heg, why? whos make u down? deg, langsung down :(
offline :(
instead of writing my name on my cup, my mom wrote crash. aww :(
i just made a spider commit suicide. :( ha
well i seen that you had been tweeting me a lot. and i just noticed. and i felt bad cause i had never responded. :(
well where i'm going there's no reception so i won't be able to tall on here anyway :(
i won't be making it...i'm playing in the golf tourny! :(
i wish i was in new paltz and partying at kdphi, damn :(
i know! i don't keep my hair done, i never, and won't ever give head, andd my shoe game is laaaamee. :( and i don't drive.
lookin for sum 1 to eat out wit :( i wish it was me (where u?)
:-( < lord what's wrong with u?!
you don't already? :(
#ff meeeeeeeeeeee :( follow me :)
addduh :( mg2 cpt beres yaaaa *hugs hugs entah hack apa fb lg maintenance :(rt (cont)
<--- you didn't follow me back :(
i'm watching passion of christ :( my sweet jesus :'(:(
no wonder i wasn't familiar, i don't have an ipod touch :( so sad about it too. one day one day.
just dropped off alex at vina's. :( i miss him already, but then i don't miss his antics. haha, stupid mrs.melo.
awwww tear :(
lol, not had much myself, bout 4 hrs last night i think :( silly twitter lol
essays :) we miss u :(
i cant find my bow necklace :(
jerry i wanna fight this nigga :(
oohh yeahhh haven't bought my worlds.. :(
my twitters being messed up right now :( and i lied..i'm back on twitter haha
ohh, how you been i haven't talked to you in like 24 hrs :( lol
i gotta work in 2hr 30min :( i don't want to bleh!
me too :( i wanna go 2 the movies
she's got her acceptance later! me? nope :( ya robb, what better journey do u have in store for me?
sleep please :(
too bad it was gonna close at 6 today. :(
who wants to take me to the movies. :(
i have one but i don't wanna. if i'm not drunk i won't have fun, and i can't drink! :( plus being around people on drugs sober
emanga seems to be acting uo :(
#jonasbrothers should be trending :(
awww, erica just texted me! i miss her so much! :(
i hope you have other auditions!!! idk if i can go! i'm so pumped to go but idk if i can :-(
then i can't call. i dont have international calling right now :(
nope :( that sucks :( and is it not going to be released near you even on the 9th?
i didn't got it :(
sighs maybe :( feeling sad and idk y :-( omg me tooo i think our stars aren't aligned toniight
you have to be 16 tho :(
you're so mean dp! :(
i know! :( i'm so lucky i didn't buy my ticket. i was on my way to the bank to deposit money when he told me.
re easter egg hunt haha yes that was it. but can't find any :(
i actually love you. and am so jealous you gotta meet miley :( pretty awesome though, from youtube videos to meeting miley haha!
aww whats wrong sweetie? :(
missed the kids choice awards :(
well duh. and dont upload it to bebo :(
thanks for the info. i have to start customizing my bike all over again since i totaled me last one :( lol
i'm mad my phone dyin and i'm gettin ready to leave the house for the night :-(
wow like i said 10 times scarier than mine :(
noooooooooo :( ...well may its at 75% now .....
headed over to the crocodile to hang with trisha. i wish was around :(
photo: cookiecaramel: i will in the near future i guess…it still hurts kc.. haayst. :(
#jonasbrothers should be trending :(
gimmie yummy! i have to do something sunday :( let me know the next day your free!! xo
haha something cool :) lol :( haha i told you i was going bowling later lol
waduh..knapa di ness..hehert feel unhealthy :(
i have no idea :(
may they have peace now then. :( <3
why am i so tired :( i wanted to work on my paper, but i can't keep my eyes open. i'm never going to sleep as early as 9pm again.
my friend's did my hair for a party...don't know what to wear with it :(
id buy my dad some medical supplies with 5000 dollars , he needs a nebulizer :( and more .
it's official my whole family hates me :(
fine...pissed that i didn't get to go to concert today :( ....and you? saw your music vid on disney :)
ohhhh shit, wait. an earthquake hit dominican republic??? :(
says time really passes so fast.. already 3rd of april?? hmmmm.. :(
lmao nope, i couldnt get hold of it from andy uni shops or sainsburys in birm by snow hill :(