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name: Introduction
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# Introduction

This tutorial will go through your basic todo app, built with `brookjs` in top of the starter application generated by the brookjs-cli. Through this, we'll learn what observables are & how they work, how to write components that emit through observables, how to compose those components to build bigger components and applications, and how to handle side effects with deltas.

Once we've got the basics down, we'll go through some advanced concepts, including managing reactive refs with streams, integrating third party components with `brookjs`, fractalizing the application to embed into other applications, and building components that can be used outside of `brookjs` applications. Lastly, we'll look at customizing the CLI so we get full control over the build system provided for your application.

After completing these tutorials, you should be ready to build your own `brookjs` applications.

Excited? Let's go!
