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# How to release a new ruby_git gem

Releasing a new version of the `ruby_git` gem requires these steps:
  * [Prepare the release](#prepare-the-release)
  * [Create a GitHub release](#create-a-github-release)
  * [Build and release the gem](#build-and-release-the-gem)

These instructions use an example where the current release version is `1.0.0`
and the new release version to be created is `1.1.0.pre1`.

## Prepare the release

On a branch (or fork) of ruby_git, create a PR containing changes to (1) bump the
version number and (2) update the, and (3) tag the release.

  * Bump the version number
    * Version number is in lib/ruby_git/version.rb
    * Follow [Semantic Versioning]( guidelines
    * `bundle exec bump --no-commit patch` # backwards compatible bug fixes
    * `bundle exec bump --no-commit minor` # backwards compatible new functionality
    * `bundle exec bump --no-commit major` # incompatible API changes
  * Update
    * `bundle exec rake changelog`

  * Stage the changes to be committed
    * `git add lib/ruby_git/version.rb`

  * Commit, tag, and push changes to the repository
    * ```git release v`ruby -I lib -r ruby_git -e 'puts RubyGit::VERSION'` ```

  * Create a PR with these changes, have it reviewed and approved, and merged to main.

## Create a GitHub release

On [the ruby_git releases page](,
select `Draft a new release`

  * Select the tag corresponding to the version being released `v1.1.0.pre1`
  * The Target should be `main`
  * For the release description, copy the relevant section from the
    * The release description can be edited later.
  * Select the appropriate value for `This is a pre-release`
    * Since `v1.1.0.pre1` is a pre-release, check `This is a pre-release`

## Build and release the gem

Clone [main-branch/ruby_git]( directly (not a
fork) and ensure your local working tree is on the main branch

  * Verify that you are not on a fork with the command `git remote -v`
  * Verify that the version number is correct by running `rake -T` and inspecting
    the output for the `release[remote]` task

Build the git gem and push it to with the command `rake release`

  * Ensure that your `gem sources list` includes `` (in my
    case, I usually have my work’s internal gem repository listed)