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Test Coverage

return [
    'language_name' => 'Italiano',
    'button_save' => 'Salva',
    'button_yes' => 'Si',
    'button_abort' => 'Cancella',
    'button_send' => 'Invia',
    'login_pre_title' => 'Login per {title}',
    'login_mail' => 'Email',
    'login_password' => 'Password',
    'login_btn_login' => 'Login',
    'login_securetoken' => 'Codice di sicurezza',
    'login_securetoken_info' => 'Inserisci il codice di sicurezza che è stato inviato nella tua email.',
    'menu_node_system' => 'Sistema',
    'menu_node_filemanager' => 'Gestione file',
    'menu_group_access' => 'Accesso',
    'menu_group_system' => 'Sistema',
    'menu_group_images' => 'Immagini',
    'menu_access_item_user' => 'Utenti',
    'menu_access_item_group' => 'Gruppi',
    'menu_system_item_language' => 'Lingue',
    'menu_system_item_tags' => 'Tags',
    'menu_images_item_effects' => 'Effetti',
    'menu_images_item_filters' => 'Filtri',
    'dashboard_title' => 'Benvenuto.',
    'dashboard_text' => 'Puoi cambiare i moduli nella navigazione principale nella parte superiore dello schermo.<br />La navigazione a sinistra ti permette di accedere al menu del modulo selezionato.',
    'layout_select_file' => 'Seleziona file',
    'layout_deleted_file' => 'Non puoi applicare il filtro, perchè il file originale è stato cancellato. Carica o seleziona un nuovo file per applicare un filtro.',
    'layout_no_filter' => 'No Filtro',
    'layout_debug_table_key' => 'Nome',
    'layout_debug_table_value' => 'Valore',
    'layout_filemanager_save_dir' => 'Salvare?',
    'layout_filemanager_remove_dir' => 'Cancellare la directory?',
    'layout_filemanager_remove_dir_not_empty' => 'La directory non è vuota.<br/>Cancellare ugualmente?',  // Update in RC4
    'layout_filemanager_remove_selected_files' => 'Cancella i file selezionati',
    'layout_filemanager_move_selected_files' => 'Sposta a',
    'layout_filemanager_upload_error' => 'Errore duramente il caricamento del file',
    'layout_filemanager_col_name' => 'Nome',
    'layout_filemanager_col_type' => 'Tipo',
    'layout_filemanager_col_date' => 'Data di inserimento',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_name' => 'Nome del file',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_date' => 'Data di inserimento',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_filetype' => 'Tipo di file',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_size' => 'Dimensione',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_id' => 'ID interno',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_download' => 'Download',
    'layout_btn_reload' => 'Ricarica',
    'layout_btn_version' => 'Versione',
    'layout_btn_useronline' => 'Utenti Online',
    'layout_btn_logout' => 'Esci',
    'layout_btn_profile' => 'Profilo',
    'layout_debug_luya_version' => 'Versione Luya',
    'layout_debug_id' => 'ID',
    'layout_debug_sitetitle' => 'Titolo del sito',
    'layout_debug_remotetoken' => 'Token remoto',
    'layout_debug_assetmanager_forcecopy' => 'AssetManager forceCopy', // no translation
    'layout_debug_transfer_exceptions' => 'Transfer Exceptions', // no translation
    'layout_debug_yii_debug' => 'YII_DEBUG', // no translation
    'layout_debug_yii_env' => 'YII_ENV', // no translation
    'layout_debug_app_language' => 'Yii App Language', // no translation
    'layout_debug_luya_language' => 'Luya Language', // no translation
    'layout_debug_yii_timezone' => 'Yii Timezone', // no translation
    'layout_debug_php_timezone' => 'PHP Timezone', // no translation
    'layout_debug_php_ini_memory_limit' => 'PHP memory_limit', // no translation
    'layout_debug_php_ini_max_exec' => 'PHP max_execution_time', // no translation
    'layout_debug_php_ini_post_max_size' => 'PHP post_max_size', // no translation
    'layout_debug_php_ini_upload_max_file' => 'PHP upload_max_filesize', // no translation
    'layout_search_min_letters' => 'Inserisci un termine di ricerca con almeno tre lettere</b>.',
    'layout_search_no_results' => 'Nessun risultato trovato.',
    'layout_filemanager_upload_files' => 'Aggiungi file',
    'layout_filemanager_folder' => 'Cartella',
    'layout_filemanager_add_folder' => 'Aggiungi cartella',
    'layout_filemanager_root_dir' => 'Directory principale',
    'aws_groupauth_select_all' => 'Seleziona tutti',
    'aws_groupauth_deselect_all' => 'Deseleziona tutti',
    'aws_groupauth_th_module' => 'Moduli',
    'aws_groupauth_th_function' => 'Funzione',
