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namespace luya\cms\base;

 * Interface for all Blocks.
 * The below methods are required in order to create your own block abstraction layer.
 * @author Basil Suter <>
 * @since 1.0.0
interface BlockInterface
    // block methods defintions implementations

     * Will called when the block is saved to the cache.
     * @since 1.0.5
    public function onRegister();

     * Will called when the block is loaded from the cache.
     * @since 1.0.5
    public function onRegisterFromCache();

     * Get the name of the block in order to display in administration context.
    public function name();

     * Returns the icon based on material icon names
     * @return string
    public function icon();

     * This method is run when the block object is initialized in frontend context.
     * @since 3.4.0
    public function setup();

     * Get the output in the frontend context.
     * @return string
    public function renderFrontend();

     * Get the output in administration context.
     * @return string
    public function renderAdmin();

     * Create a html img tag and use the preview image at {module}/resources/img/{block-name}.jpg as source.
     * If no image source exists, it will return false.
     * @see PhpBlock::getPreviewImageSource
     * @return string|boolean False if no preview available, otherwise the html img as string.
     * @since 1.0.8
    public function renderAdminPreview();

     * Returns a class of the blocks group.
     * @return \luya\cms\base\BlockGroup
    public function blockGroup();

    // getters & setters from outside

     * Returns an array with additional help informations for specific field (var or cfg).
     * The returning array must contain a key where is the field name and a value to display, Example:
     * ```php
     *  return [
     *      'content' => 'An explain example of what this var does it where its displayed.',
     *  ];
     * ```
     * Assuming there is a config var named `content`.
     * @return array An array where the key is the cfg/var field var name and the value the helper text.
    public function getFieldHelp();

     * Set an environment option informations to the block with key value pairing.
     * @param string $key The identifier key.
     * @param mixed $value The value for the key.
    public function setEnvOption($key, $value);

     * Set the values for element vars with an array key value binding.
     * @param array $values An array where key is the name of the var-element and value the content.
    public function setVarValues(array $values);

     * Set the values for element cfgs with an array key value binding.
     * @param array $values An array where key is the name of the cfg-element and value the content.
    public function setCfgValues(array $values);

     * Set the value from placeholders where the array key is the name of value the content of the placeholder.
     * @param array $placeholders An array with placeholders where key is name and the value the content e.g. `['content' => 'The placheholder Content']`.
    public function setPlaceholderValues(array $placeholders);

     * Returns an array of key value pairing with additional informations to pass to the API and frontend.
     * @return array
    public function getExtraVarValues();

     * Returns all config vars element of key value pairing to pass to the Admin ANGULAR API
     * @return array
    public function getConfigVarsExport();

     * Returns all config cfgs element of key value pairing to pass to the Admin ANGULAR API
     * @return array
    public function getConfigCfgsExport();

     * Returns all config placeholders element of key value pairing to pass to the Admin ANGULAR API
     * @return array
    public function getConfigPlaceholdersExport();

     * Returns the placeholder based rows.
     * This is used to render the grid system in the admin ui.
     * The array which is returned contains rows which contains cols.
     * ```php
     * return [
     *     [], // row 1
     *     [], // row 2
     * ];
     * ```
     * each row can contain columns
     * ```php
     * return [
     *     [ // row 1
     *         ['var' => 'left', 'col' => 6],
     *         ['var' => 'right', 'col' => 6]
     *     ],
     *     [ // row 2
     *         ['var' => 'bottom', 'col' => 12]
     *     ],
     * ];
     * ```
     * @return array Returns an array where each element is a row containing informations about the placeholders.
    public function getConfigPlaceholdersByRowsExport();

     * Whether cache is enabled for this block or not.
     * @return boolean
    public function getIsCacheEnabled();

     * The time of cache expiration
     * @return integer
    public function getCacheExpirationTime();

     * Whether this is a container element or not. Container elements usually have defined placeholders.
     * @return boolean
    public function getIsContainer();

     * Whether the dirty marker dialog is enable or not.
     * This can be usefull when working with blocks which does not require any input data, so therefore
     * it does not require a dirty marked dialog.
     * @return boolean
    public function getIsDirtyDialogEnabled();

     * This method is called whenever a block inside a placeholder is rendered.
     * This allows you to change the render behavior of every block inside a placeholder. An example of
     * adding a wrapper div to the iteration:
     * ```php
     * public function placeholderRenderIteration(BlockInterface $block)
     * {
     *      return '<div class="block-wrapper">'.$block->renderFrontend().'</div>';
     * }
     * ```
     * This also allows you to determined whether the block should be rendered or not as the response is the content
     * of the block inside the placholder.
     * @param BlockInterface $block
     * @return string
     * @since 1.0.9
    public function placeholderRenderIteration(BlockInterface $block);