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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (C) 2014  Mark Lee
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <>.
"""Flask views for the Google Music proxy."""

from datetime import datetime
from flask import abort, request, Response, url_for
from flask.json import jsonify
from functools import wraps
from io import BytesIO
import requests
from shutil import copyfileobj
from tempfile import NamedTemporaryFile
from werkzeug.exceptions import BadRequest, ServiceUnavailable
from xspf import Xspf

from import app, music
from ..id3 import convert_google_field_to_mp3, EasyMP3

HALF_MB = 1024 * 512  # in bytes

JSON_TYPE = 'application/json'
MP3_TYPE = 'audio/mpeg'
XSPF_TYPE = 'application/xspf+xml'

# Mapping: Google : Mutagen EasyID3
    'artist': 'artist',
    'title': 'title',
    'album': 'album',
    'albumArtist': 'albumartistsort',
    'composer': 'composer',
    'trackNumber': 'tracknumber',
    'discNumber': 'discnumber',
    'genre': 'genre',
    'year': 'date',
    'durationMillis': 'length',

if app.config['GMP_EMBED_ALBUM_ART']:
    METADATA_FIELDS['albumArtRef'] = 'albumart'

def online_only(f):
    View decorator to ensure execution only in online mode.

    If ``GMP_OFFLINE_MODE`` is set, a 503 is returned.
    def check_offline_mode(*args, **kwargs):
        if app.config['GMP_OFFLINE_MODE']:
            raise ServiceUnavailable()
        return f(*args, **kwargs)

    return check_offline_mode

def mp3ify(resp):
    """Set MIME Type and Content-Disposition header suitable for MP3s."""
    if resp.mimetype != MP3_TYPE:
        resp.mimetype = MP3_TYPE
    resp.headers.add('Content-Disposition', 'inline', filename='song.mp3')
    return resp

def render_playlist(playlist_id, playlist):
    Render a playlist, depending on the HTTP ``Accept`` header.

    By default, it returns an XSPF_-formatted playlist. If ``application/json``
    is preferred in the ``Accept`` HTTP header, it will return the JSON
    representation that is returned by GMusic.

    .. _XSPF:
    resp_type = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match([XSPF_TYPE, JSON_TYPE])
    # Return JSON playlist only if explicitly requested.
    if resp_type == JSON_TYPE:
        return jsonify(playlist)

    # Generate XSPF playlist, otherwise.
    return Response(gmusic_playlist_to_xspf(playlist_id, playlist),

def gmusic_playlist_to_xspf(playlist_id, playlist):
    Convert a playlist from gmusicapi into an XSPF playlist.

    :type playlist: dict
    :return: XSPF (XML), UTF-8 encoded
    :rtype: str
    all_songs = playlist_id == 'all_songs'
    if all_songs:
        xspf_kwargs = {
            'title': 'All Songs',
            'location': url_for('get_all_songs_playlist', _external=True),
    elif playlist_id.startswith('B') and len(playlist_id) == 27:
        xspf_kwargs = {
            'title': playlist['name'],
            'date': datetime(playlist['year'], 1, 1).isoformat(),
            'location': url_for('get_album_info', _external=True,
        create_ts = int(playlist['creationTimestamp']) / 1000000.0
        xspf_kwargs = {
            'title': playlist['name'],
            'creator': playlist['ownerName'],
            'date': datetime.utcfromtimestamp(create_ts).isoformat(),
            'location': url_for('get_playlist', _external=True,
    xspf = Xspf(**xspf_kwargs)
    for track in playlist['tracks']:
        if not all_songs and 'track' not in track:
        tmd = track['track']
        url = url_for('get_song', _external=True, song_id=tmd['storeId'])
        metadata = {
            'location': url,
            'title': tmd['title'],
            'creator': tmd['artist'],
            'album': tmd['album'],
            'trackNum': str(tmd['trackNumber']),
            'duration': tmd['durationMillis'],
        album_art = tmd.get('albumArtRef', [])
        if album_art:
            metadata['image'] = album_art[0]['url']
    return xspf.toXml()

def add_id3_tags_to_mp3(song_id, input_data):
    Attach ID3 tags to MP3 data.

