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## Controller Methods

### Concerns

This gem includes a [Rails concern]( called `DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken`. Include this concern to provide access to controller methods such as `authenticate_user!`, `user_signed_in?`, etc.

The concern also runs an [after_action]( that changes the auth token after each request.

It is recommended to include the concern in your base `ApplicationController` so that all children of that controller include the concern as well.

##### Concern example:

# app/controllers/application_controller.rb
class ApplicationController < ActionController::Base
  include DeviseTokenAuth::Concerns::SetUserByToken

### Methods

This gem provides access to all of the following [devise helpers](

| Method | Description |
| **`before_action :authenticate_user!`** | Returns a 401 error unless a `User` is signed-in. |
| **`current_user`** | Returns the currently signed-in `User`, or `nil` if unavailable. |
| **`user_signed_in?`** | Returns `true` if a `User` is signed in, otherwise `false`. |
| **`devise_token_auth_group`** | Operate on multiple user classes as a group. [Read more](#group-access) |
| **`update_auth_header`** | After action that updates the header with the new token, it's included by default, you should skip it if you are destroying the user |

Note that if the model that you're trying to access isn't called `User`, the helper method names will change. For example, if the user model is called `Admin`, the methods would look like this:

* `before_action :authenticate_admin!`
* `admin_signed_in?`
* `current_admin`

##### Example: limit access to authenticated users
# app/controllers/test_controller.rb
class TestController < ApplicationController
  before_action :authenticate_user!

  def members_only
    render json: {
      data: {
        message: "Welcome #{}",
        user: current_user
    }, status: 200

### Token Header Format

The authentication information should be included by the client in the headers of each request. The headers follow the [RFC 6750 Bearer Token]( format:

##### Authentication headers example:
"access-token": "wwwww",
"token-type":   "Bearer",
"client":       "xxxxx",
"expiry":       "yyyyy",
"uid":          "zzzzz"

The authentication headers (each one is a seperate header) consists of the following params:

| param | description |
| **`access-token`** | This serves as the user's password for each request. A hashed version of this value is stored in the database for later comparison. This value should be changed on each request. |
| **`client`** | This enables the use of multiple simultaneous sessions on different clients. (For example, a user may want to be authenticated on both their phone and their laptop at the same time.) |
| **`expiry`** | The date at which the current session will expire. This can be used by clients to invalidate expired tokens without the need for an API request. |
| **`uid`** | A unique value that is used to identify the user. This is necessary because searching the DB for users by their access token will make the API susceptible to [timing attacks]( |

The authentication headers required for each request will be available in the response from the previous request. If you are using the [ng-token-auth]( AngularJS module or the [jToker]( jQuery plugin, this functionality is already provided.