    'aws_groupauth_th_add' => 'Aggiungi',
    'aws_groupauth_th_edit' => 'Modifica',
    'aws_groupauth_th_remove' => 'Cancella',
    'model_group_name' => 'Nome',
    'model_group_description' => 'Descrizione',
    'model_group_user_buttons' => 'Utente',
    'model_group_btn_aws_groupauth' => 'Autorizzazioni',
    'ngrest_crud_btn_list' => 'Lista',
    'ngrest_crud_btn_add' => 'Aggiungi',
    'ngrest_crud_btn_close' => 'Chiudi',
    'ngrest_crud_search_text' => 'Inserisci termine di ricerca...',
    'ngrest_crud_rows_count' => 'Ingressi',
    'ngrest_crud_btn_create' => 'Crea',
    'api_storage_image_upload_error' => 'Si è verificato il seguente errore durante il caricamento dell\'immagine \'{error}\'.',
    'api_storage_file_upload_success' => 'I files sono stati caricati correttamente.',
    'api_sotrage_file_upload_error' => 'Si è verificato il seguente errore durante il caricamento del file \'{error}\'.',
    'api_sotrage_file_upload_empty_error' => 'Nessun file da caricare, sei sicuro di aver selezionato qualche file?',
    'aws_changepassword_info' => 'Inserisci una nuova password per questo utente. La password deve essere di almeno 8 caratteri.',
    'aws_changepassword_succes' => 'La password è stata cambiata con successo.',
    'aws_changepassword_new_pass' => 'Nuova password',
    'aws_changepassword_new_pass_retry' => 'Ripeti nuova password',
    'view_index_redirect_type' => 'Tipo di redirezione',
    'view_index_redirect_internal' => 'Pagina interna',
    'view_index_redirect_external' => 'URL esterno',
    'view_index_redirect_internal_select' => 'Scegli la pagina interna alla quale verrà rediretto.',
    'view_index_redirect_anchor_label' => 'Anchor',
    'view_index_redirect_anchor_hint' => 'Optional anchor name (without the # prefix).',
    'view_index_redirect_external_link' => 'Link esterno',
    'view_index_redirect_external_link_help' => 'I link esterno cominciano con http:// o https://',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-beta3:
    'model_loginform_email_label' => 'Email',
    'model_loginform_password_label' => 'Password',
    'model_loginform_wrong_user_or_password' => 'Username o password errate.',
    'ngrest_select_no_selection' => 'Nessuna selezione',
    'js_ngrest_error' => 'Errore durante il caricamento.',
    'js_ngrest_rm_page' => 'Vuoi veramente cancellare questo elemento? Non potrai più ripristinarla.',
    'js_ngrest_rm_confirm' => 'L\'elemento è stato cancellato con successo.',
    'js_ngrest_rm_update' => 'L\'elemento è stato aggiornato con successo.',
    'js_ngrest_rm_success' => 'L\'elemento è stato inserito con successo.',
    'js_tag_exists' => 'Esiste già e non può essere aggiunto.',
    'js_tag_success' => 'Il tag è stato salvato.',
    'js_admin_reload' => 'Bisogna ricaricare, il sistema è stato aggiornato. Per favore salva i cambiamente effettuati. (Cliccando "cancella" verrà visualizzata questa finestra di dialogo fra 30 secondi.)',
    'js_dir_till' => 'a',
    'js_dir_set_date' => 'Imposta data',
    'js_dir_table_add_row' => 'Aggiungi riga',
    'js_dir_table_add_column' => 'Aggiungi colonna',
    'js_dir_image_description' => 'Descrizione',
    'js_dir_no_selection' => 'Nessun elemento selezionato. Aggiungi un nuvo elemento cliccando <span class="green-text">+</span> qui a fianco.',
    'js_dir_image_upload_ok' => 'L\'immagine è stata caricata con successo',
    'js_dir_image_filter_error' => 'Si è verificato un errore nell\'applicazione del filtro al file.',
    'js_dir_upload_wait' => 'Il tuo file è stato caricato ed elaborato. Questo richiederà qualche minuto.',
    'js_dir_manager_upload_image_ok' => 'Il file è stato caricato con successo.',
    'js_dir_manager_rm_file_confirm' => 'Sei sicuro di cancellare questo file?',
    'js_dir_manager_rm_file_ok' => 'Il file è stato cancellato con successo.',
    'js_zaa_server_proccess' => 'Il server sta elaborando i tuoi dati, attendi.',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-beta4:
    'ngrest_crud_empty_row' => 'Nessun dato è stato inserito in questa tabella.',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-beta5:
    'aws_gallery_empty' => 'Seleziona una immagine sulla sinistra per aggiungerla all\'album.',
    'aws_gallery_images' => 'Album immagini',
    'layout_useronline_name' => 'Nome',
    'layout_useronline_mail' => 'E-Mail',
    'layout_useronline_inactivesince' => 'Non attivo dal',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-beta6:
    'layout_debug_caching' => 'Caching',
    'debug_state_on' => 'On',
