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namespace luya\admin\components;

use luya\base\AdminModuleInterface;
use yii\base\BaseObject;

 * Builder class for the Administration Menu/Navigation.
 * This class is used to build the admin menu/navigation for all admin modules and is called in the `getMenu()` method of each
 * admin module class.
 * Example of how to use the AdminMenuBuilder class inside the `getMenu()` method of an Admin Module:
 * ```php
 * public function getMenu()
 * {
 *     return (new AdminMenuBuilder($this))
 *         ->nodeRoute('menu_node_filemanager', 'folder_open', 'admin/storage/index')
 *         ->node('menu_node_system', 'layers')
 *             ->group('menu_group_access')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_access_item_user', 'admin/user/index', 'person', 'api-admin-user')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_access_item_group', 'admin/group/index', 'group', 'api-admin-group')
 *             ->group('menu_group_system')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_system_item_language', 'admin/lang/index', 'language', 'api-admin-lang')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_system_item_tags', 'admin/tag/index', 'label', 'api-admin-tag')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_system_logger', 'admin/logger/index', 'label', 'api-admin-logger')
 *             ->group('menu_group_images')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_images_item_effects', 'admin/effect/index', 'blur_circular', 'api-admin-effect')
 *                 ->itemApi('menu_images_item_filters', 'admin/filter/index', 'adjust', 'api-admin-filter');
 * }
 * ```
 * @since 1.0.0
 * @author Basil Suter <>
class AdminMenuBuilder extends BaseObject implements AdminMenuBuilderInterface
    private static int $index = 0;

    private array $_menu = [];

    private array $_pointers = [];

     * @var array The available options for itemApi and itemRoute.
    protected static $options = [
        'hiddenInMenu', // whether the current menu should be hidden in the menu or not
        'pool', // a context field name which is used to generate the pool

     * @param \luya\base\AdminModuleInterface $moduleContext
     * @param array $config
    public function __construct(protected AdminModuleInterface $moduleContext, array $config = [])

     * @var array List of all permission APIs.
    private array $_permissionApis = [];

    public function getPermissionApis()
        return $this->_permissionApis;

     * @var array List of all permission Routes.
    private array $_permissionRoutes = [];

    public function getPermissionRoutes()
        return $this->_permissionRoutes;

     * The node is the menu entry in the TOP navigation of the luya administration interface.
     * @param string $name The name of the node, all names will process trough the `Yii::t` function with its module name as prefix.
     * @param string $icon The icon name based on the google icons font see
     * @param bool $template Whether to use a custom template or not.
     * @return \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder
    public function node($name, $icon, $template = false)
        $this->_pointers['node'] = self::$index;
        $this->_menu[self::$index] = [
            'id' => self::$index,
            'moduleId' => $this->moduleContext->id,
            'template' => $template,
            'routing' => $template ? 'custom' : 'default',
            'alias' => $name,
            'icon' => $icon,
            'permissionRoute' => false,
            'permissionIsRoute' => false,
            'searchModelClass' => false,

        return $this;

     * A node which is a custom route to open, nodes are the top menu of the luya administration interfaces.
     * @param string $name The name of the node, all names will process trough the `Yii::t` function with its module name as prefix.
     * @param string $icon The icon name based on the google icons font see
     * @param string $route The route to the template which is going to be render by angular, example `cmsadmin/default/index`.
     * @param string $searchModelClass The path to the model to search inside the admin global search, must implement the {{luya\admin\base\GenericSearchInterface}}.
     * @return \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder
    public function nodeRoute($name, $icon, $route, $searchModelClass = null)
        $this->_pointers['node'] = self::$index;
        $this->_menu[self::$index] = [
            'id' => self::$index,
            'moduleId' => $this->moduleContext->id,
            'template' => $route, // as the template is equal to the route of the node which is loaded
            'routing' => 'custom',
            'alias' => $name,
            'icon' => $icon,
            'permissionRoute' => $route,
            'permissionIsRoute' => true,
            'searchModelClass' => $searchModelClass,

        $this->_permissionRoutes[] = ['route' => $route, 'alias' => $name];

        return $this;

