namespace luya\admin\storage;
use luya\Exception;
use luya\helpers\ArrayHelper;
* Query Data from Files, Filters and Images.
* Usage examples which is valid for all classes implementing the QueryTrait.
* The below examples are wrote for file query but are are working for all classes implementing the QueryTrait like:
* + Files: {{\luya\admin\file\Query}}
* + Images: {{\luya\admin\image\Query}}
* + Folders: {{\luya\admin\folder\Query}}
* ### All vs. One
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where($args)->one();
* ```
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->findOne($fileId);
* ```
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where($args)->all();
* ```
* ### Counting
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where($args)->count();
* ```
* ### Customized where condition
* All QueryTrait classes can use different where notations:
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where(['>', 'id', 1])->andWHere(['<', 'id', 3])->all();
* ```
* In condition in order to get mutiple columns of a file.
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where(['in', 'id', [1, 3]])->all();
* ```
* ### Offsets and Limits
* ```php
* return (new \luya\admin\file\Query())->where($args)->offset(5)->limit(10)->all();
* ```
* See the {{\luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}} for more details.
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.0.0
trait QueryTrait
private $_whereOperators = ['<', '<=', '>', '>=', '=', '==', 'in'];
* Return an array with all item values provided for this query method.
* @return array The array with all values for this query index by its key.
abstract public function getDataProvider();
* Return the a single item by its key. If not found, false must be returned.
* @param integer $id The requested key identifier.
* @return array|boolean Returns the item array or false if not found.
abstract public function getItemDataProvider($id);
* Create an item object which implements {{\luya\admin\storage\ItemTrait}}.
* @param array $itemArray
* @return \luya\admin\storage\ItemAbstract The item object implementing the ItemTrait.
abstract public function createItem(array $itemArray);
* Create the iterator object which extends from {{\luya\admin\storage\IteratorAbstract}}.
* @param array $data The data to pass to the Iterator.
* @return \luya\admin\storage\IteratorAbstract An iterator object extends from IteratorAbstract class.
abstract public function createIteratorObject(array $data);
* Process items against where filters
* @param string $value
* @param string $field
* @return boolean
private function arrayFilter($value, $field)
foreach ($this->_where as $expression) {
if ($expression['field'] == $field) {
switch ($expression['op']) {
case '=':
return ($value == $expression['value']);
case '==':
return ($value === $expression['value']);
case '>':
return ($value > $expression['value']);
case '>=':
return ($value >= $expression['value']);
case '<':
return ($value < $expression['value']);
case '<=':
return ($value <= $expression['value']);
case 'in':
return in_array($value, $expression['value']);
return true;
* Filter container data provider against where conditions
* @return array
private function filter()
$containerData = $this->getDataProvider();
$whereExpression = $this->_where;
if (empty($whereExpression)) {
$data = $containerData;
} else {
$data = array_filter($containerData, function ($item) {
foreach ($item as $field => $value) {
if (!$this->arrayFilter($value, $field)) {
return false;
return true;
if ($this->_offset !== null) {
$data = array_slice($data, $this->_offset, null, true);
if ($this->_limit !== null) {
$data = array_slice($data, 0, $this->_limit, true);
if ($this->_binds) {
foreach ($this->_binds as $id => $values) {
if (isset($data[$id])) {
$data[$id] = array_merge($data[$id], $values);
if ($this->_order !== null) {
if (!empty($this->_order['ids'])) {
// id order
$indexedData = [];
foreach ($this->_order['ids'] as $indexId) {
$column = ArrayHelper::searchColumn($data, current($this->_order['keys']), $indexId);
if ($column) {
$indexedData[$indexId] = $column;
$data = $indexedData;
} else {
ArrayHelper::multisort($data, $this->_order['keys'], $this->_order['directions']);
return $data;
private $_limit;
* Set a limition for the amount of results.
* @param integer $count The number of rows to return
* @return \luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait
public function limit($count)
if (is_numeric($count)) {
$this->_limit = $count;
return $this;
private $_offset;
* Define offset start for the rows, if you defined offset to be 5 and you have 11 rows, the
* first 5 rows will be skiped. This is commonly used to make pagination function in combination
* with the limit() function.
* @param integer $offset Defines the amount of offset start position.
* @return \luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait
public function offset($offset)
if (is_numeric($offset)) {
$this->_offset = $offset;
return $this;
private $_where = [];
* Query where similar behavior of filtering items.
* Operator Filtering:
* ```php
* where(['operator', 'field', 'value']);
* ```
* Available Operators:
* + **<** expression where field is smaller then value.
