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# Changelog
- Merged several forks into this one. Fixing original issues and updating to latest modules versions.
- Added [.jshint](.jshint) and [.eshint](.eslint). Fixed according to the rules defined.
- Added `npm run js-beautify` and run it to addapt the code to the [.jsbeautify](.jsbeautify) rules
- Added [.editorconfig](.editorconfig) file
- Replaced the use of _.pluck with

- replace underscore to lodash
- rename project to mongodb-fixtures
- add npm test support
- Update mongodb driver to 2.0.x
- Updated `collection.insert` with `collection.insertMany` - the former is marked for deprecation in version 3.x
- Move to Lo-Dash from Underscore

- Update mongodb driver to 1.3.x
- Add ability to connect with URI
- Make safe mode the default

- Add mongofixtures CLI program

- Add 'safe' option (donnut)

- Add user and password options for connecting to authenticated/remote DBs

- Add username and password connect options

- Make clear be safe

- Windows fixes (samitny)

- Ignore subdirectories (hiddentao)