     * Add a group, all items (api or route) must be child items of a group. The group is the title in the left menu of the admin interface.
     * @param string $name The name of the group.
     * @return \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder
    public function group($name)
        $this->_pointers['group'] = $name;
        $this->_menu[$this->_pointers['node']]['groups'][$name] = ['name' => $name, 'items' => []];

        return $this;

     * Add an item to a group. API items are based on the ngrest crud concept.
     * @param string $name The name of the Api (displayed as menu point in the left navigation), all names run through the `Yii::t()` method prefixed with the module id.
     * @param string $route The api route to the ngrest controller `cmsadmin/navcontainer/index`.
     * @param string $icon The icon name based on the google icons font see
     * @param string $apiEndpoint The api endpoint defined in the NgRestModel::ngRestApiEndpoint `api-cms-navcontainer`.
     * @param array $options An array with options you can provided and read inside the admin menu component. See {{\luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder::verifyOptions}} for detail list and informations.
     * @return \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder
    public function itemApi($name, $route, $icon, $apiEndpoint, array $options = [])
        $item = [
            'alias' => $name,
            'route' => $route,
            'icon' => $icon,
            'permissionApiEndpoint' => $apiEndpoint,
            'permissionIsRoute' => false,
            'permissionIsApi' => true,
            'searchModelClass' => false,
            'options' => $this->verifyOptions($options),

        $this->_menu[$this->_pointers['node']]['groups'][$this->_pointers['group']]['items'][] = $item;

        $this->_permissionApis[] = ['api' => $apiEndpoint, 'alias' => $name, 'pool' => static::getOptionValue($item, 'pool', null)];

        return $this;

     * Generate a permission for an API with a Pool
     * @param string $name
     * @param string $route
     * @param string $icon
     * @param string $apiEndpoint
     * @param string $pool
     * @param array $options
     * @return AdminMenuBuilder
     * @since 2.0.0
    public function itemPoolApi($name, $route, $icon, $apiEndpoint, $pool, array $options = [])
        return $this->itemApi($name, $route, $icon, $apiEndpoint, array_merge($options, [
            'pool' => $pool,

     * Add an item to a group. Route items opens a angular view.
     * @param string $name The name of the Api (displayed as menu point in the left navigation), all names run through the `Yii::t()` method prefixed with the module id.
     * @param string $route The route to the template `cmsadmin/permission/index`.
     * @param string $icon The icon name based on the google icons font see
     * @param string $searchModelClass The search model must implement the {{luya\admin\base\GenericSearchInterface}}.
     * @param array $options An array with options you can provided and read inside the admin menu component. See {{\luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder::verifyOptions}} for detail list and informations.
     * @return \luya\admin\components\AdminMenuBuilder
    public function itemRoute($name, $route, $icon, $searchModelClass = null, array $options = [])
        $this->_menu[$this->_pointers['node']]['groups'][$this->_pointers['group']]['items'][] = [
            'alias' => $name,
            'route' => $route,
            'icon' => $icon,
            'permissionApiEndpoint' => null,
            'permissionIsRoute' => true,
            'permissionIsApi' => false,
            'searchModelClass' => $searchModelClass,
            'options' => $this->verifyOptions($options),

        $this->_permissionRoutes[] = ['route' => $route, 'alias' => $name];

        return $this;

     * Verify the additional options of an itemRoute or itemApi item.
     * The following options are currently supported
     * - hiddenInMenu: If set to true the item will be hidden in the left menu, this is usefull when creating ngrest crud's for crud-realtion views.
     * @param array $options The options to verify
     * @return array The verified allowed options.
    protected function verifyOptions(array $options = [])
        foreach ($options as $key => $value) {
            if (!in_array($key, static::$options)) {

        return $options;

     * @inheritdoc
    public function menu()
        return $this->_menu;

     * Helper method to get then value of an options inside an item.
     * @param array $item The item where the option key persists.
     * @param string $optionName The name of the option to get.
     * @param mixed $defaultValue The default value if the option is not available for this item.
     * @return mixed
    public static function getOptionValue(array $item, $optionName, $defaultValue = false)
        if (!isset($item['options'])) {
            return $defaultValue;

        return $item['options'][$optionName] ?? $defaultValue;