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Test Coverage
<h5>2.4.0 Beta-2   [NOT RELEASED]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.24, PHP 8.2.5

<h5>2.4.0 Beta-1   [2023-04-15]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.24, PHP 8.2.5
- various updates for PHP 8.2 and Smarty 3 (mamba)
- fix erreur description (Greg Mage)
- various fixes (mamba)

<h5>2.4.0 Alpha-3   [2021-10-21]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.24, PHP 8.0.11
- replaced $GLOBALS['xoopsModuleConfig'] with  $helper->getConfig() (mamba)
- added private constants for Handler constructor (mamba)
- code cosmetics (mamba)
- fix upload picture (cesagonchu/mamba)
- fix show picture upload form if the number is lower than max allowed (mamba)
- PHP8 template defaults (mamba)
- show first picture in listing (mamba)

<h5>2.4.0 Alpha-2   [2021-08-30]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.22, PHP 8.0.9, PHP 8.1.0 Beta 3
- added sorting to Admin tables (mamba)
- added paging and filter to Admin tables (mamba)
- added Blocksadmin class (mamba)
- refactoring to Request (mamba)
- added castles to testdata (mamba)
- fixed in_array needles not being int for strict comparison (mamba)

<h5>2.4.0 Alpha-1   [2021-08-19]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.22, PHP 8.0.9, PHP 8.1.0 Beta 3
- added several new Admin views and classes (mamba)
- more cleanup (mamba)

<h5>2.3 RC5   [2021-08-12]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.11, PHP 7.4.22, PHP 8.0.9, PHP 8.1.0 Beta 3
- Nested 'dirname' (mamba)
- Min PHP 7.2 (mamba)
- Case mismatch in method call or class usage (mamba)
- Replace qualifier with an import (mamba)
- Short form of type keywords (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- PhpDoc (mamba)
- Unnecessary type casting (mamba)
- Inverted 'if-else' constructs (mamba)
- Ternary operator simplified (mamba)
- Unnecessary boolean check (mamba)
- Low performing filesystem operations (mamba)
- Pass parameter by reference (mamba)
- Short list syntax (mamba)
- Unqualified function/constant reference (mamba)
- Insecure 'htmlspecialchars(...)' (mamba)
- UTF-8 (mamba)
- fixed Usid to uid in viewads.php (masel67)
- Fix bag for type and typeprice, text instead of numbers (masel67)
- Fix Desctext area in add.php (masel67)
- Update listing_report_abuse.tpl (masel67)
- Fix price view, and Undefined variable: xoopsModuleConfig in viewads.php  (masel67)
- added formatCurrencyTemp() function to format price (mamba)

<h5>2.3 RC4   [2021-08-12]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.4.22, PHP 8.0.9
- updates, fixes (mamba)
- fix for (cesagonchu/mamba)
- PHP8 Smarty defaults (mamba)
- rename ObjectTree (mamba)
- streamline namespaces (mamba)
- Cascading \dirname(...) calls (mamba)
- added Editor preferences (mamba)

<h5>2.3 RC3   [2019-04-22]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.4
- updates, fixes (mamba)

<h5>2.3 RC2   [2019-04-14]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.4
- updates, fixes (mamba)

<h5>2.3 RC1   [2019-04-13]</h5>  Dev: XOOPS 2.5.10, PHP 7.3.4
- namespaces (mamba)
- class autoloading (mamba)
- Fix xoopsSecurity token check  (geekwright)
- Permission name too long (geekwright)
- Fix helper name (geekwright)
- Establish access to global $xoopsUser (geekwright)
- Remove failing include of Tree.php  (geekwright)
- Kill logger in rss feed (geekwright)
- Correct invalid array syntax (geekwright)
- Require /header.php (geekwright)
- cleanup (mamba)

<h5>2.3 Beta 1  [WORK IN PROGRESS - NOT RELEASED]</h5>

- XOOPS 2.5.9, PHP 7 (mamba)
- removed @version (mamba)
- PSR-2 code cosmetics (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- replaced < br /> with < br > (mamba)
- Unnecessary double quotes (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help, .html to .tpl (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- removed '/' from void HTML elements (&lt;br&gt;, &lt;img&gt;, etc) (mamba)
- HTML 5: removed 'selected' and 'checked' (mamba)
- updated file headers for consistency (mamba)
- renamed several $indexAdmin with $adminObject for consistency (mamba)
- Updates for PayPal changes (zyspec)
- added (mamba)
- moved functions to Utility class (mamba)
- include_once to require_once (mamba)
- php-cs-fixer updates (mamba)
- short array syntax (mamba)
- Yoda notation (mamba)
- started conversion to XMF (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- updated addInfoBoxLine entries (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- displayNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
    &nbsp;&nbsp;- changed to ->displayButton('left') (mamba)

<h5>2.2 RC 2  [2017-07-20]</h5>

- started transition to XMF (mamba)
- adjusted help links to operations manual (mamba)
- removed XCube support (geekwright, mamba)
- converted XoopsGTicket to XoopsSecurity (geekwright, mamba)