    'debug_state_off' => 'Off',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-beta7:
    'login_securetoken_mail_subject' => 'LUYA Codice di sicurezza',
    'login_securetoken_mail' => 'Utilizza il seguente codice di sicurezza per accedere all\'\area di amministrazione:',
    'login_async_token_error' => 'Il codice di sicurezza inserito non è valido.',
    'login_async_token_globalerror' => 'Errore nel Server, perfavore contatta l\'amministratore di sistema.',
    'ngrest_crud_csv_export_btn' => 'Genera CSV',
    'ngrest_crud_csv_export_btn_dl' => 'Download CSV',
    'layout_filemanager_search_text' => 'Inserisci termine di ricerca...',
    'layout_filemanager_file_captions' => 'Sottotitolo',
    'layout_filemanager_file_captions_save_btn' => 'Salva',
    'mode_user_title' => 'Titolo',
    'mode_user_firstname' => 'Nome',
    'mode_user_lastname' => 'Cognome',
    'mode_user_email' => 'E-Mail',
    'mode_user_password' => 'Password',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-beta8:
    'aws_tag_new' => 'Aggiungi nuovo elemento',
    'aws_tag_add' => 'aggiungi',
    'aws_tag_search' => 'Inserisci termine',
    'aws_tag_list' => 'Lista di tutti i tag',
    'dashboard_log_message_add' => 'Aggiungi una nuova riga a <b>{container}</b>.',
    'dashboard_log_message_edit' => 'Aggiorna una riga esistente in <b>{container}</b>.',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-rc1:
    'layout_btn_help' => 'Aiuto',
    'right_panel_support_title' => 'Informazioni &amp; Aiuto',
    'right_panel_support_tags_title' => 'Tags',
    'right_panel_support_support_title' => 'Supporto',
    'right_panel_support_support_text' => 'Se hai qualche domanda, contatta il webmaster o consulta qui <a target="_blank" href=""></a>.',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-rc2:
    'ngrest_crud_group_prompt' => 'Raggruppa per campo',
    'ngrest_crud_filter_prompt' => 'Seleziona Filtro',
    'ngrest_crud_ajax_search_length' => 'Il termine di ricerca deve essere di almeno 3 caratteri.',
    'menu_system_logger' => 'Application Log',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_replace_file' => 'Sostituisci file',
    'layout_rightbar_languagelabel' => 'Lingua',
    'layout_rightbar_savebtn' => 'Salva',
    'aws_changepassword_notequal' => 'La nuova password e la nuova password ripetuta non sono uguali.',
    'aws_changeapssword_minchar' => 'La nuova password deve contenere almeno {min} caratteri.',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-rc3:
    'model_pk_id' => 'ID',
    'model_lang_name' => 'Nome',
    'model_lang_short_code' => 'Codice abbreviato',
    'model_lang_is_default' => 'Default',
    'model_lang_delete_error_is_default' => 'Impossibile cancellare la lingua di default del Sistema.',
    'model_logger_time' => 'Orario',
    'model_logger_message' => 'Messaggio',
    'model_logger_type' => 'Tipo',
    'model_logger_badgetype' => 'Status',
    'model_logger_trace_file' => 'Tracciamento File',
    'model_logger_trace_line' => 'Tracciamento Linea',
    'model_logger_trace_function' => 'Tracciamento Funzione',
    'model_logger_trace_function_args' => 'Tracciamento argomenti funzione',
    'model_logger_get' => 'Get',
    'model_logger_post' => 'Post',
    'model_logger_session' => 'Sessione',
    'model_logger_server' => 'Server',
    'model_logger_group_identifier' => 'Richiesta Gruppo',
    'model_logger_group_identifier_index' => 'Posizione',
    'model_storageeffect_identifier' => 'Identificatore',
    'model_storageeffect_name' => 'Nome',
    'model_storageeffect_imagine_name' => 'Nome effetto',
    'model_storageeffect_imagine_json_params' => 'Configurazione JSON Effetto',
    'model_storagefilter_identifier' => 'Identificatore Filtro',
    'model_storagefilter_name' => 'Nome del Filtro',
    'model_tag_name' => 'Tag Identificatore',
    'model_user_lastlogintimestamp' => 'Ultimo login',
    'model_user_title_mr' => 'Sig.',
    'model_user_title_mrs' => 'Sig.ra',
    'js_ngrest_toggler_success' => '%field% aggiornato con successo.',
    'layout_image_filter_selection' => 'Seleziona filtro immagine:',
    'lock_admin_edit_crud_item' => 'Stai modificando {module} "{table}" (ID: {id}).',
    'lock_cms_edit_page' => 'Pagina "{title}" in modifica.',
    'layout_filemanager_col_size' => 'Dimensione file',
    'js_filemanager_count_files_overlay' => '%count% files',
    'js_link_change_value' => 'Cambia link',
    'js_link_set_value' => 'Imposta link',
    'callback_button_file_download_widget_success' => 'Il file è stato preparato. Puoi scaricarlo ora.',

