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# redux-rest-adapter

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redux-rest-adapter is a tool for easy connection your REST api with redux store.

Compatible with [json.api specification](

## Main points
- Write **code** instead of reducers and actions for trivial data operations.

## Changelog

Starts from v2.0.0 redux-rest-adapter based on
[axios]( and
for easy access to promises and better experience with isomorphic app.

[Versions 1.x.x](

### short-example.js

import EntityApi, {promiseMiddleware} from 'redux-rest-adapter';
import {createStore, applyMiddleware, combineReducers} from 'redux';

    const tagsApi = new EntityApi({
      entityName: 'TAG',
      endpointUrl: 'api/v2/tags'

    const apiReducer = combineReducers({
      TAG: tagsApi.configureReducer()

    const store = createStore(
        api: apiReducer

    store.dispatch(tagsApi.actions.load()).then(()=> {
        console.log(store.getState(); // [{id:1, name:'tag1'}, {id:2, name:'tag2'}];

## Setup

### your/known-entities-api.js

import EntityApi from 'redux-rest-adapter';

export const KnownEntitiesUrls = {
  NEWS_TAGS: 'news-tags',
  NEWS_TAG_FOR_EDIT: 'news-tags',
export default _.mapValues(KnownEntitiesUrls, (url, name) => new EntityApi({
  entityName: name,
  endpointUrl: 'api/v2/' + url

### your/api-reducer.js

import knownEntitiesApi from 'your/known-entities-api';

// Ability to extend default api reducers
const apiReducersExtensions = {
  NEWS_TAGS: tagsReducer

const apiReducers = _.mapValues(knownEntitiesApi, (api, key) => api.configureReducer(apiReducersExtensions[key]));

export default combineReducers(apiReducers);

### your/index-reducer.js

import apiReducer from 'your/api-reducer';

export default combineReducers({
  api: apiReducer

### your/configure-store.js

import indexReducer from 'your/index-reducer';
import {promiseMiddleware} from 'redux-rest-adapter';
export default function configureStore(initialState) {
  return createStore(

### your/entities-actions.js

import knownEntitiesApi from 'your/known-entities-api';

export default _.mapValues(knownEntitiesApi, entityApi => entityApi.actions);

## Adapter is ready

![Image devTools](

## Usage

### Actions

import entitesActions from 'your/entities-actions';

dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.load());                          // GET:    api/v2/news-tags
dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.load(1));                         // GET:    api/v2/news-tags/1

// --- NOTE: HTTP methods for create and update operations can be configured
dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.update(1, {name: 'new tag'}));    // PATCH:  api/v2/news-tags/1
dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.create({name: 'new tag'}));       // POST:   api/v2/news-tags
dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.remove(1));                       // DELETE: api/v2/news-tags/1

// --- Silent methods for changing store without sync with backend
dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.set({name: 'new tag'}));          // set new data
dispatch(entitesActions.NEWS_TAG.reset());                         // reset to initial state


### React component example
import entitesActions from 'your/entities-actions';

class TagsComponent extends Component {
  componentWillMount() {


  componentWillUnmount() {

  onTagFormSubmit = ()=> {
    const data = this.props.tagForEdit;
    if ( {
      this.props.updateTag(, data);
    } else {

  render() {
    return (
      this.props.pending ?
        <Loading/> :

const mapStateToProps = (state) => ({
  list: || [],
  pending: state.api.NEWS_TAGS._pending,
  tagForEdit: || {}

const mapDispatchToProps = {
  createTag: entitiesActions.NEWS_TAG_FOR_EDIT.create,
  updateTag: entitiesActions.NEWS_TAG_FOR_EDIT.update,
  resetEntryForEdit: entitiesActions.NEWS_TAG_FOR_EDIT.reset,
  loadList: entitiesActions.NEWS_TAGS.load

const TagsContainer = connect(mapStateToProps, mapDispatchToProps)(TagsComponent);

export {TagsComponent, TagsContainer};

## Configuration

### EntityApi constructor options

Name | Type | Default | Description 
--- | --- | --- | ---
`entityName` | `String`   | *Required.* will be used for naming state and actionTypes. 
`endpointUrl` | `String | *Required.* endpointUrl 
`reducersBuilderCustom` | `Object`| `reducersBuilderDefault` | Customer can redefine interface of reducers-builder.js
`axiosConfig` | `Object`| `{}` | [axios config](
`resourceKey` | `String`| `'data'` | Name of data property key at response object 
`idKey` | `String`| `'id'` | Name of id property key at response data object. Required for CRUD reducer extensions
`restHttpMethods` | `Object`| `{create:'post', update:'patch'}` | Customer can change HTTP methods used for create and  update actions 


Example of generated list reducer (basic CRUD operations)

### See also