    :param str song_id: The Google Music song ID.
    :param io.BytesIO input_data: The MP3 data.
    :return: the modified MP3 data
    :rtype: :class:`io.BytesIO`
    song_info = music.get_track_info(song_id)
    output = BytesIO()
    # We have to write the MP3 data to a temporary file so mutagen can add
    # metadata to it.
    with NamedTemporaryFile() as f:
        audio = EasyMP3(
            [(id3_field, convert_google_field_to_mp3(song_info[google_field]))
             for google_field, id3_field in METADATA_FIELDS.iteritems()
             if google_field in song_info]))
        copyfileobj(open(, 'rb'), output)
    return output

def get_song_info(song_id):
    """Retrieve the song metadata from the Google Music API in JSON."""
    return jsonify(music.get_track_info(song_id))

def get_song_mp3(song_id):
    """Retrieve the MP3 for a given ID."""
    song_url = music.get_stream_url(song_id, app.config['GACCOUNT_DEVICE_ID'])
    if app.config['GMP_SONG_FILTERS']:
        response = requests.get(song_url)
        data = BytesIO(response.content)
        for song_filter in app.config['GMP_SONG_FILTERS']:
            if callable(song_filter):
                data = song_filter(song_id, data)
                data = globals()[song_filter](song_id, data)
        return mp3ify(Response(data.getvalue()))
        response = requests.get(song_url, stream=True)
        return mp3ify(Response(response.iter_content(chunk_size=HALF_MB)))

def get_song(song_id):
    Retrieve the song data for a given store ID.

    By default, it returns the MP3. If ``application/json`` is preferred in
    the ``Accept`` HTTP header, it will pass through the JSON representation
    that is returned by GMusic.
    if song_id == 'undefined':
        # This occurs when the web UI sends a nonexistent song ID.
    resp_type = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match([MP3_TYPE, JSON_TYPE])
    # Return JSON metadata only if explicitly requested.
    if resp_type == JSON_TYPE:
        return get_song_info(song_id)
        return get_song_mp3(song_id)

def get_all_songs_playlist():
    Retrieve a special playlist that contains all songs owned by the user.

    By default, it returns an XSPF_-formatted playlist. If ``application/json``
    is preferred in the ``Accept`` HTTP header, it will pass through the JSON
    representation that is returned by GMusic.

    .. _XSPF:
    songs = music.get_all_songs()
    playlist = {'tracks': [{'track': song} for song in songs]}
    return render_playlist('all_songs', playlist)

def get_playlist(playlist_id):
    Retrieve the metadata for a given playlist.

    By default, it returns an XSPF_-formatted playlist. If ``application/json``
    is preferred in the ``Accept`` HTTP header, it will return the JSON
    representation that is returned by GMusic.

    .. _XSPF:
    # 2014-02-25: At the time of this writing, this idiom is the only way to
    # get a single playlist via the API.
    playlists = [p for p in music.get_all_user_playlist_contents()
                 if p['id'] == playlist_id]
    if len(playlists) == 0:

    return render_playlist(playlist_id, playlists[0])

def get_playlists():
    Retrieve all of the logged in user's playlists.

    By default, it returns an XSPF_-formatted playlist. If ``application/json``
    is preferred in the ``Accept`` HTTP header, it will return the JSON
    representation that is returned by GMusic.

    .. _XSPF:
    gmusic_playlists = music.get_all_user_playlist_contents()

    resp_type = request.accept_mimetypes.best_match([XSPF_TYPE, JSON_TYPE])
    # Return JSON playlist only if explicitly requested.
    if resp_type == JSON_TYPE:
        return jsonify({
            'playlists': gmusic_playlists,

    # Generate XSPF playlist, otherwise.
    xspf = Xspf(title='Playlists',
                location=url_for('get_playlists', _external=True))

    for playlist in gmusic_playlists:
        if playlist['deleted']:
            'location': url_for('get_playlist', _external=True,
            'title': playlist['name'],
            'creator': playlist['ownerName'],

    return Response(xspf.toXml(), mimetype=XSPF_TYPE)

def get_album_info(album_id):
    Retrieve the album metadata from the Google Music API.

    By default, it returns an XSPF_-formatted playlist. If ``application/json``
    is preferred in the ``Accept`` HTTP header, it will return the JSON
    representation that is returned by GMusic.

    .. _XSPF:
    album = music.get_album_info(album_id)
    album['tracks'] = [{'track': song} for song in album['tracks']]
    return render_playlist(album_id, album)

def get_artist_info(artist_id):
    """Retrieve the artist metadata from the Google Music API in JSON."""
    return jsonify(music.get_artist_info(artist_id))

@app.route('/search', methods=['POST'])
def search():
    Search All Access for artists/albums/tracks.

    Requires a JSON payload with one key: ``query``.
    Returns the JSON results directly from the API.
    json = request.get_json()
    if json is None:
        return BadRequest('JSON payload required')
    return jsonify(['query']))