// added translations in version 1.0.0-rc4:
    'api_storage_file_upload_folder_error' => 'Errore nel salvataggio del file nella cartella. Potrebbe essere un errore di permessi. Assicurati che la cartella di salvataggio sia scrivibile.',
    'model_user_oldpassword' => 'Password precedente (vecchia)',
    'js_account_update_profile_success' => 'I dati del profilo sono stati aggiornati con successo.',
    'dashboard_lastlogin_title' => 'Ultimi login degli utenti',
    'layout_useronline_activity' => 'Attivo',
    'layout_useronline_inactive' => 'Inattivo',
    'login_ssl_info' => 'Il sito web usa una connessione sicura criptata.',
    'locked_info' => 'Qualcuno sta già modificando.',
    'menu_dashboard' => 'Dashboard',
    'js_link_not_set' => 'Nessun link selezionato',

// added translations in version 1.0.0:
    'ngrest_button_delete' => 'Cancella',
    'js_dir_manager_rm_file_confirm_title' => 'Elimina file',
    'js_dir_manager_rm_folder_confirm_title' => 'Rimuovi cartella',
    'link_dir_target' => 'Link destinazione',
    'link_dir_target_same' => 'Stessa finestra',
    'link_dir_target_blank' => 'Nuova finestra',
    'view_index_redirect_file' => 'file',
    'view_index_redirect_mail' => 'indirizzo e-mai',
    'view_index_redirect_mail_help' => 'Prego inserire un indirizzo e-mail valido.',
    'menu_button_search' => 'Cerca',
    'layout_btn_user_settings' => 'Preferenze',
    'upload_err_message_0' => 'Nessun errore, il file è stato caricato con successo.',
    'upload_err_message_1' => 'Il file caricato supera la direttiva upload_max_filesize del file php.ini.',
    'upload_err_message_2' => 'Il file caricato supera la direttiva MAX_FILE_SIZE che è specificata nel form HTML.',
    'upload_err_message_3' => 'Il file è stato caricato solo parzialmente.',
    'upload_err_message_4' => 'Nessun file è stato caricato.',
    'upload_err_message_6' => 'Manca una cartella temporanea.',
    'upload_err_message_7' => 'Impossibile salvare il file su disco.',
    'upload_err_message_8' => 'Un\'estensione PHP ha stoppato l\'upload del file.',
    'model_config_atr_name' => 'Identificativo',
    'model_config_atr_name_hint' => 'Identificativo unico per questa variabile. Puoi accedere alle configurazioni di sistema con Config::get(identifier) nell\'applicazione.',
    'model_config_atr_value' => 'Valore',
    'model_config_atr_is_system' => 'Di sistema',
    'menu_system_item_config' => 'Variabili di configurazione',

