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This Gem relies heavily on [Sidekiq](, you are encouraged to use it anywhere with Ruby (a http interface is on the Roadmap ). You REALLY should buy [Sidekiq's Pro]( license for serious deployments, check it out.

This Gem provides a worker ready for deploy cooked with [MongoDB]( + [Mongoid]( + [Sidekiq]( + [Rubinius]( (feel free to use on MRI and jRuby as well).

For production deployment, you should take a look at both [MailCannon Outpost]( and [MailCannon Monitor]( projects.

You can check the [changelog here](


You can:
  $ gem install mailcannon

Or just add it to your Gemfile
  gem 'mailcannon'


Create a `MailCannon::Envelope`:
envelope = MailCannon::Envelope.create(
  from: '',
  to: [{email: '', name: 'Lucas Martins'}],
  subject: 'Test',
  mail: 'you will see this when no HTML reader is available', html: 'this should be an HTML'))!

### Campaign abstraction

Create a `MailCannon::EnvelopeBag` and add Envelopes to it:
envelope_bag = 'my-cool-campaign')
envelope = MailCannon::Envelope.create(
  from: '',
  to: [{email: '', name: 'Lucas Martins'}],
  subject: 'Test',
  mail: 'you will see this when no HTML reader is available', html: 'this should be an HTML'))
envelope_bag.push envelope
# envelope_bag.push ...!

### Multiple Sendgrid Accounts

You can pass an auth Hash to the `Envelope` and/or `EnvelopeBag`, the `Envelope` auth will always override the Bag's auth.

envelope_bag = {username: 'shared-account',password: '123'})
envelope = MailCannon::Envelope.create(
  auth: {username: 'hot-account',password: '456'}
  from: '',
  to: [{email: '', name: 'Lucas Martins'}],
  subject: 'Test',
  mail: 'you will see this when no HTML reader is available', html: 'this should be an HTML'))
envelope_bag.push envelope! # this will be sent using the 'hot-account'.

### Configuration file
If you are on Rails, run the following command to generate a config file:

`$ rails g mailcannon:config`

Otherwise, just copy the template file:

$ cd my-project
$ cp `bundle show mailcannon`/templates/config/mailcannon.yml config/

Edit the file to meet your environemnt needs.

Check the [specs]( to see the testing example, it will surely make it clearer.

### Statistics & MapReduce

MailCannon provides statistics calculation/reduce for the events related to an `Envelope`, like `open`,`click`,`spam`, etc. Assuming you have your Outpost running properly (running reduce jobs), you can access the data through the `envelope.stats` method to get the following hash:

  "posted"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "processed"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "delivered"=>{"count"=>1.0, "targets"=>["1"]},
  "open"=>{"count"=>1.0, "targets"=>["2"]},
  "click"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "deferred"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "spam_report"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "spam"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "unsubscribe"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "drop"=>{"count"=>0.0, "targets"=>[]},
  "bounce"=>{"count"=>1.0, "targets"=>["3"]}

You can trigger the reduce operation directly with `envelope.reduce_statistics`.

**Targets** are your __glue_id__ to link this data inside your own application, we use it as the "Contact#id" so we can show witch `Contact` has received, read, or clicked the email.

Repeating events on the same target will increase the array: `"click"=>{"count"=>3.0, "targets"=>["3","3","3"]}`

You should check the [factories]( to learn what you need to build your objects, and the [tests]( to learn how to use them. But hey, we have docs [right here](


- Load testing;
- Webhook service to receive Sendgrid events;
- Memory optimization (focused on MailCannon Outpost);
- HTTP (webservice) interface - so you don't need to be coding Ruby to use it!;


Just fork [MailCannon](, add your feature+spec, and make a pull request. **DO NOT** mess up with the version file though.

This is an opensource project so don't expect premium support, but don't be shy, post any troubles you're having in the [Issues]( page and we'll do what we can to help.


Please see [LICENSE]( for licensing details.