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# @ng-toolkit [![Tweet](](,pwa,webapp,software,developers)

This project has two faces:

- First, a Angular Universal PWA boilerplate, prepared for easy deployment on Serverless environment. The boilerplate contains all of the best practices and is continously evolving. [Find out more about the boilerplate here.](
- Second, a collection of `schematics` (used with the `ng add` command) which can be applied to existing Angular projects. All `schematics` comes from the boilerplate mentioned above. The main goal is to make those schematics **interchangeably** (developer can apply them in any order)!

## Wanna be a server-side Angular hero?
If you want to sharpen your skills in Angular Universal or you won't find what you're looking for in this project; check out the [Guide to Angular Universal]( written by me for!

## Content

- [What's inside](#quickOverview)
  - [Application starter/boilerplate](
  - [Angular Universal/server-side rendering](
  - [Serverless support (Firebase, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions)](
- [Planned features](#planned-features)
- [Question, Problem, Feature Request](#question)
- [Support @ng-toolkit](#funding)

## <a name="quickOverview"> What's inside

### **PWA starter**

npm install -g @ng-toolkit/init
ng new --collection @ng-toolkit/init myApp [--provider --firebaseProject --gaTrackingCode --firebug]

- [Read more documentation](

### **PWA - @angular/pwa extension**

Add update mechanism and server-side rendering fixes to your PWA

ng add @ng-toolkit/pwa [--serverModule]

- [Read more documentation](

### **Serverless (Firebase, AWS Lambda, Google Cloud Functions)**

Make your app deployable on serverless environment (FaaS)

ng add @ng-toolkit/serverless [--provider --firebaseProject]

- [Read more documentation](
- [Read article about serverless with @ng-toolkit](

### **Angular Universal**

Add server-side rendering and improve SEO of your app

ng add @ng-toolkit/universal

- [Read more documentation](
- [Read article about server-side rendering with @ng-toolkit](

### **Firebug-lite**

Add firebug-lite to your Angular app

ng add @ng-toolkit/firebug

- [Read more documentation](

## Planned features

- [@ng-toolkit/googleAnalytics]( - tracking user and JS exceptions in Google Analytics
- [@ng-toolkit/compodoc]( - introduce [compodoc]( - documentation tool for your angular app
- @ng-toolkit/safariPush - add pushes for Safari users

### <a name="question"></a> Looking for something more?

Feel free to [create issue with your feature request](

## <a name="funding"></a> Support @ng-toolkit

You can support development of this project via:

- [Open Collective](
- [Donorbox](
- [Liberapay](
- [Paypal](

If you want, you can be listed on the [List of donors]( on the demo page.

### *Open Collective Backers*

Thank you to all our backers! 🙏 [[Become a backer](]

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### Open Collective Sponsors

Support this project by becoming a sponsor. Your logo will show up here with a link to your website. [[Become a sponsor](]

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## <a name="credentials"></a> Credentials

- Checkout my [home page]( and find out more about me