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namespace luya\mailjet\widgets;

use Yii;
use luya\base\DynamicModel;
use luya\base\Widget;
use luya\helpers\Json;
use luya\helpers\Url;
use luya\mailjet\Contacts;
use yii\base\InvalidConfigException;

 * Subscribe Form Widget.
 * ```php
 * <?php $widget = SubscribeFormWidget::begin(['confirmTemplateId' => 123123, 'hashSecret' => '_ADD_A_RANDOM_STRING_', 'listId' => 123123]) ?>
 *     <?php if ($widget->isSent): ?>
 *         <div class="alert alert-success">A confirmation email has been sent to your address. Check your mails.</div>
 *     <?php elseif ($widget->isSubscribed): ?>
 *         <div class="alert alert-success">Thanks, your email address has been added to the subscription list.</div>
 *     <?php else: ?>
 *         <?php $form = ActiveForm::begin(); ?>
 *              <?= $form->field($widget->model, 'email'); ?>
 *              <?= Html::submitButton('Submit'); ?>
 *         <?php $form::end(); ?>
 *     <?php endif; ?>
 * <?php $widget::end(); ?>
 * ```
 * > The SubscribeFormWidget assumes the mailjet and mailer component are configured properly! Take a look at the README installation step.
 * @property DynamicModel $model
 * @property string $modelEmail
 * @property boolean $isSent
 * @property boolean $isSubscribed
class SubscribeFormWidget extends Widget
    const MAIL_SENT_SUCCESS = 'mailSentSuccess';

    const MAIL_SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS = 'mailSubscribeSuccess';

     * @var integer The mailjet list id where the subscribes should be added.
    public $listId;

     * @var integer The mailjet template id which is used to send the confirmation email opt in step. The varibale `url` always exists in additional all model attributes are also passed to the template.
    public $confirmTemplateId;

     * @var string A strong and random hash secret in a persistent format (don't regenerate on each request!), this will be used to hash the informations the user has provided.
    public $hashSecret;

     * @var string The action which should be taken when the list sync is called, this can either be a force add or even a remove (to build unsubscribe forms).
    public $listAction = Contacts::ACTION_ADDFORCE;

     * @var string The name of attribute which contains the email adresse. This attribute email value will be taken to confirm and subscribe
    public $emailAttributeName = 'email';

     * @var array A list of attributes the {{luya\base\DynamicModel}} should contain.
    public $attributes = ['email'];

     * @var array The validation rules for the model, each attribute in {{SubScribeFormWidget::$attributes}} must have at least one rule.
    public $attributeRules = [
        [['email'], 'required'],
        [['email'], 'email'],

     * @var array An array define the attribute labels for an attribute, internal the attribute label values
     * will be wrapped into the `Yii::t()` method.
     * ```
     * 'attributeLabels' => [
     *     'email' => 'E-Mail-Adresse',
     * ],
     * ```
    public $attributeLabels = [];

     * @var array A list of attribute hints, where key is the attribute and value the hint message.
    public $attributeHints = [];

     * @var boolean Whether confirmation mail should be sent or not. If disabled, the email will be subscribed directly after successfull submit and validation of the form.
    public $doubleOptIn = true;

     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function init()

        if (empty($this->listId) || empty($this->hashSecret)) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException("The listId and hashSecret properties can not be empty.");

        if ($this->doubleOptIn && empty($this->confirmTemplateId)) {
            throw new InvalidConfigException("If double opt in is enabled, the confirmTemplateId property can not be empty.");


        if ($this->getModel()->load(Yii::$app->request->post()) && $this->getModel()->validate()) {
            if ($this->doubleOptIn) {
                $keys = [];
                foreach ($this->getModel()->attributes as $key => $value) {
                    $keys[] = "{$key}:{$value}";
                $crypt = base64_encode(Yii::$app->security->encryptByPassword(Json::encode($this->getModel()->attributes), $this->hashSecret));
                $url = Url::appendQuery(['w' => $this->getId(), 'subscribe' => $crypt], true);
                if ($this->sendConfirmMail($url, $this->model->attributes)) {
            } else {
                if ($this->addToList($this->getModelEmail(), $this->model->attributes)) {


     * {@inheritDoc}
    public function run()
        $content = ob_get_clean();

        return $content;

    private $_model;

     * Getter method for the Model
     * @return DynamicModel
    public function getModel()
        if ($this->_model === null) {
            $this->_model = new DynamicModel($this->attributes);
            $this->_model->attributeLabels = $this->attributeLabels;
            $this->_model->attributeHints = $this->attributeHints;
            foreach ($this->attributeRules as $rule) {
                $this->_model->addRule($rule[0], $rule[1]);

        return $this->_model;

     * Return the Model attribute email value.
     * @return string The E-Mail adresse attributes value.
    public function getModelEmail()
        return $this->getModel()->{$this->emailAttributeName};

     * Whether form has been sent or not.
     * @return boolean
    public function getIsSent()
        return Yii::$app->session->getFlash(self::MAIL_SENT_SUCCESS);

     * Whether mail confirmation has been done and user is subscribed to the list.
     * @return boolean
    public function getIsSubscribed()
        return Yii::$app->session->getFlash(self::MAIL_SUBSCRIBE_SUCCESS);

     * Watch for generic urls wich subscribe and widget infos.
    public function processConfirmLink()
        $widgetId = Yii::$app->request->get('w');
        $subscribe = Yii::$app->request->get('subscribe');

        if ($widgetId == $this->getId() && !empty($subscribe)) {
            $data = Yii::$app->security->decryptByPassword(base64_decode($subscribe), $this->hashSecret);
            if ($data) {
                $attributes = Json::decode($data);
                $this->getModel()->attributes = $attributes;
                if ($this->getModel()->validate()) {
                    if ($this->addToList($this->getModelEmail(), $this->model->attributes)) {

     * Send the confirm mail
     * @param string $url
     * @param array $variables
     * @return boolean
    public function sendConfirmMail($url, array $variables = [])
        return Yii::$app->mailer->compose()
            ->setVariables(array_merge(['url' => $url], $variables))

     * Add the user to the mailjet conacts list
     * @param string $email
     * @param array $properties
     * @return boolean
    public function addToList($email, array $properties = [])
        return Yii::$app->mailjet->contacts()
            ->list($this->listId, $this->listAction)
                ->add($email, $properties)