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Test Coverage
# Contribution Guidelines

## Suggest changes

1. Create a feature branch with your changes.
2. Please add a test for your change. Only refactoring and documentation changes require no new tests. If you are adding functionality or fixing a bug, we need a test!
3. Make all the tests pass against `ActiveRecord` and `Mongoid`.
4. Issue a Pull Request.

I will grant you commit access if you send quality pull requests.

## Run the tests

**Prepare** by installing and migrating the database:

1. Clone this repo
1. Run `bundle install`
1. Run `bundle exec rake db:migrate`
1. Run `RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:migrate`

Now your environment is ready to run tests.

To run the full **test suite** with the [guard]( test runner:

bundle exec guard

Guard will re-run each test suite when changes are made to its corresponding files.

To run **just one test**: Flavio Castelli blogged about [how to execute a single unit test (or even a single test method)]( instead of running the complete unit test suite.

To run the full **test suite** with the guard and the [appraisal]( against `ActiveRecord`:

bundle exec appraisal rails-5-1 guard
# the same
DEVISE_TOKEN_AUTH_ORM=active_record DB=sqlite bundle exec appraisal

`DB` environment variable can take `sqlite`, `mysql`, and `postgresql` values.

against `Mongoid`:

DEVISE_TOKEN_AUTH_ORM=mongoid bundle exec appraisal rails-5-1-mongoid-7 guard