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Missing top-level class documentation comment.

class Role < ApplicationRecord
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/role.rb by rubocop

This cop checks for missing top-level documentation of classes and modules. Classes with no body are exempt from the check and so are namespace modules - modules that have nothing in their bodies except classes, other modules, or constant definitions.

The documentation requirement is annulled if the class or module has a "#:nodoc:" comment next to it. Likewise, "#:nodoc: all" does the same for all its children.


# bad
class Person
  # ...

# good
# Description/Explanation of Person class
class Person
  # ...

Inconsistent indentation detected.

    def set_priority
      self.priority = topic_type_priority
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/topic.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for inconsistent indentation.


class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'
     puts 'world'

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    attributes.reject(&:blank?).map(&:strip).join(", ")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/decorators/event_decorator.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

        h.link_to "Edit group", "", class: "text-muted"

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    h.link_to "Yes!", url.group_invited_members_path(self, token: token),
Severity: Minor
Found in app/decorators/group_decorator.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Inconsistent indentation detected.

    def date
      start_date.strftime("%b %d %Y")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/event.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for inconsistent indentation.


class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'
     puts 'world'

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

  belongs_to :organizer, class_name: "User"
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/event.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    where("end_date > ?","start_date ASC")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/event.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Inconsistent indentation detected.

    def slug_candidates
        [:name, :location],
        [:name, :location, :owner_name],
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/group.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for inconsistent indentation.


class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'
     puts 'world'

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    message: "is already a member of the group"
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/membership_request.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Inconsistent indentation detected.

    def uniqueness_of_user_in_group
      if group.members.include? _user
        errors.add(:user, "is already a group member")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/group_invitation.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for inconsistent indentation.


class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'
     puts 'world'

Line is too long. [97/80]

  watch(%r{^lib/(.+)\.rb$})                               { |m| "test/unit/lib/#{m[1]}_test.rb" }
Severity: Minor
Found in Guardfile by rubocop

Use %i or %I for an array of symbols.

        [:title, :event_start_date],
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/event_topic.rb by rubocop

This cop can check for array literals made up of symbols that are not using the %i() syntax.

Alternatively, it checks for symbol arrays using the %i() syntax on projects which do not want to use that syntax.

Configuration option: MinSize If set, arrays with fewer elements than this value will not trigger the cop. For example, a MinSize of3` will not enforce a style on an array of 2 or fewer elements.

Example: EnforcedStyle: percent (default)

# good
%i[foo bar baz]

# bad
[:foo, :bar, :baz]

Example: EnforcedStyle: brackets

# good
[:foo, :bar, :baz]

# bad
%i[foo bar baz]

Rename has_more_attendees_than_recent_attendees? to more_attendees_than_recent_attendees?.

  def has_more_attendees_than_recent_attendees?
Severity: Minor
Found in app/decorators/event_decorator.rb by rubocop

This cop makes sure that predicates are named properly.


# bad
def is_even?(value)

# good
def even?(value)

# bad
def has_value?

# good
def value?

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    { text: "Go to group", path: redirecter_path }

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    start_date.strftime("%H:%M") == end_date.strftime("%H:%M")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/decorators/event_decorator.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Align the elements of a hash literal if they span more than one line.

            foreign_key: "sender_id"
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/user.rb by rubocop

Check that the keys, separators, and values of a multi-line hash literal are aligned according to configuration. The configuration options are:

- key (left align keys)
- separator (align hash rockets and colons, right align keys)
- table (left align keys, hash rockets, and values)

The treatment of hashes passed as the last argument to a method call can also be configured. The options are:

- always_inspect
- always_ignore
- ignore_implicit (without curly braces)
- ignore_explicit (with curly braces)


# EnforcedHashRocketStyle: key (default)
# EnforcedColonStyle: key (default)

# good
  foo: bar,
  ba: baz
  :foo => bar,
  :ba => baz

# bad
  foo: bar,
   ba: baz
  :foo => bar,
   :ba => baz


# EnforcedHashRocketStyle: separator
# EnforcedColonStyle: separator

  foo: bar,
   ba: baz
  :foo => bar,
   :ba => baz

  foo: bar,
  ba: baz
  :foo => bar,
  :ba => baz
  :foo => bar,
  :ba  => baz


# EnforcedHashRocketStyle: table
# EnforcedColonStyle: table

  foo: bar,
  ba:  baz
  :foo => bar,
  :ba  => baz

  foo: bar,
  ba: baz
  :foo => bar,
   :ba => baz

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

    website.gsub("https://", "")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/decorators/event_decorator.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"

Inconsistent indentation detected.

    def format_name =
Severity: Minor
Found in app/models/user.rb by rubocop

This cops checks for inconsistent indentation.


class A
  def test
    puts 'hello'
     puts 'world'

Prefer single-quoted strings when you don't need string interpolation or special symbols.

      start_date.strftime("%A, %b. %d") == end_date.strftime("%A, %b. %d")
Severity: Minor
Found in app/decorators/event_decorator.rb by rubocop

Checks if uses of quotes match the configured preference.

Example: EnforcedStyle: single_quotes (default)

# bad
"No special symbols"
"No string interpolation"
"Just text"

# good
'No special symbols'
'No string interpolation'
'Just text'
"Wait! What's #{this}!"

Example: EnforcedStyle: double_quotes

# bad
'Just some text'
'No special chars or interpolation'

# good
"Just some text"
"No special chars or interpolation"
"Every string in #{project} uses double_quotes"