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Test Coverage
# Salt-lint tests results.

* [Using double quotes with no variables](#double-quotes)
* [Line length above 80 characters](#line-length)
* [Found single line declaration](#single-declaration)
* [No newline at the end of the file](#no-newline)
* [Trailing whitespace character found](#trailing-whitespace)
* [Found tabs used instead of spaces](#found-tabs)

### <a name="double-quotes"></a>Using double quotes with no variables
In general - it's a bad idea. All the strings which does not contain dynamic content ( variables ) should use single quote instead of double.

##### Bad

##### Correct

### <a name="line-length"></a>Line length above 80 characters
As a 'standard code width limit' and for historical reasons - [IBM punch card]( had exactly 80 columns.

### <a name="single-declaration"></a>Found single line declaration
Avoid extending your code by adding single-line declarations. It makes your code much cleaner and easier to parse / grep while searching for those declarations.

##### Bad
      - installed

##### Correct

### <a name="no-newline"></a>No newline at the end of the file
Each line should be terminated in a newline character, including the last one. Some programs have problems processing the last line of a file if it isn't newline terminated. [Stackoverflow thread](

### <a name="trailing-whitespace"></a>Trailing whitespace character found
Trailing whitespaces take more spaces than necessary, any regexp based searches won't return lines as a result due to trailing whitespace(s).

### <a name="quoted-booleans"></a>Quoted boolean found
Boolean values behave differently when quoted as they're interpreted as strings which you obviously don't want.

### <a name="filename-quoted"></a>Unquoted file mode found
Unquoted file modes are interpreted as integers and evaluated as octal.

### <a name="found-tabs"></a>Found tabs used instead of spaces
[PEP-8]( says "spaces" so we require those instead of tabs as Salt is python-friendly ( said guy who wrote a Salt linter in Ruby ).