namespace luya\cms\widgets;
use luya\admin\helpers\I18n;
use luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel;
use luya\cms\models\NavItem;
use luya\helpers\ArrayHelper;
use luya\helpers\Url;
use luya\web\Composition;
use Yii;
use yii\helpers\Html;
* CMS Lang Switcher Widget.
* This widget will find all registered languages and display the corresponding like to the provided languages,
* if there as no translation found for the current link, it will point to the home page for this language. The
* language switcher can even detect composition url rules for other languages based on the current menu item.
* ```php
* LangSwitcher::widget();
* ```
* Generates a list with all items:
* ```html
* <ul class="list-element">
* <li><li class="lang-element-item lang-element-item--active"><a class="lang-link-item lang-link-item--active" href="/luya/envs/dev/public_html/">English</a></li></li>
* <li><li class="lang-element-item"><a class="lang-link-item" href="/luya/envs/dev/public_html/de">Deutsch</a></li></li>
* </ul>
* ```
* You can configure the elements to match your custom css:
* ```php
* LangSwitcher::widget([
* 'listElementOptions' => ['class' => 'langnav__list'],
* 'elementOptions' => ['class' => 'langnav__item'],
* 'linkOptions' => ['class' => 'langnav__link'],
* 'linkLabel' => function($lang) {
* return strtoupper($lang['short_code']);
* }
* ]);
* ```
* This configure widget would output the following code:
* ```html
* <ul class="langnav__list">
* <li class="langnav__item lang-element-item--active"><a class="langnav__link lang-link-item--active" href="/public_html/">DE</a></li>
* <li class="langnav__item"><a class="langnav__link" href="/public_html/en">EN</a></li>
* </ul>
* ```
* @author Basil Suter <>
* @since 1.0.0
class LangSwitcher extends \luya\base\Widget
* @var null|array Singleton container when used for mobile and desktop in order to reduce db requests.
private static $_dataArray;
* @var array The Wrapping list element (ul tag) Options to pass.
* - tag: Default is ul
* - separator: The separator for items defaults `\n`.
* - class: The class to observe for the elements.
public $listElementOptions = ['class' => 'list-element'];
* @var boolean Decides whether the <ul> tag will be outputted or not
public $noListTag = false;
* @var array Options to pass to the element (li tag):
* - tag: The used tag (defaults is li tag)
* - class: The class for the element.
public $elementOptions = ['class' => 'lang-element-item'];
* @var string The class to set when the element item (li tag) is the current language.
public $elementActiveClass = 'lang-element-item--active';
* @var string The class to set when the link item (a tag) is the current language.
public $linkActiveClass = 'lang-link-item--active';
* @var array Options to pass to the link element (a tag).
public $linkOptions = ['class' => 'lang-link-item'];
* @var string Options to pass to the link element (a tag). Can also be a callable in order to specific output.
* - id:
* - name: The fullname, e.g. English
* - short_code: The short code, e.g. en
public $linkLabel = 'name';
* @var callable A callable function in order to sort the $items (the array key of the items contains the lang short code):
* ```php
* 'itemsCallback' => function($items) {
* ksort($items);
* return $items;
* }
* ```
public $itemsCallback;
* @var array An array with links which the link tag is already registered.
* @since 1.0.9
private static array $registerLinkTags = [];
* Generate the item element.
* @param string $href
* @param boolean $isActive
* @param array $lang
* @return string
private function generateHtml($href, $isActive, $lang)
if (!array_key_exists($href, static::$registerLinkTags)) {
$this->view->registerLinkTag(['rel' => 'alternate', 'hreflang' => $lang['short_code'], 'href' => $href]);
static::$registerLinkTags[$href] = true;
$elementOptions = $this->elementOptions;
$linkOptions = $this->linkOptions;
if ($isActive) {
if (isset($linkOptions['class'])) {
$linkOptions['class'] = $linkOptions['class'] . ' ' . $this->linkActiveClass;
} else {
$linkOptions['class'] = $this->linkActiveClass;
if (isset($elementOptions['class'])) {
$elementOptions['class'] = $elementOptions['class'] . ' ' . $this->elementActiveClass;
} else {
$elementOptions['class'] = $this->elementActiveClass;
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($elementOptions, 'tag', 'li');
$text = is_callable($this->linkLabel) ? call_user_func($this->linkLabel, $lang) : $lang[$this->linkLabel];
return Html::tag($tag, Html::a($text, $href, $linkOptions), $elementOptions);
* Add Singleton Container.
* @return array
private static function getDataArray()
if (self::$_dataArray === null) {
$currentMenuItem = Yii::$app->menu->current;
$array = [];
foreach (Yii::$app->adminLanguage->getLanguages() as $lang) {
$array[] = [
'lang' => $lang,
'item' => Yii::$app->menu->find()->where(['nav_id' => $currentMenuItem->navId])->lang($lang['short_code'])->with('hidden')->one(),
self::$_dataArray = $array;
return self::$_dataArray;
* Prefix the current link with the dedicated host info.
