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Test Coverage
<T>**__Team Codes__**</T>
• __Basics__: Just post your team codes, e.g. `[1075,6251,6699,6007,3010,3,1,1,1,3,1,1,14007]`. The bot will automatically answer with the troops posted in the code. The code can be embedded within more text, and does not need to stand alone.
• `{{ prefix }}troop <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}troop elemaugrim`.
• `{{ prefix }}weapon <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}weapon mang`.
• `{{ prefix }}pet <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}pet puddling`.
• `{{ prefix }}class <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}class archer`.
• `{{ prefix }}kingdom <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}kingdom karakoth`.
• `{{ prefix }}talent <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}talent mana source`.
• `{{ prefix }}trait <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}trait impervious`.
• `{{ prefix }}affix <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}affix dust`.
• `{{ prefix }}traitstone <search>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}traitstone shield`.
<T>**__Search Rules__**:</T>
• Search both works for ids and parts of their names.
• Search is case insensitive.
• Spaces, apostrophes (') and dashes (-) will be ignored.
• Multiple results will show a list of matched troops.
• If one matching item is found, the side color will reflect the troop's base rarity.
• Spoilers: `{{ prefix }}spoilers`. Can be filtered down with the following parameters: `pets`, `troops`, `weapons`, `kingdoms`, `events`: `{{ prefix }}spoilers weapons`
• Events: `{{ prefix }}events`. Can be used with a filter, e.g. `{{ prefix }}events faction`. Can also be used to only show event kingdoms: `{{ prefix }}event kingdoms`.
• Current week's event details: `{{ prefix }}current_event`.
• Current Adventure Board: `{{ prefix }}adventures`.
• Class XP requirements: `{{ prefix }}class_level <target level>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}class_level 70`. Can be used with a lower level to show the difference, e.g. `{{ prefix }}class_level 70-100`
• Weekly campaign overview: `{{ prefix }}campaign`. Can be filtered with `bronze`, `silver`, or `gold`: `{{ prefix }}campaign silver`.
• Class overview: `{{ prefix }}class summary`
• Kingdom overview: `{{ prefix }}kingdom summary`
• Craftable Soulforge items: `{{ prefix }}soulforge`
• Player level benefits: `{{ prefix }}levels`
• Kingdoms by troop colors: `{{ prefix }}color_kingdoms`
• Kingdoms by troop types: `{{ prefix }}troop_type_kingdoms`
• 宝箱 掉落率 `{{ prefix }}drop_rates`
• Effects `{{ prefix }}effects`
<T>**__Tower of Doom__**:</T>
Please consult `{{ prefix }}towerhelp`.
<T>**__Pet Rescue__**:</T>
• When encountering a pet rescue mission in-game, you can alert all your fellow guild mates with `{{ prefix }}pet rescue <pet> [<time>] [<mention>]`. `<pet>` needs to be either the name or the id of the pet, `<time>` is the remaining time in minutes (default 59), followed by either nothing, "min", or "mins", and `<mention>` is the group that will be alerted (default `@everyone`).
• Default settings can be checked with `{{ prefix }}pet rescue config`.
• This command can be shortened up by using `{{ prefix }}pr ...` instead of `{{ prefix }}pet rescue`.
• Server administrators can alter the default mention, as well as the deletion behaviour with `{{ prefix }}pet rescue config <setting>=<value>`.
<T>**__Team Bookmarks__**:</T>
• Show own bookmarks: `{{ prefix }}bookmarks`.
• Display a certain bookmark: `{{ prefix }}bookmark <bookmark id>`.
• Create a new bookmark: `{{ prefix }}bookmark <description> <team code>`. A new random bookmark id will be created.
• Delete a bookmark: `{{ prefix }}bookmark delete <bookmark id>`.
• Show own toplists: `{{ prefix }}toplists`
• Create a new toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist <description> <troops>`. Troops are comma separated list of names or troop ids. A new toplist id will be created.
• Append more troops to an existing toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist append <id> <troops>`
• Change a toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist update <toplist id> <description> <troops>`
• Delete a toplist: `{{ prefix }}toplist delete <toplist id>`.
<T>**__Command Modifiers__**:</T>
• __Translation__: All GoW languages are supported, put the two country code letters (en, fr, de, ru, it, es, zh) in front of the command, e.g. `de{{ prefix }}troop elemaugrim`. This works the same for team codes. **Localized searches will only look for troop names with their respective translations**.',
• __Shortened output__: Put a "-" in front of any command to make it appear in condensed format, e.g. `-[1075,6251,6699,6007]`, or with language `de-[1075,6251,6699,6007]`. **Note that the language modifier always comes first.**
<T>**__Bot Specific Commands__**:</T>
• Check the bot's permissions within a channel: `{{ prefix }}permissions`
• Display bot version, runtime, uptime, invite code, and more: `{{ prefix }}about`
• Get a random motivation waffles: `{{ prefix }}waffles`
• Short help: enter `{{ prefix }}quickhelp` to open a short overview of all commands.
<T>**__Admin Commands__**:</T>
Administrative commands can only be issued by either the server owner, a member with administration access granted, or users in a group called "admin".
• __Prefix__: enter `{{ prefix }}prefix <new_prefix>` to set a new prefix. Only the server owner can do that.
• __News__: Subscribe to news with `{{ prefix }}news subscribe pc` or `{{ prefix }}news subscribe switch` to subscribe to either news. Check the status with `{{ prefix }}news`.
• __Default Language__: Change default language for your server with `{{ prefix }}lang <lang>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}lang fr` (see above for valid language codes).