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// Provides sets of utils for perfoming migrations on redis database
// It's essential to note that this is targeted at a single instance
// In case of cluster one must ensure that you use keyPrefix, which would
// resolve to the same cluster

// 1. accepts array of migration scripts, it must export the following object:
//   -- `final` - denotes version after migration has been completed
//   -- `script` - if `String` would be treated as LUA, otherwise as FN to be executed. One must
//   understand that such function can only bring new data into the system, because
//   this function won't be atomically called, `fn` will be passed current redis pipeline instance
//   to enqueue more actions
//   -- `min` - optional, minimum current version
// 2. prepends lua check which converts script to noop if migration has already been performed
// 3. verified that min/final constraints overlap, except for the very first script
// 4. sends scripts via redis.pipeline()
// This essentially blocks master from any writes, because redis is single threaded.
// Assuming we don't really have much work to do this script could do it's job very fast.
// However, in scenarios where migrations are complicated:
// * non trivial amounts of data are involved
// * distributed databases
// * ?
// One must consider ways to enforce maintenance mode and ensure that no writes would
// be performed on the main database during migration process

import type { Microfleet } from '@microfleet/core-types'

import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import { strict as assert } from 'node:assert'

import _debug from 'debug'
import { glob, Path } from 'glob'
import Redis from 'ioredis'
import path from 'path'
import sortBy from 'sort-by'

// some constant helpers
const VERSION_KEY = 'version'
const debug = _debug('mservice:redis:migrate')

 * This script is used to verify that we havent performed the transaction yet.
 * @param  finalVersion - This would be set in Redis after update.
 * @param  [min=0] - Minimal version to apply this migration to.
 * @returns Lua script for version verification.
const appendPreScript = (finalVersion: number, min = 0) => `-- check for ${finalVersion}
local currentVersion = tonumber('get', KEYS[1]) or 0);

if currentVersion >= ${finalVersion} then
  return redis.error_reply('migration already performed');

if currentVersion < ${min} then
  return redis.error_reply('min version constraint failed');
-- end check`

 * This script is used to put version after migration is complete.
 * @param finalVersion - This Would be set in redis after update.
 * @returns Lua post-verification script.
const appendPostScript = (finalVersion: number) => `-- set current version
return'set', KEYS[1], '${finalVersion}');

 * This is the most common case of a single LUA script for migration.
 * @param  finalVersion - Sets version after upgrade.
 * @param  [min=0] - Minimal version to apple migration to.
 * @param  script - Userland LUA script.
 * @returns Final Lua script.
const appendLuaScript = (finalVersion: number, min = 0, script: string) => [
  appendPreScript(finalVersion, min),

const getMigrationFile = async (script: Path) => {
  let file = script.fullpath()

  if (script.isDirectory()) {
    const files = await script.readdir()
    const availableExtensions = []

    for (const item of files) {
      const parsed = path.parse(item.fullpath())
      if ( === 'index') {

    for (const extension of ['.js', '.ts', '.cjs', '.mjs']) {
      if (availableExtensions.includes(extension)) {
        file = `${file}/index${extension}`

  const mod = await import(file)

  return mod.default || mod

export interface Migration {
  final: number;
  min: number;
  args: any[];
  script: any;
  keys?: string[];

 * Verifies current Redis schema version.
 * @param  error - Any error.
 * @returns Swallows certain error messages.
function checkVersionError(this: Microfleet, error: Error) {
  this.log.error({ err: error }, 'migration check version err')

  if (error.message === 'migration already performed') {

  throw error

 * Perform migrations on the Redis database.
 * @param  redis - Redis client.
 * @param  service - Mservice instance.
 * @param  scripts - Migrations to perform.
 * @returns Returns when migrations are performed.
export async function performMigration(redis: Redis.Redis | Redis.Cluster, service: Microfleet, scripts: unknown): Promise<boolean> {
  let files: Migration[]
  if (typeof scripts === 'string') {
    debug('looking for files in %s', scripts)
    files = await glob('*{.js,/}', { cwd: scripts, withFileTypes: true })
      .then((migrationScripts: Path[]) => Promise.all(
  } else if (Array.isArray(scripts)) {
    files = scripts
  } else {
    throw new Error('`scripts` arg must be either a directory with migrations or Migrations[]')

  if (files.length === 0) {
    debug('no files found')
    return false

  // sort in order of execution
  files.sort(sortBy('final', 'min'))

  // fetch current version and then remove unneeded migrations
  const savedVersion = await redis.get(VERSION_KEY)
  const currentVersion = parseInt(savedVersion || '0', 10)

  // ensure that all files have final > currentVersion
  files = files.filter(file => > currentVersion)

  if (files.length === 0) {
    debug('no files found')
    return false

  for (const file of files) {
    const { final } = file
    assert(typeof +final === 'number', 'final version must be present and be an integer')

    if (typeof file.script === 'string') {
      // read file contents
      if (path.isAbsolute(file.script)) {
        file.script = await fs.readFile(file.script, 'utf8')

      // finalize content
      const script = appendLuaScript(final, file.min, file.script)
      const keys = [VERSION_KEY].concat(file.keys || [])
      const { args } = file

      debug('evaluating script after %s', currentVersion, script)

      try {
        // eslint-disable-next-line no-await-in-loop
        await redis.eval(script, keys.length, keys, args)
      } catch (error: any) {, error)
    } else if (typeof file.script === 'function') {
      try {
        await redis.eval(appendPreScript(final, file.min), 1, [VERSION_KEY])
        // must return promise
        await file.script(service)
        await redis.eval(appendPostScript(final), 1, [VERSION_KEY])
      } catch (error: any) {, error)
    } else {
      throw new Error('script must be a function if not a string')

  return true