* Assuming hostInfoMapping is defined in composition component, the correct domain will be taken from the
* language information.
* @param string $link The link to prefix.
* @param array $lang The language array containing the short code to determine host info.
* @return string
* @since 2.0.0
private function ensureHostInfo($link, array $lang)
// check if host info mapping is available.
$domain = Yii::$app->composition->resolveHostInfo($lang['short_code']);
// no domain is defined for this host info, therfore just prepend the current host:
if (!$domain) {
$domain = Yii::$app->urlManager->hostInfo;
return Url::ensureHttp((string) $domain) . '/' . ltrim($link, '/');
* Generate the lang switcher html.
* @return string
public function run()
$currentLang = Yii::$app->composition['langShortCode'];
$rule = Yii::$app->menu->currentUrlRule;
$items = [];
foreach (self::getDataArray() as $langData) {
$item = $langData['item'];
$lang = $langData['lang'];
$isActive = $currentLang == $lang['short_code'];
if ($item) {
if ($item->type == NavItem::TYPE_MODULE && !empty($rule)) {
$routeParams = [$rule['route']];
foreach ($rule['params'] as $key => $value) {
$routeParams[$key] = $this->findUrlRuleParamValue($lang['short_code'], $key, $value);
$compositionObject = Yii::createObject(Composition::class);
// $compositionObject->off(Composition::EVENT_AFTER_SET);
$compositionObject['langShortCode'] = $lang['short_code'];
$link = Yii::$app->urlManager->createMenuItemUrl($routeParams, $item->id, $compositionObject);
} else {
$link = $item->link;
} else {
$link = Yii::$app->urlManager->prependBaseUrl($lang['short_code']);
$items[$lang['short_code']] = $this->generateHtml($this->ensureHostInfo($link, $lang), $isActive, $lang);
unset($item, $lang);
if (is_callable($this->itemsCallback)) {
$items = call_user_func($this->itemsCallback, $items);
$options = $this->listElementOptions;
$options['encode'] = false;
$separator = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'separator', "\n");
$tag = ArrayHelper::remove($options, 'tag', "ul");
if ($this->noListTag) {
return trim($separator . implode($separator, $items) . $separator);
return Html::tag($tag, $separator . implode($separator, $items) . $separator, $options);
* Find a given url rule param value if defined, otherwise return default.
* @param string $lang
* @param string $key
* @param string $defaultValue
* @return string
* @since 2.2.0
protected function findUrlRuleParamValue($lang, $key, $defaultValue)
if (isset(self::$_i18nUrlRuleParams[$lang])) {
return array_key_exists($key, self::$_i18nUrlRuleParams[$lang]) ? self::$_i18nUrlRuleParams[$lang][$key] : $defaultValue;
return $defaultValue;
private static array $_i18nUrlRuleParams = [];
* Set a url rule paramter which can be taken when resolve pages for other languages.
* Used to assign a url param value for another language, this is commonly used when working with slugs or titles.
* Assuming to have a news detail url rule with a slug:
* ```php
* 'urlRules' => [
* 'newsmodule/<id:\d+>/<slug:[a-zA-Z\-]+>' => 'newsmodule/detail/index',
* ]
* ```
* When slug is an i18n value, this information must be provided to the LangSwither, so it will take the correct slug for the the given language.
* ```php
* LangSwitcher::setUrlRuleParam('de', 'slug', 'mein-news-slug');
* LangSwitcher::setUrlRuleParam('en', 'slug', 'my-news-slug');
* ```
* @param string $lang The language which the value should be assigned with.
* @param string $key The url rule param key which should be assigned.
* @param string $value The value which should be used to generate the url.
* @since 2.2.0
public static function setUrlRuleParam($lang, $key, $value)
self::$_i18nUrlRuleParams[$lang][$key] = $value;
* Set the url rule param values from a given Model and attribute name.
* Its very common to have {{luya\admin\ngrest\base\NgRestModel::$i18n}} attributes defined, therefore use this method
* to assign attributes:
* ```php
* LangSwitcher::setUrlRuleParamByModel($model, 'title');
* ```
* If $title is defined as $i18n attribute, it will take the values for corresponding languages and set those through the
* {{luya\cms\widgets\LangSwitcher::setUrlRuleParam()}} method.
* @param NgRestModel $model The model which contains the content.
* @param string $attribute The attribute of the model which should be take in order to assign the multi lingual values.
* @param string $parmName The parameter value in the url which should be stored, by default its equals the attribute name.
* @since 2.2.0
public static function setUrlRuleParamByModel(NgRestModel $model, $attribute, $parmName = null)
if (method_exists($model, 'getI18nOldValue')) {
$array = $model->getI18nOldValue($attribute);
} else {
// support version before luya admin 3.6.0
$array = $model->getOldAttribute($attribute);
$array = I18n::decode($array);
foreach ($array as $lang => $value) {
self::setUrlRuleParam($lang, $parmName ?: $attribute, $value);