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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2013, 2014 Mark Lee
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
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`WTForms`_-related code for one-time password fields.

.. _WTForms:

from __future__ import absolute_import

from . import OATH
from ._compat import to_bytes
from .exc import OATHError
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import time
from wtforms import ValidationError

class OTPValidator(object):

    WTForms abstract base field validator for a OTP field.

    :param int digits: The expected number of digits in the OTP.
    :param int window: The number of OTPs before and after the start OTP
                       to test.
    :param bool verbose_errors: Whether to raise verbose validation errors.
    :param callable get_secret: If specified, a callable which returns the
                                OATH secret used to validate the OTP.

    __metaclass__ = ABCMeta

    def __init__(self, digits, window, verbose_errors=False, get_secret=None):
        self.digits = digits
        self.window = window
        self.verbose = verbose_errors
        self.oath = OATH()
        self.get_secret = get_secret

    def get_oath_secret(self, form, field):
        Retrieve the OATH secret from a given form/field.

        Either uses the callback passed in when creating the validator, or the
        ``oath_secret`` attribute of the ``user`` attribute of the ``form``.

        :rtype: bytes
        if self.get_secret:
            secret = self.get_secret(form, field)
            secret = form.user.oath_secret
        return to_bytes(secret)

    def otp_validate(self, form, field):
        This should call the appropriate OTP validation method.

        :return: :data:`True` on success
        :raises: :class:`OATHError` on failure
        raise NotImplementedError

    def _error_msg(self, field, msg):
        if self.verbose:
            return field.gettext(msg)
            # generic error
            return field.gettext(u'OTP is invalid.')

    def __call__(self, form, field):
        if not
            raise ValidationError(field.gettext(u'Field is required.'))
        elif len( != self.digits:
            msg = self._error_msg(field, u'OTP must be {digits} digits.')
            raise ValidationError(msg.format(digits=self.digits))
            self.otp_validate(form, field)
        except OATHError as e:
            msg = self._error_msg(field, u'Error validating OTP: {err}')
            raise ValidationError(msg.format(err=str(e)))

class HOTPValidator(OTPValidator):

    Validator for HOTP-based passwords.

    :param int digits: The expected number of digits in the OTP.
    :param int window: The number of OTPs after the start offset OTP
                       to test.
    :param int start_moving_factor: Unsigned, can be :func:`long`, in theory.
                                    The start counter in the OTP stream.
    :param bool verbose_errors: Whether to raise verbose validation errors.
    :param callable get_secret: If specified, a callable which returns the
                                OATH secret used to validate the OTP.

    def __init__(self, digits, window, start_moving_factor,
                 verbose_errors=False, get_secret=None):
        super(HOTPValidator, self).__init__(digits, window, verbose_errors,
        self.start_moving_factor = start_moving_factor

    def otp_validate(self, form, field):
        self.oath.hotp_validate(self.get_oath_secret(form, field),
                                self.start_moving_factor, self.window,

class TOTPValidator(OTPValidator):

    Validator for TOTP-based passwords.

    :param int digits: The expected number of digits in the OTP.
    :param int window: The number of OTPs before and after the start OTP
                       to test.
    :param bool verbose_errors: Whether to raise verbose validation errors.
    :param callable get_secret: If specified, a callable which returns the
                                OATH secret used to validate the OTP.
    :param int start_time: The UNIX timestamp of when to start counting
                           time steps (usually should be ``0``).
    :param int time_step_size: Unsigned, the time step system parameter. If
                               set to a negative value, defaults to ``30``.

    def __init__(self, digits, window, verbose_errors=False, get_secret=None,
                 start_time=0, time_step_size=30):
        super(TOTPValidator, self).__init__(digits, window, verbose_errors,
        self.start_time = int(start_time)
        self.time_step_size = time_step_size

    def otp_validate(self, form, field):
        self.oath.totp_validate(self.get_oath_secret(form, field), time.time(),
                                self.time_step_size, self.start_time,
                                self.window, to_bytes(