic Design approached we are using in structuring our application

## Decision

We use styled components.

## Consequences

* There should be no need for global styles outside of the few globals which are set in `src/styles/globals`. If you need
more, define them there
* Styled components use ES6-Template-Strings to their advantage, this allows you to use the full power of javascript
expressions, see
* We use a centralized place to keep a lot of general settings which should be consistent across our components and use
them as variables within our styled components. See `src/styles/style-utils` for what is already there
* Styled Components are not without fault. They create a pretty verbose component structure, which does not lead to
the prettiest markup. Some more advanced approaches exist like, which are not very
mature yet. Keep an eye out for better solutions.