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namespace luya\cms\menu;

use luya\admin\models\TagRelation;
use luya\cms\Exception;
use luya\cms\Menu;
use luya\cms\models\Nav;
use luya\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use Yii;
use yii\base\BaseObject;

 * Menu Query Builder.
 * Ability to create menu query condition similar behavior, changing the language container and define with
 * specification to fit your needs.
 * Basic example of making a menu selection:
 * ```php
 * $items = (new \luya\cms\menu\Query())->where([self::FIELD_PARENTNAVID => 0])->all();
 * ```
 * By default the Menu Query will get the default language, or the current active language. To force
 * a specific language use the `lang()` method in your query chain:
 * ```php
 * $items = (new \luya\cms\menu\Query())->where([self::FIELD_PARENTNAVID => 0])->lang('en')->all();
 * ```
 * You can also find one element instead of all
 * ```php
 * $item = (new \luya\cms\menu\Query())->where([self::ID => 1])->one();
 * ```
 * To include hidden pages to your selection use with:
 * ```php
 * $items = (new \luya\cms\menu\Query())->where([self::FIELD_PARENTNAVID => 0])->with(['hidden'])->all();
 * ```
 * Attention: When you append the `with['hidden']` state, the visibility of the item will be overriden, even when you
 * change them with event inject. So take care of using with hidden when protecting items for beeing seen by guest users
 * (in example of protected several items for not logged in users).
 * @property \luya\cms\Menu $menu Application menu component object.
 * @author Basil Suter <>
 * @since 1.0.0
class Query extends BaseObject implements QueryOperatorFieldInterface
     * @var array An array with all available where operators.
    protected $whereOperators = ['<', '<=', '>', '>=', '=', '!=', '==', 'in'];

    private $_menu;

     * Getter method to return menu component
     * @return \luya\cms\Menu Menu Container object
    public function getMenu()
        if ($this->_menu === null) {
            $this->_menu = Yii::$app->get('menu');

        return $this->_menu;

     * Setter method for menu Container.
    public function setMenu(Menu $menu)
        $this->_menu = $menu;

     * Helper method to retrieve only the root elements for a given query.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function root()
        return $this->where([self::FIELD_PARENTNAVID => 0]);

     * Helper method to define the container to retrieve all elements from.
     * @param string $alias The alias name from a given container to retrieve items from.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function container($alias)
        return $this->where([self::FIELD_CONTAINER => $alias]);

    private array $_where = [];

     * Query where similar behavior of filtering items.
     * **Key Value Filtering**
     * When using key value where condition, the operator equal (`=`) will be used by default.
     * ```php
     * where(['field' => 'value'])
     * ```
     * which is equals to in operator mode:
     * ```php
     * where(['=', 'field', 'value']);
     * ```
     * Its also possible to have multiple AND where conditions with equal (`=`) operator:
     * ``php
     * where(['field' => 'value', 'anotherfield' => 'anothervalue']);
     * ```
     * **Operator Filtering**
     * ```php
     * where(['operator', 'field', 'value']);
     * ```
     * Available compare operators:
     * + **<** expression where field is smaller then value.
     * + **>** expression where field is bigger then value.
     * + **=** expression where field is equal value.
     * + **<=** expression where field is small or equal then value.
     * + **>=** expression where field is bigger or equal then value.
     * + **==** expression where field is equal to the value and even the type must be equal.
     * + **in** expression where the second value is an array with values to look inside.
     * Only one operator speific argument can be provided, to chain another expression
     * use the `andWhere()` method.
     * **Multi Dimension Filtering**
     * The most common case for filtering items is the equal expression combined with
     * add statements.
     * For example the following expression
     * ```php
     * where(['=', 'parent_nav_id', 0])->andWhere(['=', 'container', 'footer']);
     * ```
     * is equal to the short form multi deimnsion filtering expression
     * ```php
     * where(['parent_nav_id' => 0, 'container' => 'footer']);
     * ```
     * Its **not possibile** to make where conditions on the **same column name** (id in this example).
     * ```php
     * where(['>', 'id', 1])->andWHere(['<', 'id', 3]);
     * ```
     * This will only append the first condition where id is bigger then 1 and ignore the second one.
     * Example using in operator
     * ```php
     * where(['in', 'container', ['default', 'footer']); // querys all items from the containers `default` and `footer`.
     * ```
     * @param array $args The where defintion can be either an key-value pairing or a condition representen as array.
     * @return Query
     * @throws Exception
    public function where(array $args)
        if (ArrayHelper::isAssociative($args, false)) {
            // ensure: ['container' => 'default', 'parent_nav_id' => 0] is possible
            foreach ($args as $key => $value) {
                $this->_where[] = ['op' => '=', 'field' => $key, 'value' => $value];
        } else {
            if (count($args) !== 3) {
                throw new Exception("Where operator format requires at least 3 elements. [operator, attribute, value]");
            if (!in_array($args[0], $this->whereOperators, true)) {
                throw new Exception(sprintf("The given where operator '%s' does not exists. for all available conditions.", $args[0]));