// added translations in version 1.1.0:
    'model_user_is_deleted' => 'Removed',
    'model_user_name' => 'Name',
    'model_user_groups' => 'Groups',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_userdata' => 'Profile details',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_contribcount' => 'Total contributions',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_contribcount_inserts' => 'Inserts',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_contribcount_updates' => 'Updates',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_customsettings' => 'Custom settings',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_lastsessions' => 'Lastest sessions',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_ngrestlogs' => 'Change history',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_customsettings_key' => 'Identifier',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_customsettings_value' => 'Content',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_lastsessions_destroyed' => 'destroyed',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_lastsessions_active' => 'active',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_ngrestlogs_detailbtn' => 'Diff',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_ngrestlogs_detailattribute' => 'Attribute',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_ngrestlogs_detailold' => 'Old',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_ngrestlogs_detailnew' => 'New',
    'aw_userhistorysummary_defaultlabel' => 'History',
    'aw_changepassword_defaultlabel' => 'Change password',
    'model_user_api_last_activity' => 'Last API activity',
    'aw_apioverview_label' => 'API overview',
    'aw_apioverview_resettokenconfirm' => 'Are you sure you want to replace the current token with a new one? This can not be undone.',
    'aw_apioverview_resettokenconfirm_title' => 'Confirm token reset',
    'aw_apioverview_responsetesterresponse' => 'Response',
    'aw_apioverview_responsetesterrequest' => 'Request',
    'aw_apioverview_accesstokentitle' => 'Access Token',
    'aw_apioverview_accesstokeninfo' => 'Before you generate a new access token, ensure that the old token is not used any longer. Otherwise your application will stop to work.',
    'aw_apioverview_accesstokenbtnlabel' => 'Generate new token',
    'aw_apioverview_endpointstitle' => 'Available Endpoints',
    'aw_apioverview_permadd' => 'Allowed to create (post)',
    'aw_apioverview_permedit' => 'Allowed to update (put)',
    'aw_apioverview_permdelete' => 'Allowed to delete (delete)',
    'aw_apioverview_endpoint' => 'Endpoint',
    'aw_apioverview_responsetestertitle' => 'Test Console',
    'menu_access_item_apiuser' => 'API Users',
    'menu_group_contentproxy' => 'Content Proxy',
    'menu_group_contentproxy_machines' => 'Machines',
    'menu_group_contentproxy_builds' => 'Builds',
    'tag_file_readme' => 'Generate a link to the specified file. As an example, `file[1]` will generate a link to the file with the id 1, using the filename as the file label. To define a different label text, use `file[1](My file label text)`. The file will open in a new window.',
    'aw_apioverview_no_perm_groups' => 'The API user must have assigned at least one permission group.',
    'aw_apioverview_no_access_token' => 'The API user must have an access token in order to access the API.',

// added translations in version 1.1.1:
    'ngrest_crud_total_count' => '{{data.listArray.length}} of {{totalRows}}',

// added translations in version 1.2.0:
    'login_async_submission_limit_reached' => 'The maximum number of form submissions has been reached, try again {time}.',
    'model_loginform_max_user_attempts' => 'The maximum number of login attempts has been reached, try again {time}.',
    'model_loginform_wrong_user_or_password_attempts' => 'Wrong email or password. Attempt #{attempt} of {allowedAttempts}.',
    'model_user_login_attempt_lock_expiration' => 'Login lockout time',
    'account_changeemail_subject' => 'Verify update of your email address',
    'account_changeemail_body' => 'Enter the following verification code to change your email address for the website:',
    'account_changeemail_tokensenterror' => 'Could not send verification code to {email}. Make sure the mail component is configured correctly.',
    'account_changeemail_wrongtokenorempty' => 'Empty, invalid or expired email verification code.',
    'account_changeemail_enterverificationtoken' => 'Please enter the verification code sent to <b>{{}}</b> in order to confirm the <b>{{settings.newUserEmail}}</b> change request.',
    'model_user_email_verification_token' => 'Email verification code',
    'layout_filemanager_col_downloads' => 'Downloads',
    'layout_filemanager_col_upload_user' => 'Uploaded by',
    'layout_filemanager_col_file_disposition' => 'File delivery',
    'layout_filemanager_col_file_disposition_download' => 'Download',
    'layout_filemanager_col_file_disposition_browser' => 'Display in browser',

// added translations in version 1.2.1:
    'mode_user_personal_info' => 'Informazioni personali',
    'settings_general' => 'Generale',
    'settings_developer_mode' => 'Modalità sviluppatore',
    'layout_logout_minutes' => '{{idleTimeRelative}} minutes',
    'view_index_redirect_telephone' => 'telephone number',
    'view_index_redirect_telephone_help' => 'Please enter a valid telephone number (for "+" sign a leading "\" is require).',
    'missing_file_upload_permission' => 'Insufficient permissions for file uploads.',

// added translations in version 1.2.2:
    'button_no' => 'No',
    'crud_exportdata_btn' => 'Export Data',
    'crud_exportdata_col_header' => 'Header',
    'crud_exportdata_col_format' => 'Format',
    'crud_exportdata_col_format_csv' => 'CSV',
    'crud_exportdata_col_format_xlsx' => 'Excel (xlsx)',
    'crud_exportdata_col_columns' => 'Columns',
    'crud_exportdata_btn_generateexport' => 'Generate export',
    'crud_exportdata_btn_downloadexport' => 'Download export',
    'js_pagination_page' => 'Page',
    'dashboard_log_message_delete' => 'Deleted a record in <strong>{container}</strong>.',
    'model_tag_relations_count' => 'Used',

