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const { HttpStatusError } = require('common-errors');
const { ActionTransport } = require('@microfleet/core');

const { AGREEMENT_INDEX, AGREEMENT_DATA } = require('../../constants');

// helpers
const key = require('../../redis-key');

const { serialize, deserialize, handlePipeline } = require('../../utils/redis');
const { mergeWithNotNull } = require('../../utils/plans');
const { ExecutionError, AgreementStatusError } = require('../../utils/paypal/agreements').error;
const { RequestError } = require('../../utils/paypal/client').error;
const {
  publishExecutionFailureHook, publishExecutionSuccessHook, successExecutionPayload,
} = require('../../utils/paypal/billing-hooks');

const paypalApi = require('../../utils/paypal');

const { agreement: { execute } } = paypalApi;

 * @throws ExecutionError Unknown subscription token
async function findAgreementData(redis, token) {
  const tokenKey = key('subscription-token', token);
  const [exists, data] = await redis

  if (!exists) {
    throw ExecutionError.unknownSubscriptionToken(token);

  return deserialize(data);

 * Fetches updated agreement from paypal.
 * We must make sure that state is 'active'.
 * If it's pending -> retry until it becomes either active or cancelled
 * States: // Active, Cancelled, Completed, Created, Pending, Reactivated, or Suspended
 * @param  {string} agreementId - Agreement Id.
async function fetchUpdatedAgreement(paypalCfg, log, agreementId, owner, token, creatorTaskId) {
  const agreement = await paypalApi.agreement.get(agreementId, paypalCfg);

  log.debug('fetched agreement %j', agreement);

  const state = String(agreement.state).toLowerCase();

  if (state === 'active') {
    return agreement;

  if (state === 'pending') {
    log.warn({ agreement }, 'failed to move agreement to active/failed state');
    return agreement;

  const error = new AgreementStatusError(agreementId, owner, state, creatorTaskId, token);
  log.error({ err: error, agreement }, 'Client tried to execute failed agreement: %j');
  throw error;

 * @throws ExecutionError Paypal request failed for expected reason
 * @throws RequestError   Paypal request failed for any other reason
async function sendExecuteRequest(token, owner, paypal) {
  let result;
  try {
    result = await execute(token, {}, paypal);
  } catch (error) {
    const wrapper = RequestError.wrapOrigin(error);
    if (wrapper.isTokenInvalidError()) {
      throw ExecutionError.invalidSubscriptionToken(token, owner);
    throw wrapper;


async function saveAgreement(redis, token, agreement, owner, planId, creatorTaskId, finalizedAt) {
  const tokenKey = key('subscription-token', token);
  const agreementKey = key(AGREEMENT_DATA,;
  const userAgreementIndex = key(AGREEMENT_INDEX, owner);

  const data = {
    state: agreement.state,
    plan: planId,

  const pipeline = redis.pipeline([
    ['hmset', agreementKey, serialize(data)],
    ['sadd', AGREEMENT_INDEX,],
    ['sadd', userAgreementIndex,],
    ['del', tokenKey],

  handlePipeline(await pipeline.exec());

 * @api {amqp} <prefix>.agreement.execute Executes agreement for approval
 * @apiVersion 1.0.0
 * @apiName executeAgreement
 * @apiGroup Agreement
 * @apiDescription Performs agreement approval through paypal and sends link back
 * @apiSchema {jsonschema=agreement/execute.json} apiRequest
 * @apiSchema {jsonschema=response/agreement/execute.json} apiResponse
async function agreementExecute({ params }) {
  const { config, redis, amqp } = this;
  const { token } = params;

  let agreementData;
  try {
    agreementData = await findAgreementData(redis, token);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof ExecutionError) {
      await publishExecutionFailureHook(amqp, e);
      throw new HttpStatusError(404, 'Subscription token not found');
    throw e;

  const log = this.log.child({ agreementData });
  const { owner, planId, creatorTaskId } = agreementData;

  let agreementId;
  try {
    agreementId = await sendExecuteRequest(token, owner, config.paypal);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof ExecutionError) {
      await publishExecutionFailureHook(amqp, e);
      log.error({ err: e }, e.message);
      throw new HttpStatusError(400, e.message);
    log.error({ err: e }, e.message);
    throw new HttpStatusError(400, 'Unexpected paypal request error');

  let updatedAgreement;
  try {
    updatedAgreement = await fetchUpdatedAgreement(config.paypal, log, agreementId, owner, token, creatorTaskId);
  } catch (e) {
    if (e instanceof ExecutionError || e instanceof AgreementStatusError) {
      e.params.token = token;
      await publishExecutionFailureHook(amqp, e);
      throw new HttpStatusError(412, e.message);
    this.log.error({ err: e }, 'Unexpected paypal request error');
    throw e;

  // Paypal provides limited plan info and we should merge it with extra data
  const agreement = { ...updatedAgreement, plan: mergeWithNotNull(agreementData.plan, updatedAgreement.plan) };
  await saveAgreement(redis, token, agreement, owner, planId, creatorTaskId);

  // Notify hook but without transaction
  const payload = successExecutionPayload(agreement, token, owner, creatorTaskId);
  await publishExecutionSuccessHook(amqp, payload);

  return agreement;

agreementExecute.transports = [ActionTransport.amqp];

module.exports = agreementExecute;