echo "<?php\n";
namespace <?= $namespace; ?>;
use luya\cms\base\PhpBlock;
use luya\cms\frontend\blockgroups\ProjectGroup;
use luya\cms\helpers\BlockHelper;
* <?= $name; ?>.
* <?= $luyaText; ?>
class <?= $className; ?> extends PhpBlock
<?php if ($isContainer): ?>
* @var boolean Choose whether block is a layout/container/segmnet/section block or not, Container elements will be optically displayed
* in a different way for a better user experience. Container block will not display isDirty colorizing.
public $isContainer = true;
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if ($cacheEnabled): ?>
* @var bool Choose whether a block can be cached trough the caching component. Be carefull with caching container blocks.
public $cacheEnabled = true;
* @var int The cache lifetime for this block in seconds (3600 = 1 hour), only affects when cacheEnabled is true
public $cacheExpiration = 3600;
<?php endif; ?>
* @inheritDoc
public function blockGroup()
return ProjectGroup::class;
* @inheritDoc
public function name()
return '<?= $name; ?>';
* @inheritDoc
public function icon()
return 'extension'; // see the list of icons on:
* @inheritDoc
public function config()
return [
<?php if (!empty($config['vars'])): ?>
'vars' => [
<?php foreach ($config['vars'] as $var): ?>
['var' => '<?= $var['var']; ?>', 'label' => '<?= $var['label']; ?>', 'type' => <?= $var['type']; ?><?php if (isset($var['options'])): ?>, 'options' => <?= $var['options']; ?><?php endif; ?>],
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($config['cfgs'])): ?>
'cfgs' => [
<?php foreach ($config['cfgs'] as $var): ?>
['var' => '<?= $var['var']; ?>', 'label' => '<?= $var['label']; ?>', 'type' => <?= $var['type']; ?><?php if (isset($var['options'])): ?>, 'options' => <?= $var['options']; ?><?php endif; ?>],
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($config['placeholders'])): ?>
'placeholders' => [
<?php foreach ($config['placeholders'] as $var): ?>
['var' => '<?= $var['var']; ?>', 'label' => '<?= $var['label']; ?>'],
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php endif; ?>
<?php if (!empty($extras)): ?>
* @inheritDoc
public function extraVars()
return [
<?php foreach ($extras as $extra):?>
<?= $extra;?>
<?php endforeach;?>
<?php endif; ?>
* {@inheritDoc}
<?php foreach ($phpdoc as $doc): ?>
* @param <?= $doc; ?>
<?php endforeach; ?>
public function admin()
return '<h5 class="mb-3"><?= $name; ?></h5>' .
'<table class="table table-bordered">' .
<?php foreach ($config['vars'] as $var): ?>
'{% if vars.<?= $var['var']; ?> is not empty %}' .
'<tr><td><b><?= $var['label']; ?></b></td><td>{{vars.<?= $var['var']; ?>}}</td></tr>' .
'{% endif %}'.
<?php endforeach; ?>
<?php foreach ($config['cfgs'] as $config): ?>
'{% if cfgs.<?= $config['var']; ?> is not empty %}' .
'<tr><td><b><?= $config['label']; ?></b></td><td>{{cfgs.<?= $config['var']; ?>}}</td></tr>' .
'{% endif %}'.
<?php endforeach; ?>