// added translations in version 1.2.3:
    'active_button_duplicate_label' => 'Duplicate',
    'active_button_duplicate_success' => 'A copy has been created.',
    'active_button_duplicate_error' => 'Error while creating the copy: {message}',

// added translations in version 2.0:
    'model_tag_translation' => 'Translation',
    'model_tag_translation_hint' => 'An optional translation for the tag in the given language. This allows to assign and output the same tag on multi-language websites.',
    'active_button_timestamp_label' => 'Timestamp',
    'active_button_timestamp_success' => 'Timestamp has been set successful.',
    'active_button_timestamp_error' => 'Error while storing timestamp.',
    'js_scheduler_show_datepicker' => 'Schedule',
    'js_scheduler_new_value' => 'New value',
    'js_scheduler_time' => 'Execution Time',
    'js_scheduler_save' => 'Add',
    'js_scheduler_title_upcoming' => 'Upcoming',
    'js_scheduler_title_completed' => 'Completed',
    'js_scheduler_table_newvalue' => 'New value',
    'js_scheduler_table_timestamp' => 'Execution Time',
    'js_dir_manager_rename_success' => 'The folder has been renamed successfully.',
    'layout_filemanager_search_no_results' => 'No files were found for <strong>{{searchQuery}}</strong>.',
    'layout_filemanager_empty_folder' => 'This directory contains no files.',
    'aw_requestinsight_warning' => 'This feature is mainly used to get insights into a given API. It\'s not recommended to enable it over a long period of time as it can collect lots of data and slow down your application.',
    'aw_requestinsight_logger_active' => 'The Request Insight is currently active!',
    'aw_requestinsight_btn_disable' => 'Disable Insight',
    'aw_requestinsight_btn_enable' => 'Enable Insight',
    'aw_requestinsight_btn_clear' => 'Clear Data',
    'aw_requestinsight_btn_fetch' => 'Fetch Data',
    'aw_requestinsight_request_label' => 'Requests',
    'aw_requestinsight_col_date' => 'Date',
    'aw_requestinsight_col_type' => 'Type',
    'aw_requestinsight_col_url' => 'URL',
    'aw_requestinsight_col_time' => 'Time',
    'aw_requestinsight_col_count' => 'Count',
    'aw_requestinsight_top_request_label' => 'Top Requested URLs',
    'aw_requestinsight_longest_response_label' => 'URLs with Longest Response Time',
    'aw_requestinsight_data_pagination' => '{{data.length}} of {{dataCount}} requests',
    'aw_requestinsight_toggle_logger_enabled' => 'Insight is enabled.',
    'aw_requestinsight_toggle_logger_disabled' => 'Insight is disabled.',
    'aw_requestinsight_toggle_error' => 'Error while enabling Request Insight.',
    'aw_requestinsight_cleared' => 'Data has been cleared.',
    'aw_requestinsight_default_label' => 'Request Insight',
    'login_noscript_error' => 'You have to activate Javascript to use LUYA.',
    'login_browsehappy' => 'You are using an <strong>outdated</strong> browser. Please <a href="" target="_blank">upgrade your browser</a> to improve your experience and security.',
    'crud_notification_enable' => 'Enable Notification',
    'crud_notification_disable' => 'Disable Notification',
    'admin_button_execute' => '"{label}" executed',
    'layout_btn_reload_admin' => 'Reload&nbsp;Admin',
    'layout_btn_reload_cache' => 'Clear&nbsp;Cache',

// added translations in version 2.0.1:
    'js_dir_manager_file_replace_ok' => 'The file has been successfully replaced.',

// added translations in version 2.0.3:
    'status_true' => 'Yes',
    'status_false' => 'No',
    'js_jsonobject_newkey' => 'New key name',

// added translations in version 2.2.0:
    'active_button_togglestatus_label' => 'Toggle status',
    'active_button_togglestatus_error' => 'Could not activated',
    'active_button_togglestatus_enabled' => '{modelName} enabled',
    'active_button_togglestatus_disabled' => '{modelName} disabled',
    'layout_filemanager_detail_details' => 'File details',

// added translations in version 2.3.0:
    'aws_delete_remove_success' => 'The tag and its relations have been removed.',
    'aws_delete_remove_wrong_name' => 'The tag name is wrong.',
    'aws_delete_relations_info' => 'The tag <b>{name}</b> is used <b>{count}</b> times. It is assigned to entries in the following tables:',
    'aws_delete_relations_table_name' => 'Relation Table Name',
    'aws_delete_relations_table_count' => 'Number of Entries',
    'aws_delete_relations_form_hint' => 'In order to confirm the tag deletion, enter the name of the tag and press \"Delete\".',

