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# Upgrading mno-enterprise

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1. [Upgrading the frontend](#upgrading-the-frontend)
1. [Upgrading the gem](#upgrading-the-gem)
    1. [Migrating from v3.2 to v3.3](#migrating-from-v32-to-v33)
    1. [Migrating from v3.0/v3.1 to v3.2](#migrating-from-v30v31-to-v32)
    1. [Migrating from v2 to v3](#migrating-from-v2-to-v3)

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## Upgrading the frontend

The frontend can be upgraded by running `bin/rake mnoe:frontend:update`

`impac-angular` and `mno-enterprise-angular` will be upgraded according to the constraints in `package.json`

The frontend style and behavior is controlled by some key files. Generally these files are _not_ changed during
 an upgrade, so it's up to you to review them.

### `variables.less`

This is the primary configuration file for the frontend style. Compare these two versions:
* `frontend/src/app/stylesheets/variables.less` in your app
* [current source in mno-enterprise-angular on github](<sup>[1](#footnote1)</sup>

Check if new variables were added and add them in your file.

This might cause conflicts in the UI introducing the wrong colour in the wrong place.
We would recommend to find the place where the new variable is applied by using a colour that stands out, then apply the right one.

Build the frontend when you are done: `bin/rake mnoe:frontend:build`

<a name="footnote1"><sup>1</sup></a> _The GitHub link below is for the `master` branch, which can be later than the released version._
_You may want to use GitHub history to retrieve the version corresponding to the update you are considering._

## Upgrading the gem

This is a simple as `bundle update mno-enterprise`.

See below for upgrade between breaking versions.

### Migrating from v3.2 to v3.3

See the [CHANGELOG](

No major issues for upgrade apart from the Admin Panel being extracted to a new project and following the new build processs (see v3.2):

- Run `bin/rake mnoe:admin:install` to update the `package.json` file and build the admin panel

### Migrating from v3.0/v3.1 to v3.2

See the [CHANGELOG](

#### New frontend build process

The frontend build process has been refactored, `package.json` is now replacing the `bower.json` file.

- Run `bin/rake mnoe:frontend:install` to generate a new `package.json` file and build the frontend
- Edit `package.json`: change the `mno-enterprise-angular` and `impac-angular` versions to match your needs (see the `bower.json` file)
- Run `bin/rake mnoe:frontend:update` if you've edited `package.json`
- Delete the obsolete `bower.json` file

### Event Logger

If you're doing custom event login in your app, the `` signature has changed:
```diff, current_user_id, description, metadata, object), current_user_id, description, object, metadata = {})

### Migrating from v2 to v3

#### a) Upgrade the gem
First switch to a new branch such as v2-to-v3.
git co -b v2-to-v3

Open your Gemfile and ensure that your project points to the v3.0-dev branch of Maestrano Enterprise. You gemfile should look like this:
gem 'mno-enterprise', git: '', branch: 'v3.0-dev'

Then update the gem by running
bundle update mno-enterprise

Ensure you've got node installed on your system. Some googling will surely provide you with the steps required to install Node on your machine.

Rerun the Maestrano Enterprise task in your project. This task will download and compile the enterprise angular frontend.
bundle exec rake mno_enterprise:install

After running this task a new "/frontend" directory will have appeared in the root of your project. This folder will contain any customization you want to make the frontend. It should already contain a few LESS files with a default theme.

#### b) Reapply your style

The way styling and frontend customisations are handled by the platform has changed. Everything is now located under the "/frontend" directory.

In order to migrate your style, follow these instructions:

- Copy the content of your /app/assets/stylesheets/theme.less.erb into /frontend/src/app/stylesheets/theme.less. Replace any ERB variable by the actual LESS value
- Delete /app/assets/stylesheets/theme.less.erb
- Copy the content of your /app/assets/stylesheets/variables.less into /frontend/src/app/stylesheets/variables.less.
- Delete /app/assets/stylesheets/variables.less
- Create the file: /app/assets/stylesheets/main.less and copy the following content to it:
/*                    Import Core LESS Framework                         */
// Import Core LESS Framework
@import "mno_enterprise/main";

/*                           Customization                               */

// Import theme colors
@import "../../../frontend/src/app/stylesheets/theme";

// Import custom variables
@import "../../../frontend/src/app/stylesheets/variables";

// Import theme published by Theme Previewer
// @import "../../../frontend/src/app/stylesheets/theme-previewer-published.less";

// Import any custom less file below
// @import 'homepage'
- Copy any CSS customization you have made in main.less.erb to main.less
- Rebuild the frontend with your style
rake mnoe:frontend:dist
- Copy your logo in /app/assets/images/mno_enterprise/main-logo.png to /public/dashboard/images/main-logo.png

Launch your application, your style should now be reapplied.

#### c) Caveat: Impac! endpoint

The v3 is currently being finalised. There are some minor configuration options that still need to be implemented such as the "impact endpoint urls".

If deploying to UAT, the Impac! URLs need to be manually replaced. Search the "/public" directory for "http://localhost:4000" and replace by "". Save the files and deploy.