#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# Create a file or folder in a Google Drive
require 'optparse'
# Parse the command line
# @example Create a file in a Google Drive
# file-create \
# [NAME] \
# [--parent ID] \
# [--mime-type MIME_TYPE] \
# [--content FILE_NAME [--content-type MIME_TYPE]]
# @example Create a new empty file with default title and mimetype in the user's My Drive
# file-create
# @example Create a file name 'My Data File' in the user's My Drive
# file-create 'My Data File'
# @example Create a file in a specific folder
# file-create 'My Data File' --parent '1V6RS_7_YgJmLDH-BDw3dpD8Np60Oi9ET'
# @example Create a specific kind of file (data file)
# file-create 'My Data File' --mime-type 'text/plain'
# @example Create a specific kind of file (spreadsheet)
# file-create 'My Data File' --mime-type 'application/vnd.google-apps.spreadsheet'
# @example Create a specific kind of file (document)
# file-create 'My Data File' --mime-type 'application/vnd.google-apps.document'
# @example Create a folder
# file-create 'My New Folder' --mime-type 'application/vnd.google-apps.folder'
# @example Create a file and load it with data from a file
# file-create 'My Data File' --content 'data.csv' --content-type 'text/csv'
# @example For a anyone
# permission-create FILE_ID \
# --type anyone \
# --role ROLE \
# [--expiration TIME] \
# [{--allow-file-discovery | --no-allow-file-discovery}]
class ParseCommandLine
def initialize(argv)
@argv = argv.dup
@name = @argv.shift
attr_reader :name, :parent_id, :mime_type, :content, :content_type
def banner = <<~BANNER
#{$PROGRAM_NAME} [NAME] [options]
Creates a file in a Google Drive and displays the JSON properties
of that file.
WARNING: Omitting NAME will create a file named 'Untitled'.
def parser
@parser ||= OptionParser.new(banner) do |opts|
option_definitions.each { |option_definition| opts.on(*option_definition) }
def help
puts parser
def option_definitions
parent_definition, mime_type_definition,
content_definition, content_type_definition
def help_definition = ['-h', '--help', '', ->(_value) { help }]
def parent_definition = ['--parent=ID', ->(value) { @parent_id = value }]
def mime_type_definition = ['--mime-type=MIME_TYPE', ->(value) { @mime_type = value }]
def content_definition = ['--content=FILE_NAME', ->(value) { @content = value }]
def content_type_definition = ['--content_type=MIME_TYPE', ->(value) { @content_type = value }]
def default_options; end
def validate(argv)
raise "Extra command line arguments: #{argv}" unless argv.empty?
# Create a data file
# When creating a data file, upload_source should be an IO object that
# responds to `read` and `size` (e.g. StringIO) or a string that names
# an existing file to upload.
options = ParseCommandLine.new(ARGV)
require 'drive_v3'
require 'json'
drive_service = DriveV3.drive_service
# If name is not specified as part of a create request (or it is nil), the file name
# is named 'Untitled'.
name = options.name
# If parents not specified as part of a create request or is an empty array, the
# file is placed directly in the user's My Drive folder
# parents = ['id1', 'id2']
parents = []
parents << options.parent_id if options.parent_id
# The MIME type of the file. Drive will attempt to automatically detect an
# appropriate value from uploaded content if no value is provided. The value
# cannot be changed unless a new revision is uploaded.
# See
# [Google Workspace & Google Drive supported MIME types](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/mime-types)
# for a list of supported MIME types.
# The default MIME type is 'text/plain'
# mime_type = nil
mime_type = options.mime_type
file_metadata = { name:, parents:, mime_type: }
# If fields is not specified, the following default fields are returned:
# id, name, kind, and mime_type. '*' can by used to return all fields.
# See https://developers.google.com/drive/api/v3/reference/files#resource
fields = '*'
# When creating the data file, upload_source should be an IO object that
# responds to `read` and `size` (e.g. StringIO) or a string that names
# an existing file to upload.
# If upload_source is not specified, the file will be created as an empty
# data file.
# upload_source = StringIO.new("This is my letter to the World\nThat never wrote to Me")
upload_source = options.content
# Content type indicates the MIME type of the upload_source. If not specified,
# the content type will be determined by calling MIME::Types.of with the
# upload_source's filename.
# content_type = 'text/plain'
# CSV content type
# content_type = nil
content_type = options.content_type
# Indicate that this application supports files in shared drives. An error will result if
# this is false (or omitted) AND `create_file` tries to create a file in a shared drive.
supports_all_drives = true
file = drive_service.create_file(
puts JSON.pretty_generate(file.to_h)
rescue StandardError => e
puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"