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Test Coverage
Users can use the `{{ prefix }}tower` command to enter Scroll data for the Tower of Doom, 
then display it for easy viewing. **Each Tower is specific to the channel it is in**.
<T>__Entering Data__</T>
To enter data, use the `{{ prefix }}tower` command. Shortened names or aliases can be used.
`{{ prefix }}tower 4 ii unlock`
`{{ prefix }}tower 5 rare fi`
You can set a whole floor in one line:
`{{ prefix }}tower 6 armor fireball unlock haste`

<T>__Displaying Data__</T>
To display all the data, simply use the `{{ prefix }}tower` command with no arguments.
For a selection of floors, ranging from _lower_ to _upper_, use `{{ prefix }}tower <lower>-<upper>`, e.g. `{{ prefix }}tower 20-30`.

<T>__Clearing Data__</T>
To clear the tower data, simply use the `{{ prefix }}towerclear` command with no arguments.

<T>__Importing from Taran's DoomMap__</T>
`{{ prefix }}tower taran <map name>`

To configure the tower utility, use `{{ prefix }}towerconfig`.
`{{ prefix }}towerconfig short true` for short responses to edits.
`{{ prefix }}towerconfig rooms iii iii,rare,green` to set the room aliases.
Comma separated values.
`{{ prefix }}towerconfig scrolls armor :shield:,Armor` to set scroll aliases. 
First value will be used for display.