angular.module 'mnoEnterpriseAngular'
.controller('MarketplaceChooseOrgaModalCtrl', ($scope, $uibModalInstance, MnoeOrganizations, MnoeCurrentUser, app) ->
# Pre-Initialization
# Initialize the main variables
$scope.organizations = {}
$scope.current_organization = {}
$scope.authorized_organizations = {} # The organizations where the user can add apps
$scope.hasAuthorizedOrganizations = false
$scope.isLoading = true
$ = app
# Get the current organization id
$scope.current_organization = {
id: MnoeOrganizations.selectedId
# Scope Management
# Check if the user is allowed to add apps to the given organization
$scope.isUserAuthorized = (orgId) ->
currentUserRole = $scope.organizations[orgId].current_user_role
# Update current user authorization based on the selected org
$scope.updateUserAuthorization = ->
$scope.current_organization.isUserAuthorized = $scope.isUserAuthorized($
# Add a new app instance to the current user organization
$scope.addApplication = ->
$scope.isLoading = true
MnoeOrganizations.purchaseApp($, $
(response) ->
).finally(-> $scope.isLoading = false)
# Close the current modal
$scope.closeChooseOrgaModal = ->
# Private methods
# Filter the authorized organizations for this user
filterAuthorizedOrga = (organizations) ->
_.forEach(organizations, (org) ->
$scope.organizations[] = org
$scope.authorized_organizations[] = org if MnoeOrganizations.role.atLeastAdmin(org.current_user_role)
# Post-Initialization
# Get the list of all the user organizations
(response) -> # Hash of organizations id -> {organization obj}
$scope.hasAuthorizedOrganizations = !_.isEmpty($scope.authorized_organizations)
$scope.isLoading = false