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Test Coverage

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file. This project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](
In order to read more about upgrading and BC breaks have a look at the [UPGRADE Document](

## 3.1.4 (31. August 2023)

+ Compatibility with latest Yii Framework version

## 3.1.3 (18. January 2023)

+ Fixed issues with php 8.2 tests

## 3.1.2 (15. December 2022)

+ Fixed issues raised for php 8.2 tests

## 3.1.1 (23. August 2022)

+ Fixed issue with nullable strings on php 8.1

## 3.1 (23. August 2022)

+ Update to Twig version 3.0 because of PHP 8.1 compatibility

## 3.0 (27. July 2021)

+ Add compatibility for LUYA CMS 4.0 

## 2.1.0 (27. July 2021)

+ Add compatibility for LUYA Admin 4.0

## 2.0.0 (2. December 2020)

> This release contains breaking changes! Check the [UPGRADE document]( to read more.

+ [#39]( Added PHPUnit Polyfill. Allows Testing from PHP 7 to 8. Replace `assertContains()` with `assertStringContainsString()` if needed. **[See the upgrade document](**

## 1.2.0 (22. September 2020)

+ Added new dummy file system.
+ Add storage model fixtures

## 1.1.1 (18. August 2020)

+ Add new `createAdminQueueTable()` table to `AdminDatabaseTableTrait`.

## 1.1.0 (10. June 2020)

+ [#36]( New `NgRestModelTestCase` and new `fixtures()` loader option in BaseTestSuite.

## 1.0.31 (22. April 2020)

+ [#33]( Fix issue with lazy loading of testsuite console command.
+ [#35]( New DummyMenu Component for LUYA CMS in order to build menu items more quickly.

## 1.0.30

+ phpmod/curl dependency adjustment

## 1.0.29 (7. April 2020)

+ Fix issue with latest Yii Framework version (where cache was throwing an exception when not configured properly)
+ Fix issue with not configured language for unit tests.

## 1.0.28 (17. March 2020)

+ Add a default language for all permission scope and ngrest test case situations as they are required by luya admin version 3.1

## 1.0.27 (21. February 2020)

+ Allow any version of LUYA dependencies.

## 1.0.26 (30. December 2019)

+ Ensure the generatefixture data works with composite keys and escapes table data.

## 1.0.25 (25. December 2019)

+ [#31]( Added new `generatefixture` console command which will be auto boostraped in order to generate fixtures based on existing models or table names.
+ Added more ngrest test case default api controller action tests.

## 1.0.24 (5. December 2019)

+ Added new dummy session component.
+ Added travis php 7.4 support
+ Improve server test case debug message

## 1.0.23 (22. October 2019)

+ [#29]( Add new getTableName() method to make ActiveRecord fixture usable without $modelClass property.

## 1.0.22 (3. October 2019)

+ Added new admin database table trait methods.
+ Ensure fixture data can be empty on various methods.

## 1.0.21 (17. September 2019)

+ Added new PageScope test system for CMS Pages.

## (13. September 2019)

+ Added missing `admin_auth` table `pool` field in `AdminDatabaseTableTrait`.

## (8. September 2019)

+ Added missing user fixture fields for `createUserFixture` in `AdminDatabaseTableTrait`.

## 1.0.20 (8. September 2019)

+ [#23]( Move permission into traits add new PermissionScope object to make api tests easy.

## 1.0.19 (4. September 2019)

+ [#22]( Added trait for testing console output easier.

## 1.0.18 (9. August 2019)

+ [#20]( Added NgRestTestCase table support for admin 2.0
+ [#21]( Added option to run an action with auth headers `runControllerAction()`.

## (26. June 2019)

+ Added new CMS version 2.0 constraint.

## (16. June 2019)

+ Fix LUYA admin dependency version constraint.

## 1.0.17 (27. May 2019)

+ Update version constraint to allow luya admin version 2.0

## 1.0.16 (16. April 2019)

+ Added new skipIfExists property, now by default the table will only created if its not already existing.

## 1.0.15 (16. April 2019)

+ Fixed bug in cleanup() and added rebuild() option to first cleanup and then recreate tables.

## 1.0.14 (1. April 2019)

+ [#19]( Added permissions control to NgRestTestCase, fixed basic api tests.

## (17. November 2018)

+ Update version constraint for CURL library.

## (25. October 2018)

+ [#17]( Fixed issue with callable and not scalar rule defintions.

## (24. October 2018)

+ [#16]( Fixed a problem introduced in [#14]( which breaks compatibility with safe attributes. Add option to force this behavior.

## 1.0.13 (15. October 2018)

+ [#15]( Add travis CI and code climate coverage integrations.
+ [#14]( Remove safe validators from column creation.
+ [#13]( Convert integer and boolean rule types into integer and boolean column types.

## 1.0.12 (8. October 2018)

+ [#12]( Fixed issue with NgRestTestCase - Added missing is_api_user to User schema fixture

## 1.0.11 (18. July 2018)

+ [#8]( Added new CmsBlockGroupTestCase

## 1.0.10 (9. May 2018)

+ [#7]( New ActiveRecordFixture with auto build of table schemas.
+ [#6]( NgRest TestCase for Model, API and Controller.

## 1.0.9 (20. April 2018) and 1.1.0 (26. March 2018)

+ Change dependencies for depending LUYA modules.

## 1.0.8 (31. January 2018)

+ Added invokeMethod function to call protected and private methods.
+ Added new assertSameNoSpace(), assertContainsNoSpace() and assertSameTrimmed() methods in BaseTestSuite.
+ Fixed issue where extra vars where not assigned to the admin view in CmsBlockTestcase.

## 1.0.7 (12. January 2018)

+ Fixed bug where debug message could not handle array input.

## 1.0.6 (13. December 2017)

+ [#4]( Added luya core dependency.
+ [#5]( Added test case for cms blocks.
+ Fixed issue with wrong formatted debug url.

## 1.0.5 (9. September 2017)

+ Added Yii default debug informations (print exceptions by default now).
+ Added trim compare function to base test suite.
+ Removed LUYA Core RC3 depencie which allows to used in other releases and version.

## 1.0.4 (28. Jun 2017)

+ Fixed problem with post request where urls are not handled.
+ Added array notation for path with params `['path/', 'foo' => 'bar']`.
+ Added phpdocs

## 1.0.3 (19. May 2017)

+ Added new methods for `luya\testsuite\cases\ServerTestCase`.
+ Renamed `isUrlNOK` to `assertUrlIsError` in `luya\testsuite\cases\ServerTestCase`
+ Renamed `isUrlOK` to `assertUrlIsOk` in `luya\testsuite\cases\ServerTestCase`
+ Make ServerTesteCase available for multiple tests (kill timeout bug).

## 1.0.2 (17. May 2017)

+ Added `luya\testsuite\cases\ConsoleApplicationTestCase` Starts a console application.
+ Added `luya\testsuite\cases\ServerTestCase` in order to make http request on the current Website. "Browser Testing".

## 1.0.1 (17. May 2017)

+ Added `luya\testsuite\traits\MessageFileCompareTrait` to compare a messages folder based on a master language.
+ Added `luya\testsuite\traits\MigrationFileCheckTrait` to make sure a migration file has no exception and contains up and down commands.
+ Prepare Fixtures Models

## 1.0.0 (4. May 2017)

+ First stable release.