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Test Coverage
<T>**__Team Codes__**</T>
• __Basics__: Just post your team codes, e.g. `[1075,6251,6699,6007,3010,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,14007]`. The bot will automatically answer with the troops posted in the code. The code can be embedded within more text, and does not need to stand alone. Any team code can have a `-` added before it for shorter, or `+` for longer output.
• `{{ prefix }}troop <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}troop elemaugrim`.
• `{{ prefix }}weapon <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}weapon mang`.
• `{{ prefix }}pet <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}pet puddling`.
• `{{ prefix }}class <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}class archer`.
• `{{ prefix }}kingdom <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}kingdom karakoth`.
• `{{ prefix }}talent <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}talent mana source`.
• `{{ prefix }}trait <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}trait impervious`.
• `{{ prefix }}affix <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}affix dust`.
• `{{ prefix }}traitstone <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}traitstone shield`.
<T>**__Search Rules__**:</T>
• Search both works for ids and parts of their names.
• Search is case insensitive.
• Spaces, apostrophes (') and dashes (-) will be ignored.
• Multiple results will show a list of matched troops.
• If one matching item is found, the side color will reflect the troop's base rarity.
<T>**__Current Week / Day__**:</T>
• Current week's event details: `{{ prefix }}current_event`.
• Current Adventure Board: `{{ prefix }}adventures`.
• Current Active Heroic / Event Gems: `{{ prefix }}active_gems`.
• Weekly campaign overview: `{{ prefix }}campaign`. Can be filtered with `bronze`, `silver`, or `gold`: `{{ prefix }}campaign silver`.
• Craftable Soulforge items: `{{ prefix }}soulforge`
• Spoilers: `{{ prefix }}spoilers`. Can be filtered down with the following parameters: `pets`, `troops`, `weapons`, `kingdoms`, `events`: `{{ prefix }}spoilers weapons`
• Events: `{{ prefix }}events`. Can be used with a filter, e.g. `{{ prefix }}events faction`. Can also be used to only show event kingdoms: `{{ prefix }}event kingdoms`.
• Class XP requirements: `{{ prefix }}class_level <target level>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}class_level 70`. Can be used with a lower level to show the difference, e.g. `{{ prefix }}class_level 70-100`
• Possible campaign re-roll tasks: `{{ prefix }}reroll_tasks`.
• Class overview: `{{ prefix }}class summary`
• Kingdom overview: `{{ prefix }}kingdom summary`
• Player level benefits: `{{ prefix }}levels`
• Kingdoms by troop colors: `{{ prefix }}color_kingdoms`
• Kingdoms by troop types: `{{ prefix }}troop_type_kingdoms`
• Chest drop rates `{{ prefix }}drop_rates`
• Effects `{{ prefix }}effects`
• Possible Storms: `{{ prefix }}storms`.
• All Warbands: `{{ prefix }}warbands`.
<T>**__Tower of Doom__**:</T>
Please consult `{{ prefix }}towerhelp`.
<T>**__Pet Rescue__**:</T>
• When encountering a pet rescue mission in-game, you can alert all your fellow guild mates with `{{ prefix }}pet rescue <pet> [<time>] [<mention>]`. `<pet>` needs to be either the name or the id of the pet, `<time>` is the remaining time in minutes (default 59), followed by either nothing, "min", or "mins", and `<mention>` is the group that will be alerted (default `@everyone`).
• Default settings can be checked with `{{ prefix }}pet rescue config`.
• This command can be shortened up by using `{{ prefix }}pr ...` instead of `{{ prefix }}pet rescue`.
• Server administrators can alter the default mention, as well as the deletion behaviour with `{{ prefix }}pet rescue config <setting>=<value>`.
<T>**__Team Bookmarks__**:</T>
• Show own bookmarks: `{{ prefix }}bookmarks`.
• Display a certain bookmark: `{{ prefix }}bookmark <bookmark id>`.
• Create a new bookmark: `{{ prefix }}bookmark <description> <team code>`. A new random bookmark id will be created.
• Delete a bookmark: `{{ prefix }}bookmark delete <bookmark id>`.
• Show own toplists: `{{ prefix }}toplists`
• Create a new toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist <description> <troops>`. Troops are comma separated list of names or troop ids. A new toplist id will be created.
• Append more troops to an existing toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist append <id> <troops>`
• Change a toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist update <toplist id> <description> <troops>`
• Delete a toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist delete <toplist id>`.
<T>**__Command Modifiers__**:</T>
• __Translation__: All GoW languages are supported, put the two country code letters (en, fr, de, ru, it, es, zh) in front of the command, e.g. `de{{ prefix }}troop elemaugrim`. This works the same for team codes. **Localized searches will only look for troop names with their respective translations**.',
• __Shortened output__: Put a "-" in front of any command to make it appear in condensed format, e.g. `-[1075,6251,6699,6007]`, or with language `de-[1075,6251,6699,6007]`. **Note that the language modifier always comes first.**
<T>**__Bot Specific Commands__**:</T>
• Check the bot's permissions within a channel: `{{ prefix }}permissions`
• Display bot version, runtime, uptime, invite code, and more: `{{ prefix }}about`
• Show a list of YouTube streamers and a brief description of their content with links to take you directly to their channel: `{{ prefix }}streamers`
• Get a random motivation waffles: `{{ prefix }}waffles`
• Get a random motivation burgers: `{{ prefix }}burgers`
• Short help: enter `{{ prefix }}quickhelp` to open a short overview of all commands.
<T>**__Admin Commands__**:</T>
Administrative commands can only be issued by either the server owner, a member with administration access granted, or users in a group called "admin".
• __Prefix__: enter `{{ prefix }}prefix <new_prefix>` to set a new prefix. Only the server owner can do that.
• __News__: Subscribe to news with `{{ prefix }}news subscribe pc` or `{{ prefix }}news subscribe switch` to subscribe to either news. Check the status with `{{ prefix }}news`.
• __Default Language__: Change default language for your server with `{{ prefix }}lang <lang>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}lang fr` (see above for valid language codes).