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Test Coverage
## I'm submitting a...
<!-- Check one of the following options with "x" -->
[ ] Bug report  <!-- Please search GitHub for a similar issue or PR before submitting -->
[ ] Feature request
[ ] Documentation issue or request

## In package
[ ] @ng-toolkit/init
[ ] @ng-toolkit/serverless
[ ] @ng-toolkit/universal
[ ] @ng-toolkit/pwa
[ ] @ng-toolkit/firebug

## Current behavior
<!-- Describe how the issue manifests. -->

## Expected behavior
<!-- Describe what the desired behavior would be. -->

## Minimal reproduction of the problem with instructions
For bug reports please provide the *STEPS TO REPRODUCE*

## Example repository
Please provide link to your public, cloneable repository, to give us a chance to reproduce your issue on our end

## What is the motivation / use case for changing the behavior?
<!-- Describe the motivation or the concrete use case. -->

## Environment

Angular version: X.Y.Z
<!-- Check whether this is still an issue in the most recent Angular version -->

- Node version: XX  <!-- run `node --version` -->
- Platform:  <!-- Mac, Linux, Windows -->

<!-- Anything else relevant?  Operating system version, IDE, package manager, HTTP server, ... -->