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# CloudFoundry Rails Deployment

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`cf-deploy` is the tool you use to deploy your rails app to
[CloudFoundry][CloudFoundry] providers like [Pivotal][Pivotal]. It works with
rails 4.2 and older versions as far back as rails 3.

rake cf:deploy:production

## `cf-deploy` makes it easy to:

 * Deploy your rails app with one rake command
 * Implement blue/green deployments
 * Run asset precompiles before deploying your app
 * Automate your rails deploys using jenkins, circle-ci, codeship

## Getting Started

The functionality comes in the shape of generated rake tasks. You require this
gem in your `Rakefile` and call the `.rake_tasks!` setup method.

``` ruby
require 'cf-deploy'

By default tasks will be created for each manifest in your `manifests/` folder.
If you have a `staging.yml` and `production.yml` you can now run the following

``` sh
bundle exec rake cf:deploy:staging
bundle exec rake cf:deploy:production

You now have rake tasks that run `cf push -f manifests/staging.yml` and
`cf push -f manifests/production.yml`. Things start to get more exciting
when you define your environments in your `Rakefile` along with their task
dependencies just like normal rake task syntax.

``` ruby
require 'cf-deploy'

CF::Deploy.rake_tasks! do
  environment staging: 'assets:precompile'
  environment production: [:clean, 'assets:precompile']

Now when running `cf:deploy:staging` and `cf:deploy:production` the prerequisite
tasks will be run first.

The next thing to talk about is route mapping. You can define a route in a an
environment block like so:

``` ruby
require 'cf-deploy'

CF::Deploy.rake_tasks! do
  environment staging: 'assets:precompile' do
    route '', 'staging'

  environment production: [:clean, 'assets:precompile'] do
    route ''
    route '', 'www'
    route '', 'www-origin'
    route '', 'admin'

As soon as an environment with routes is pushed successfully each of it's routes
will be mapped to all the applications defined in the environment's manifest.

And then things get super interesting when you start talking blue/green.

## What is blue/green deployment?

Simply put, blue/green deployment allows you to deploy a new version of your
app, test it on a private URL and then direct your traffic to the new version
when you are ready.

You have two applications for one environment, say production. One version is
called green, the other is blue. The first time you deploy your environment
either green or blue can be deployed. Thereafter, any changes you want to deploy
you deploy to the color that doesn't have your production domain pointed at it.
You test it on a private URL and then when you're happy you flip your domain to
point at that. If something then goes wrong you can then flip your domain back
to the last working version.

This gem provides rake tasks for you to deploy using this methodology as well
as the standard single app deployment process on a CloudFoundry provider.

### An example of blue/green

Examples always help and this example is probably the most common use case. You
might have a straight forward deployment for staging but use the blue/green
strategy for production. Here is what your Rakefile might look like:

``` ruby
require 'cf-deploy'

CF::Deploy.rake_tasks! do
  environment staging: 'assets:precompile'

  environment production: 'assets:precompile' do
    route '', flip: true
    route '', 'www', flip: true
    route '', 'www-origin', flip: true

    route '', 'blue', blue: true
    route '', 'green', green: true

You should also have three manifests defined:

 - `manifests/staging.yml`
 - `manifests/production_blue.yml`
 - `manifests/production_green.yml`

When you run `cf:deploy:production` for the first time (assuming neither
`production_blue.yml` or `production_green.yml` are deployed) your blue app will
be deployed and route setup.

Running `cf:deploy:production` thereafter will deploy which ever version isn't
currently deployed. Your route(s) will not be mapped automatically this time.
Nows your chance to checkout your new deployment using an alternate route. When
you're happy and want to map your route across run:

``` sh
bundle exec rake cf:deploy:production:flip

## Installation

You need the `cf` command installed already. Grab the latest release from
the [CloudFoundry CLI][cli] repo on github.

You then need to install this gem in your project's `Gemfile`:

``` ruby
gem 'cf-deploy', '0.1.4'

### Defining CloudFoundry details in your Rakefile

You can configure some or all of your CloudFoundry details when calling

``` ruby
require 'cf-deploy'

CF::Deploy.rake_tasks! do
  api ''
  username ''
  password 'SOMETHING'
  organisation 'Made'
  space 'development'

  environment staging: 'assets:precompile'

  environment production: 'assets:precompile' do
    route '', 'www', flip: true

All are optional. If you do not provide any you will be prompted when running
the rake tasks.

### Defining CloudFoundry details using ENV variables

Instead of defining your CloudFoundry login details in your Rakefile and
committing them to your code repository you can instead provide them using
ENV variables on your command line:

``` sh
export CF_ORG=Made
export CF_SPACE=development

Now you can run any of the `cf-deploy` rake tasks providing you have called
`CF::Deploy.rake_tasks!` in your `Rakefile`.

## Commands

### Deploying an environment

If you defined a staging environment in your Rakefile the following task will
have been created:

bundle exec rake cf:deploy:staging

Run this to deploy out your staging environment.

Any environment you define will have a task created named `cf:deploy:#{env}`.

### Deploy the next blue/green environment

If you have defined CloudFoundry manifest files matching `manifests/*_blue.yml`
and `manifests/*_green.yml` you will be able to call `rake cf:deploy:*` without
the `_blue` or `_green`. For example with `production_blue.yml` and
`production_green.yml` you can call the following:

bundle exec rake cf:deploy:production

Running the deploy task for an env with blue and green manifests will trigger a
lookup to see which env is currently deployed. The task will then start
deploying the other production color, so if green is currently deployed then
blue will be deployed. If neither is currently deployed, blue will be deployed

Once deployed your routing will still be pointing to the *previous deployment*.
If you run the same task again, the same environment will be deployed. That is
if green was deployed, and then you run the task, blue will be deployed, if you
run the task again, blue will be deployed again. This is because we work out
the current deployment based on where your routes are pointing and since the
deploy command for blue green environments doesn't map routes the current
deployment will not change.

#### First time proviso

This isn't the case for a first time deploy. The first time you deploy your
blue environment will be deployed and any defined routes will be mapped to all
apps defined in your blue manifest.

### Switch routes over to new environment

In order to flip your routes from blue to green or vice-versa you need to run
the following task.

bundle exec rake cf:deploy:production:flip

This will go ahead and map routes to whatever color the routes aren't mapped to
and then unmap the other color. At this point your new production will be
deployed and live.

### Turn off idle app

Once your new production has been flipped you may want to turn off your idle
application. There is a task for this too:

bundle exec rake cf:deploy:production:stop_idle

## Credits


Developed and maintained by [Made Tech][made]. Key contributions:

 * [Luke Morton](
 * [Chris Blackburn](

## License

Copyright © 2014 Made Tech Ltd. It is free software, and may be
redistributed under the terms specified in the [MIT-LICENSE][license] file.