            $this->_where[] = ['op' => $args[0], 'field' => $args[1], 'value' => $args[2]];

        return $this;

     * Add another where statement to the existing, this is the case when using compare operators, as then only
     * one where definition can bet set.
     * @see {{Query::where()}}
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function andWhere(array $args)
        return $this->where($args);

    private $_lang;

     * Changeing the container in where the data should be collection, by default the composition
     * `langShortCode` is the default language code. This represents the current active language,
     * or the default language if no information is presented.
     * @param string $langShortCode Language Short Code e.g. de or en
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function lang($langShortCode)
        $this->_lang = $langShortCode;

        return $this;

    private array $_with = ['hidden' => false];

     * With/Without expression to hidde or display data from the Menu Query.
     * @param string|array $types can be a string  containg "hidden" or an array with multiple with statements
     * for example `['hidden']`.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function with(string|array $types)
        $types = (array) $types;
        foreach ($types as $type) {
            if (isset($this->_with[$type])) {
                $this->_with[$type] = true;

        return $this;

    private bool $_preloadModels = false;

     * Preload models for the given Menu Query.
     * When menu item method {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getModel()}} is called, it will lazy load the given {{luya\cms\models\Nav}} model.
     * This can be slow on large menus, therfore you can preload those models for the given Menu Query by enabling this method.
     * @param boolean $preloadModels Whether to preload all {{luya\cms\menu\Item}} models for {{luya\cms\menu\Item::getModel()}} or not.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function preloadModels($preloadModels = true)
        $this->_preloadModels = $preloadModels;

        return $this;

     * Return the current language from composition if not set via `lang()`.
     * @return string
    public function getLang()
        if ($this->_lang === null) {
            $this->_lang = $this->menu->composition['langShortCode'];

        return $this->_lang;

    private $_limit;

     * Set a limition for the amount of results.
     * @param integer $count The number of rows to return
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Query
    public function limit($count)
        if (is_numeric($count)) {
            $this->_limit = $count;

        return $this;

    private $_offset;

     * Define offset start for the rows, if you defined offset to be 5 and you have 11 rows, the
     * first 5 rows will be skiped. This is commonly used to make pagination function in combination
     * with the limit() function.
     * @param integer $offset Defines the amount of offset start position.
     * @return Query
    public function offset($offset)
        if (is_numeric($offset)) {
            $this->_offset = $offset;

        return $this;

    private $_order;

     * Order the query by one or multiple fields asc or desc.
     * Use following PHP constants for directions:
     * + SORT_ASC: 1..10, A..Z
     * + SORT_DESC: 10..1, Z..A
     * Example using orderBy:
     * ```php
     * $query = new Query()->orderBy([Query::FIELD_TIMESTAMPCREATE => SORT_ASC, Query::FIELD_ALIAS => SORT_DESC'])->all();
     * ```
     * @param array $order An array with fields to sort where key is the field and value the direction.
     * @return Query
     * @since 1.0.2
    public function orderBy(array $order)
        $orderBy = ['keys' => [], 'directions' => []];

        foreach ($order as $key => $direction) {
            $orderBy['keys'][] = $key;
            $orderBy['directions'][] = $direction;

        $this->_order = $orderBy;

        return $this;

