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# MNO Enterprise Rails Application Template

This template bootstrap a MNO Enterprise project.

## How to Use

rails new [project_name] -TOJ -m


rails new [project_name] -TOJ -m <path-to>/mnoe-app-template.rb

Feel free to adapt the flags used if you need ActiveRecord or Test::Unit:

* `-O` or `--skip-active-record`
* `-T` or `--skip-test-unit`
* `-S` or `--skip_sprockets`
* `-J` or `--skip_javascript`

Once the app exists:

cd [project_name]
foreman start

## What it does

1. Adds the following gems:
  - CI:
    - [rubocop]( Ruby static code analyzer
    - [brakeman]( A static analysis security vulnerability scanner
    - [bundler-audit]( Patch level verification for bundler
  - Testing:
    - [rspec-rails]( Rspec is a testing tool for test-driven and behavior-driven development..
    - [factory_girl_rails]( FactoryGirl is a fixtures replacement with a straightforward definition syntax.
    - [shoulda-matchers]( Collection of testing matchers extracted from Shoulda
    - [simplecov]( Code coverage

2. Add and install `mno-enterprise`

3. Initializes a new git repository with an initial commit.