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# gpg-utils [![Build](]( [![Maintainability](]( [![codecov](]( [![Maven Central](]( [![javadoc](](
`GPGUtils` is a simple wrapper for `ProcessBuilder` to make shell out to `gpg` easier in Java.

## What
It provides a simple interface for encrypting/decrypting `String`, `File` and `InputStream`.

There's also generic method to run other `gpg` command.

## Why
Existing solutions for using `gpg` in Java have mostly involved `BouncyCastle`. It works, but, its API isn't the nicest to use, to say the least.

Using `ProcessBuilder` is much simpler compared with `BouncyCastle`. But it's not easy to get IO buffering right for external processes.

`GPGUtils` tries to provide a simple interface while hiding away the complexity of IO buffer handling.

## How to use
Refer to the [Unit Tests](src/test/java/com/github/lyang/gpgutils/ for now.

## Running Tests
mvn verify

## Deploy
Need to set environment variables first:
mvn -s settings.xml -P ossrh clean deploy