     * Filter by Tag IDs.
     * An example of how to filter a menu based on tag ids:
     * ```php
     * foreach (Yii::$app->menu->find()->container('default')->tags([1,2])->limit(3)->al() as $item) {
     *     echo $item->title;
     * }
     * ```
     * Returns all pages in the default container with tag ids 1 & 2 limited by 3 entries.
     * @param string|array $tags This can be either a string with a tag id or an array with tag ids.
     * @return Query
     * @since 2.2.0
    public function tags(string|array $tags)
        $ids = TagRelation::find()
                ['=', 'table_name', Nav::tableName()],
                ['in', 'tag_id', (array) $tags]

        return $this->where(['in', self::FIELD_NAVID, $ids]);

     * Retrieve only one result for your query, even if there are more rows then one, it will
     * just pick the first row from the filtered result and return the item object. If the filtering
     * based on the query settings does not return any result, the return will be false.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Item|boolean Returns the Item object or false if nothing found.
    public function one(): \luya\cms\menu\Item|bool
        $data = $this->filter($this->menu[$this->getLang()], $this->_where, $this->_with);

        if (count($data) == 0) {
            return false;

        return static::createItemObject(array_values($data)[0], $this->getLang());

     * Retrieve all found rows based on the filtering options and returns the the QueryIterator object
     * which is represents an array.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\QueryIteratorFilter Returns the QueryIterator object.
    public function all()
        return static::createArrayIterator($this->filter($this->menu[$this->getLang()], $this->_where, $this->_with), $this->getLang(), $this->_with, $this->_preloadModels);

     * Returns the count for the provided filter options.
     * @return integer The number of rows for your filtering options.
    public function count()
        return count($this->filter($this->menu[$this->getLang()], $this->_where, $this->_with));

     * Static method to create an iterator object based on the provided array data with
     * optional language context.
     * @param array $data The filtere results where the iterator object should be created with
     * @param string $langContext The language short code context, if any.
     * @param array $with An array with keys to include or not, f.e. `['hidden' => true]` means include hidden elements or `['hidden' => false]` means to not include hidden elements which is default.
     * @param boolean $preloadModels Whether the models should be preload or not.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\QueryIterator
    public static function createArrayIterator(array $data, $langContext, array $with = [], $preloadModels = false)
        return (new QueryIteratorFilter(new QueryIterator(['data' => $data, 'lang' => $langContext, 'with' => $with, 'preloadModels' => $preloadModels])));

     * Static method to create the item object itself, is used for the one() method and in the current() method
     * of the QueryIterator class.
     * @param array $itemArray The item array data for the object
     * @param string $langContext The language short code context, if any.
     * @param null|\luya\cms\models\Nav The nav model from the preload stage.
     * @return \luya\cms\menu\Item
    public static function createItemObject(array $itemArray, $langContext, $model = null)
        return new Item(['itemArray' => $itemArray, 'lang' => $langContext, 'model' => $model]);

     * Filtering data based on a where expression.
     * @param array $containerData The data to filter from
     * @param array $whereExpression An array with `[['op' => '=', 'field' => 'fieldName', 'value' => 'comparevalue'],[]]`
     * @param array $withCondition An array with with conditions `$with['hidden']`.
     * @return array
    private function filter(array $containerData, array $whereExpression, array $withCondition)
        $data = array_filter($containerData, function ($item) use ($whereExpression, $withCondition) {
            foreach ($item as $field => $value) {
                if (!$this->arrayFilter($value, $field, $whereExpression, $withCondition)) {
                    return false;

            return true;

        if ($this->_order !== null) {
            ArrayHelper::multisort($data, $this->_order['keys'], $this->_order['directions']);

        if ($this->_offset !== null) {
            $data = array_slice($data, $this->_offset, null, true);

        if ($this->_limit !== null) {
            $data = array_slice($data, 0, $this->_limit, true);

        return $data;

     * Filter an array item based on the where expression.
     * @param string $value
     * @param string $field
     * @return boolean
    private function arrayFilter($value, $field, array $where, array $with)
        if ($field == 'is_hidden' && $with['hidden'] === false && $value == 1) {
            return false;

        foreach ($where as $expression) {
            if ($expression['field'] == $field) {
                return match ($expression['op']) {
                    '==' => $value === $expression['value'],
                    '>' => $value > $expression['value'],
                    '>=' => $value >= $expression['value'],
                    '<' => $value < $expression['value'],
                    '<=' => $value <= $expression['value'],
                    'in' => in_array($value, $expression['value']),
                    '!=' => $value != $expression['value'],
                    default => $value == $expression['value'],

        return true;