* + **>** expression where field is bigger then value.
* + **=** expression where field is equal value.
* + **<=** expression where field is small or equal then value.
* + **>=** expression where field is bigger or equal then value.
* + **==** expression where field is equal to the value and even the type must be equal.
* + **in** expression where an value array can be passed to get all values from this field type e.g. `['in', 'id', [1,3,4]]`.
* Only one operator speific argument can be provided, to chain another expression use the `andWhere()` method.
* Multi Dimension Filtering:
* The most common case for filtering items is the equal expression combined with add statements.
* For example the following expression
* ```php
* where(['=', 'id', 0])->andWhere(['=', 'name', 'footer']);
* ```
* is equal to the short form multi deimnsion filtering expression
* ```php
* where(['id' => 0, 'name' => 'footer']);
* ```
* Its **not possibile** to make where conditions on the same column:
* ```php
* where(['>', 'id', 1])->andWHere(['<', 'id', 3]);
* ```
* This will only appaend the first condition where id is bigger then 1 and ignore the second one
* @param array $args The where definition can be either an key-value pairing or a condition representen as array.
* @return QueryTrait
* @throws Exception
public function where(array $args)
foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
if (in_array($value, $this->_whereOperators, true)) {
if (count($args) !== 3) {
throw new Exception("Wrong where condition. Condition needs an operator and two operands.");
$this->_where[] = ['op' => $args[0], 'field' => $args[1], 'value' => $args[2]];
} else {
$this->_where[] = ['op' => '=', 'field' => $key, 'value' => $value];
return $this;
* Add another where statement to the existing, this is the case when using compare operators, as then only
* one where definition can bet set.
* See {{luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait::where()}}
* @param array $args The where definition can be either an key-value pairing or a condition representen as array.
* @return \luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait
public function andWhere(array $args)
return $this->where($args);
private $_order;
* Order the query by one or multiple fields asc or desc.
* Use following PHP constants for directions:
* + SORT_ASC: 1..10, A..Z
* + SORT_DESC: 10..1, Z..A
* Example using orderBy:
* ```php
* $query = new Query()->orderBy(['id => SORT_ASC])->all();
* ```
* In rare cases you like to sort for certain existing order structure, for example when an explicit order is given
* from an user input, then you can provide an array of that value. The limitation for this order behavior is that
* only elements in the list will be taken, other elements will be removed from the result array. This means if an
* id is not present in that array of orderding by id, this will be removed.
* Example usage:
* ```
* (new Query())->where(['in', 'id', [1,2,3]])->orderBy(['id' => [3,2,1]])->all();
* ```
* The above example will return those elements in the order of `3,2,1`.
* Example usage which will remove elements:
* ```
* (new Query())->where(['in', 'id', [1,2,3]])->orderBy(['id' => [2,1]])->all();
* ```
* The above example will return only the order elements `2,1` and element with id 3 is gone
* @param array $order An array with fields to sort where key is the field and value the direction.
* @return \luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait
* @since 4.0.0
public function orderBy(array $order)
$orderBy = ['keys' => [], 'directions' => [], 'ids' => []];
foreach ($order as $key => $direction) {
$orderBy['keys'][] = $key;
$orderBy['directions'][] = $direction;
if (is_array($direction)) {
$orderBy['ids'] = $direction;
$this->_order = $orderBy;
return $this;
private $_binds;
* Bind given values into the objects for a given id.
* ```php
* (new Query())->find()->where(['in', 'id', [1,2,3])->bind([1 => ['caption' => 'barfoo'])->all();
* ```
* @param array $values
* @return \luya\admin\storage\QueryTrait
* @since 1.1.1
public function bind(array $values)
if (!empty($values)) {
$this->_binds = $values;
return $this;
* Find all elementes based on the where filter.
* @return \luya\admin\storage\IteratorAbstract
public function all()
return $this->createIteratorObject($this->filter());
* Get the count of items
* @return integer Amount of filtere data.
public function count()
return count($this->filter());
* Find One based on the where condition.
* If there are several items, it just takes the first one and does not throw an exception.
* @return \luya\admin\image\Item|\luya\admin\file\Item|\luya\admin\folder\Item
public function one()
$data = $this->filter();
return (count($data) !== 0) ? $this->createItem(array_values($data)[0]) : false;
* FindOne with the specific ID.
* @param integer $id The specific item id
* @return \luya\admin\image\Item|\luya\admin\file\Item|\luya\admin\folder\Item
public function findOne($id)
return ($itemArray = $this->getItemDataProvider($id)) ? $this->createItem($itemArray) : false;