makasih lit , eh follow back aku dong lit -_-rt follow her -----> now ayooo 3 followers lagi :(
ikhlas wessss.... :(
its today..rt damn i wish we hit the car show yesterday :(
noo never :( only in croatia 2 times
its soo good i went last year when saw came out the only problem is its sooo busy walking about :(
i am freaking sleeeeeeepyyy :(
cultural difference between #delhi and #kolkata- i miss kolkata :-(
total hangover fail. unable to legitimately shirk parental duties. i blame every booze ad that ever urged me to "drink responsibly". :(
ah okay. :( di pala tapos isub completely yung first episode. :(
omgggg polar bear got discriminated of his pure white skin :( hahahahaha funny.
today is the last day i went to ypm maybe :(
is there a way to upload my new dp on echofon? :(
awww!!rt parh hi raha tha!!! :(
your soo lucky, sorry about the late tweet haha, i wish i was in glasgow too :( !
o.o you ate alot ? i bet june holiday i will gain alot of weight ! :(
you're not online on skype :(
am going to go in the street, but it's raining.. :(
everything you do makes me now how much i love you :(
i don't wanna come home :-(
good morning! have been tweet-less lately. lots going on around here, unfortunately none of it involving sewing. :( time to slow it down...
aww no :( yes, things are alright over here. :) very happy today, i dont know why, though. :) do you wanna talk about it?
i get to host today... wheeeee. :(
oh no :( about that blurred vision thing
yeah i knew that but everyone woke me up :(
lol =/ silly mum, :( i think i might sneak back on later ;)
my facebook picture is blank. damn, i'm uploading a picture and it's taking reaaaly long :(
indovision ngelag, mrk nonton streaming di mac:) brisik :)rt huaaaa :( mau pulaang..btw ko nonton disitu (cont)
all these great videos keep being made and i never get to hear about them! :( can someone please let the holm know about the next ones.
i wish you would....... know :(
i lose 2 followers :(
once u read this channy u will hate me :(
just laying back listening to music and stuff... nothing to watch :( law and order sounds amazing!
lol aww ok i thought u 4got lol awwww :( my mustache hella thick lol
having econs tuition now.. :(
without rooney, there's no one to score :(
~ awee :-( ((((vanessa)))) have some water sweets!
aw crumpet i missed you :( hope you enjoy your walk hugs xxx
i have to go to my grandmother today, bleh :(
damn. tricked into going shopping. :-( she's devious, my wife
gah , i cant get bacck to sleeep :(
feel like shit !!! argh ... felt better yesterday :-(
soooo tired from last work :(
damn' this gets them close to roma! :(
im tryingg but my body isnt communicating with me :( yeahh hope to see u around :)
i miss u like crzy :(
yeah, i know! there's a band i like called thriving ivory, and really wanted 2 of their songs :(
lol i did. i had a shuffle! i lost that one... tsk tsk. irresponsible that's what i am. :(
track 9; instrumental. absolutely love it! becoming my favourite of the album. i assume grohl is on drums? shame it ended :(
so yeah the worst day of my entire life :-(
ok i might just sleep on the floor! i've been in pain for a week :(
gonna be a lonely easter tomorrow :( anyone wanna hang?
finally,i've done nothing for mkt presentation.madesu :(
.. i will respect him from now on :( since he is my .. oppa t_t.. and im just the.. dongsaeng ..
i hate when my mom touches my stuff she put my book in the suitecase and now its all ruined :(
everyone is in their bathing suit today paying their insurance before they go to the beach, and im here....not at the beach :(
i heard gd fainted :( ~omggg. t.t"
semangaat ;) mgkn blm rejeki brother next time kl brort sedih banget :'( kagak jd beli bo'i'll :(
what happened to them? life.... :(
tonight is my last night in cebu. :(
yup. :( he just came to get his stuff, and now he is going to his appartment...
talking to him makes me smile but his not talking back :(
the easter bunny hasn't come yet :(
you ignored me :(
a huge thankyou [/sarcastic] to my folks for booking me on a flight to malta for easter after work when i don't wanna go :(
saturday night in :( guess its time for some mighty boosh...
gonna watch the tv. i wanna chat with but she's not here :(
just been told milk is cows cum. is it? eeeee!! x««eeewwwwww lol x lmfao eeee is it that's vile :( xx
really wanted to come; had to work :(
i don't appreciate how today feels like a sunday :l :(
not me :( not enough cash!
