#!/usr/bin/env ruby
# frozen_string_literal: true
# List permissions for a file or folder
require 'drive_v3'
file_id = ARGV[0] || ENV.fetch('FILE_ID', nil)
raise 'Missing file_id' unless file_id
drive_service = DriveV3.drive_service
permissions = []
# Number of files to return with each request
# Limiting to 2 for this example, normally this would be a lot higher
# (default is 100)
page_size = 2
# Signal to get first page of results
# nextPageToken property returns the page_token of the next page
# of results. If nextPageToken is empty, there are no more pages.
page_token = nil
# If `fields` is not specified, the following fields are returned for each permission:
# ???
# Could return all possible fields by specifying `fields: '*'`.
# If you give fields, you must explicitly include `nextPageToken` if you want it.
# See [Return specific fields for a file](https://developers.google.com/drive/api/guides/fields-parameter)
# for more information about how to retrieve other fields.
# fields = 'nextPageToken, files(id, name, parents, web_view_link)'
fields = '*'
# Indicate that this application supports files in shared drives. An error will
# result if this is false (or omitted) AND you are trying to list the permissions
# on a file in a shared drive.
supports_all_drives = true
loop do
permission_list = drive_service.list_permissions(
permissions += permission_list.permissions.map(&:to_h)
# Stop looping if there are no more pages
break unless (page_token = permission_list.next_page_token)
puts JSON.pretty_generate(permissions)