import { getFromLocalStorage } from './get';
import { localStorageKey } from '../../config';
describe('getFromLocalStorage', () => {
beforeEach(() => {
test('should return the correct data when a value is present in local storage', () => {
const hash = 'abc123';
const consent = ['1', '2', '3'];
localStorage.setItem(`${localStorageKey}`, JSON.stringify({ consent, hash }));
const result = getFromLocalStorage(hash);
expect(result).toEqual({ consent, isBannerVisible: false, isDetailsVisible: false });
test('should return the correct data when local storage is empty', () => {
const result = getFromLocalStorage('abc123');
expect(result).toEqual({ consent: [], isBannerVisible: true, isDetailsVisible: false });
test('should return the correct data when hash is different', () => {
localStorage.setItem(`${localStorageKey}`, JSON.stringify({ hash: 'def456', consent: [] }));
const result = getFromLocalStorage('abc123');
expect(result).toEqual({ consent: [], isBannerVisible: true, isDetailsVisible: false });