haha lope lope ya bukan love love lg yah haha sayaaang dy gg punya twitter :( jadi ampe gila juga (cont)
falling sick :( i hate the rain. fever go away pls. by tonight :(
omgeeeeeee!!! devils lost their plots tonite :(
wah.. giddy giddy.. i wanna vomit :(
hais tomorrow going back and yet because of my stupid question.. :(
i broke one and then the next and so on and now have no nails left :-( must get my talons back to feel like me again
dead bunny in the driveway....happy easter? :(
bluetooth won't activate :(
breaks my heart. :( #welovepotter.
mine aint loading aswell :( weekend no holiday... :( me too.. how r u lil sis?rt home sweet home..just landed in
i don't watch cricket :( at all.
cieeeeeeeee manisnya!!!!!! gue dong!! beteeeee!!! masa lagi bkin kue abis gasssss :( pgn gue bakar ni rumahh!!
i wanted to help, but i don't have the resources right now. :-(
they're mine :(
oh slapped wrist for me then :-( no broken legs for anyone then?
sounds nice! pink is hard work anyway. i want to leave some pink bits but would probably fuck it up :(
how could anyone hate demi :-(
i slyly wanna watch this game but leaving my bed is quite an issue right now :-(
i miss my bfran :( buuuuuut going to the quabbin today with so super stoked minus the fact my feet are swollen! friend gets to go to a zoo where they can feed the giraffes. i am so jealous :(
home for the easter weekend! my bff has gone for a whole year :( ... see you in sydney han :)
boreeeeeed :(
april's present for manitoba is snow :-(
brendan behan "borstal boy" a liar needs a good memory, i have an excellent one" mine is so bad, lying not an option :(
why you made that face to me? :(
poor bunny, let him go or he wont b able 2 come 2 mine :(
i'm sorry your moms going home! :( moms make everything better.
kool :) am just stayin in today and chillin cz the weathers horrible :(
ah, sorry to hear that. :(
lol! u r nt a bum. u r 1 of sweetest amiga juan can ever have! :-) i'm here wrk, missin fry's & bestbuy! :-(
you guys can you believe my gaga bad still hasn't arrived :(
holy week = 55% malling & going out, 40% homework, 12% relax, 3% eat! :) hehehe. back to school on monday. :(
i don't have sky :( i know joe cole scored though! x
playing little kings story. rip cing :(
i hate today so much. i feel like dyin its all just crap happening & negative. :( not even listenin to is makin it better :'(
i want homemade cinnamon rolls :(
super slow starbucks in wigan today :( 15 mins and counting
aww so sweet, why not get yourself banged by a truck or something ! i heart pain okat ! :(
headache, :( sad
not really :( i'm on crutches & meds for now. i really hope this gets better soon!
sorry i missed u :( i passed out lol...hope you also had a good night :)
yayyy =) :-( me and are planning to go this summer!
bored bored bored!!! don't have anything to do... :(
back in the pub, lost my internet network so i won't find out the teams til we leave here :(
ive been up since 2:40 and cant sleep :( ooohh joy! todays goin to be a veeery long day
sorry i must unfollow u.. i told u to follow me back but u don't.. sorry :(
i get frightened, trotter (his late 'brother) used to have that problem toward the end. :(
i went to the planetarium only because i saw toki wo tomete. and . . . :( #alwayskeepthefaith
gross, in #foodinc it is claimed that a burger actually has meat from 100s of animals because it is all ground up massively :(
technically i was on leave today :(
nice shirt ;) n we never drink when we hang :(
no plans yet for easter :( i guess i should find something to cook...
hei..whats wrong? :( suck saturday hate my family
my neck hurts. :( i need a massage.
day two w/out hubby-guess i need to take out the trash & pay bills :(
dying eggs, laundry, setting up appt for next week.
everything you do makes me now how much i love you :(
i mean standards of people* not in. this is why i need to go to bed before 6 am. spring break will transform me into a vampire. :(
why? :(
it's not that i'm staying away from u or smthng but i just don't know how to answer ur question. :(
flying tomoz so no drinky poo's tonight hey ho !!!! :-(
hate expressions like ): , :( , >< . or some sad faces. rly see my closest no mood, i'll no mood too ._.
jarang bangeeet. emang dr kpn? yaaah cindy mah :(
please esmée, tell us if you will do a livechat today :(
daki a algumas horas, eu vou-me... it's the final countdown :(
yeah, cos we can just do that, drop everything, not go to work tuesday. i want to but can't :( wish we were there.....
dont follow she shouted at me cos im having an off day with my brain :(