// added translations in version 2.4.0:
    'aws_missing_callback_param_generic_errror' => 'Some required data is missing.',

// added translations in version 3.0.0:
    'device' => 'Device',
    'last_login' => 'Last login',
    'first_login' => 'First login',
    'login_async_twofa_verify_error' => 'The one time secure code is invalid. Please use the latest code from your app and try again',
    'login_async_twofa_wrong_backup_code' => 'The provided backup code is invalid.',
    'login_autologin_label' => 'Remember this device',
    'login_otp_label' => 'Enter the one time secure code from your 2FA application:',
    'login_otp_placeholder' => 'One Time Code', // OTP, keep original name makes sense
    'login_otp_backup' => 'Backup Code',
    'login_otp_help' => 'Unable to access the App?',
    'login_otp_help_toggler' => 'Enter the backup code',
    'user_register_2fa_verification_error' => 'Invalid verification code, please enter the new code from the 2fa app.',
    'settings_devices' => 'Devices',
    'settings_devices_info' => 'A list of devices you will be automatically logged in without being prompted for a password.',
    'settings_devices_empty' => 'There are no devices yet for your account.',
    'settings_devices_this' => 'This device',
    'settings_2fa' => 'Two-factor authentication (2FA)',
    'settings_2fa_intro' => 'Two-factor authentication ensures that only people with the password and access to the second factor device can log in. Each time you log in, you will be prompted to enter the two-factor code.',
    'settings_2fa_backup_code_hint' => 'Store the backup code {{twoFaBackupCode}} in a safe place, it won\'t be displayed again.',
    'settings_2fa_success' => 'two-factor authentication was set up successfully.',
    'settings_2fa_step1' => 'Scan the QR code',
    'settings_2fa_step2' => 'Enter the code from the app',
    'settings_2fa_modal_pretext' => 'The following backup code can be used in case you have no access to the authenticator app:',
    'settings_2fa_modal_after' => 'This code will only be displayed once and can\'t be retrieved later. Please write it down and store it in a safe place.',
    'settings_2fa_verify_code_label' => 'Verification Code',
    'settings_2fa_verify_code_hint' => 'Enter the code from your device, do note it changes every few seconds.',
    'login_async_secure_token_error' => 'Unable to send and store secure token.',
    'menu_system_queue' => 'Queue',
    'menu_system_queue_errors' => 'Queue Errors',
    'login_forgot_password' => 'Forgot your Password?',
    'login_invalid_reset_token' => 'The link to reset your password is not valid or has expired.',
    'login_reset_password_success' => 'The password for your account was updated successfully.',
    'reset_title' => 'Reset your Password',
    'reset_text' => 'Enter your email address. An email with a link to reset your password will be sent to your inbox.',
    'reset_success' => 'An email with a link to reset your password was sent. <b>Check your inbox</b> and click the link.',
    'reset_submit_btn' => 'Send Email',
    'reset_mail_error' => 'Unable to send email. There seems to be a problem with the mail configuration. Please contact your admin.',
    'reset_email_subject' => 'Reset your Password',
    'reset_email_text' => 'Click the link below to set a new password for your account.',
    'reset_email_btn_label' => 'Reset your Password',
    'reset_form_title' => 'Reset your Password',
    'reset_form_text' => 'Enter a new password for your account.',
    'reset_form_submit_btn' => 'Update password',
    'user_change_password_error' =>  'Error while saving new password.',

// added translations in version 3.1.0:
    'crop_source_image' => 'Source Image',
    'crop_preview' => 'Preview',
    'crop_btn_as_copy' => 'Save image as a copy',
    'crop_btn_as_copy_hint' => 'When enabled, the image will be stored as <b>a new file</b>, otherwise the existing file will be replaced.',
    'crop_btn_save_copy' => 'Save as a copy',
    'crop_btn_save_replace' => 'Replace existing file',
    'crop_size_free' => 'Free',
    'crop_size_1to1' => '1:1',
    'crop_size_desktop' => 'Desktop',
    'crop_size_mobile' => 'Mobile',
    'crop_modal_title' => 'Image Cropping',
    'crop_success' => 'File has been cropped an saved.',
    'file_caption_success' => 'Captions has been updated.',
    'crop_quality_high' => 'High',
    'crop_quality_medium' => 'Medium',
    'crop_quality_low' => 'Low',

// added translations in version 3.2.0:
    'menu_system_model_event_log' => 'Model Event Log',
    'ngrestlog_controller_description' => 'Model Event Log entries are captured when creating, updating or deleting records in CRUD views of the admin.',
    'logger_controller_description' => 'Application Log entries are triggered by [Logger Model](',
    'config_controller_description' => 'Create configuration keys and assign a value using [Config Model](',
    'queuelog_controller_description' => 'Lists all queue jobs, read [Queue Guide]( for a proper setup.',
    'ngrest_delete_all_button_label' => 'Delete all data',
    'ngrest_delete_all_button_confirm_message' => 'Are you sure to delete all data? This can not be undone!',
    'storageimage_controller_description' => 'Displays all images created by the [Storage System]( Every image is associated with a file.',
    'menu_group_log' => 'Logs',
    'menu_images_item_images' => 'Images',
    'filter_controller_description' => 'Filters are used to generate different (e.g. scaled or cropped) versions of an image. Read the [Image Filter Guide]( for instructions on how to create your own filters.',
    'menu_group_storage' => 'Storage',

// added translations in version 3.4.0:
    'user_model_email_deleted_account_exists' => 'The provided email address is already in use by a deleted account.',

// added translations in version 3.6.0:
    'i18n_required_validator_invalid_format' => 'The given attribute \"{attribute}\" must be type of array.',
    'i18n_required_validator_missing_key' => 'The language key \"{lang}\" is missing and is required.',
    'i18n_required_validator_invalid_empty_value' => 'The value for language \"{lang}\" can not be empty.',
    'crud_exportdata_col_filter' => 'Filter',

// added translations in version 3.7.0:
    'menu_system_item_property' => 'Properties',
    'property_controller_description' => 'Provides a list of all registered properties. Properties are mainly used as [CMS Properties]( but can also be used for other use cases such as record-related properties.',

// added translations in version 4.0.0:
    'disabled_login_text' => 'The login form is currently disabled due to maintenance work. Please try again later.',
    'button_save_and_close' => 'Save and close',
    'button_create_and_close' => 'Create and close',
    'button_create' => 'Create',
    'button_cancel' => 'Cancel',
    'button_create_and_new' => 'Create and new',

// added translations in version 4.2.0:
    'model_ngrestlog_user_id_label' => 'User ID',
    'model_ngrestlog_timestamp_create_label' => 'Timestamp Create',
    'model_ngrestlog_route_label' => 'Route',
    'model_ngrestlog_api_label' => 'API',
    'model_ngrestlog_is_update_label' => 'Is Update',
    'model_ngrestlog_is_insert_label' => 'Is Insert',
    'model_ngrestlog_attributes_json_label' => 'Attributes Json',
    'model_ngrestlog_attributes_diff_json_label' => 'Attributes Diff Json',
    'model_ngrestlog_pk_value_label' => 'Pk Value',
    'model_ngrestlog_table_name_label' => 'Table Name',
    'model_ngrestlog_is_delete_label' => 'Is Delete',
    'model_property_module_name_label' => 'Module Name',
    'model_property_var_name_label' => 'Var Name',
    'model_property_class_name_label' => 'Class Name',
    'model_property_sort_index_label' => 'Sort Index',
    'model_proxy_build_machine_id_label' => 'Machine ID',
    'model_proxy_build_timestamp_label' => 'Timestamp',
    'model_proxy_build_build_token_label' => 'Build Token',
    'model_proxy_build_config_label' => 'Config',
    'model_proxy_build_is_complete_label' => 'Is Complete',
    'model_proxy_build_expiration_time_label' => 'Expiration Time',
    'model_proxy_machine_name_label' => 'Name',
    'model_proxy_machine_access_token_label' => 'Access Token',
    'model_proxy_machine_is_deleted_label' => 'Is Deleted',
    'model_proxy_machine_is_disabled_label' => 'Is Disabled',
    'model_proxy_machine_identifier_label' => 'Identifier',
    'model_queuelog_queue_id_label' => 'Queue ID',
    'model_queuelog_title_label' => 'Title',
    'model_queuelog_push_timestamp_label' => 'Push Timestamp',
    'model_queuelog_run_timestamp_label' => 'Run Timestamp',
    'model_queuelog_end_timestamp_label' => 'End Timestamp',
    'model_queuelog_is_error_label' => 'Is Error',
    'model_storageimage_file_id_label' => 'File ID',
    'model_storageimage_filter_id_label' => 'Filter ID',
    'model_storageimage_resolution_width_label' => 'Resolution Width',
    'model_storageimage_resolution_height_label' => 'Resolution Height',