<h5>2.2 Beta 4        [2016-10-02]</h5>

- filter user input using XoopsRequest (zyspec)
- changed jlm_pictures class to AdslightPictures class (zyspec)
- changed from using HTTP_GET_VARS to _GET in ./rate-item.php on form submission (zyspec)
- changed calling deprecated XoopsTree to using Tree (zyspec)
- replaced all occurances of mysql_real_escape_string (deprecated) (zyspec)
- removed unnecessary exit() statements (zyspec)
- fixed rating bug in ./rate-item compare that would allow entering a zero rating (zyspec)
- fixed bug(s) - $timezone should check for empty, not isset (zyspec)
- fixed bug in ./index.php where $usid was set instead of compared in 'if' statement (zyspec)
- fixed bug in ./members.php where if $istheirs was set instead of compared in 'if' statement (zyspec)
- fixed bug in ./viewcats.php where $usid was set instead of compared in 'if' statement (zyspec)
- fixed bug in ./viewcats.php where $usid was not set as global in Adsview function (zyspec)
- fixed bug in ./admin/category $xoopsModuleConfig["adslight_cat_desc"] was set instead of compared in 'if' statement (zyspec)
- fixed bug in ./admin/category $moderate_subcat was set instead of compared in 'if' statement (zyspec)
- fixed bug where contact select box did not recall contact method properly (zyspec)
- general code cleanup (mamba & zyspec)

- remove flash maps support - find alternative
- eliminate all 'extract' type code (i.e. foreach ($_POST as $k => $v)) in code for security reasons
- refactor code to significantly reduce need for globals (change functions w/ switch statements)
- refactor upgrade script(s) to include movement of assets to ./assets directory
- change tree manipulation to XoopsObjectTree instead of using Tree class
- change AdslightPicturesHandler to be a XoopsPersistableObjectHandler class
- implement new error handling methods - XOOPS ErrorHandler has been deprecated
- move ./style (css) files to ./assets/css (don't forget to modify upgrade script to del old files)
- create and implement AdslightListing / AdslightListingHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightPrice / AdslightPriceHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightUserVotedata / AdslightUserVotedata classes
- create and implement AdslightItemVotedata / AdslightItemVotedataHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightIpLog / AdslightIpLogHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightCondition / AdslightConditionHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightType / AdslightTypeHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightCategories / AdslightCategoriesHandler classes
- create and implement AdslightReplies / AdslightRepliesHandler classes

<h5>2.2 Beta 3        [2016-10-01]</h5>

- updated currency to use locale
- moved all images, CSS, and JS files to /assets (mamba)
- renamed .html Smarty templates to .tpl (mamba)
- added routine to delete .html templates (slider84)
- intval to (int) (mamba)
- XOOPS 2.5.8, PHP7 (mamba)
- unnecessary Double Quotes (mamba)
- unnecessary Parentheses (mamba)
- remove @version (mamba)
- filter user input using XoopsRequest (zyspec)
- replaced < b > with < b > (mamba)
- addNavigation(basename(__FILE__))  (mamba)
- dirname(__FILE__) to __DIR__ (mamba)
- reference mismatch (mamba)
- Hardening to type safe (mamba)
- update Help (mamba)
- changed _handler to Handler (mamba)
- replace $xoopsOption['template_main'] with $GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['template_main'] (mamba)

<h5>2.2 Beta 2          [2013-05-10]</h5>

- phone number will show only when selected by the user as the way to contact (chefry/mamba)
- moved hard-coded 404 error text to language file (mamba)
- fixed: ad owner cannot edit his ad, when set to "inactive" (surfinsaxman/mamba)
- removed encoded footer (mamba)

- You can select 'contact by telephone' and leave the field telephone blank, or enter letters.
- When I try to upgrade to a premium member, the premium.php is missing

<h5>2.2 Beta 1          [2013-03-13]</h5>

- Converted to XOOPS 2.5.5 Admin GUI (mamba)
- fixed minor bugs (cesagonchu/mamba)
- add: dynamic configuration of Text Editors in Preferences (mamba)

<h5>2.1 beta                [25.05.2011]</h5>
- Activation / désactivation du menu
- Activation des liens Bookmark
( choix possible entre plusieurs style de Bookmark )
- Activation / désactivation du Flux Rss
- Flux RSS Pour chaque Catégories
- Page Print en nofolow.
- Certains liens sur la page viewads en rel"nofolow" ( sendfriend, print, .. )
- Ajout dans le menu de rel»nofolow» sur certains liens pour éviter l’indexation.
- Refonte du Template des annonces
- GeoMaps Google dans l'annonce avec un Marqueur
- Hack pour le module Xpayment ( permets d'activer le paiement en ligne avec le module Xpaiment )*
- Le menu est maintenant dans un seul fichier
- Début d'amélioration des Tables SQL
- Traduction en italien, portugais du brésil et polonais
+ petites corrections du code source (plus léger, plus rapide, mieux présenté).
+ Optimisations des fichiers languages (French)
pour gagner encore un peu en temps d'affichage

<h5>1.06                [09.05.2010]</h5>

- La partie Admin a été revue.
- Certaines parties du code a était améliorer
+ traduction Néerlandais

<h5>1.055               [01.05.2010]</h5>

- Traduction "bosanski" ( by Saba )
- Correction Bugs

<h5>1.054               [03.04.2010]</h5>

- Cache requête sql
- Changement des images catŽgories
- Traduction Allemand UTF-8
+ Divers corrections

<h5>1.053               [07.03.2010]</h5>

- intégration Maps, carte de France ( avec possibilité de rajouter d'autres cartes facilement )
- Meta Keywords + Meta description (catégories)
- intégration de Pub, entre les annonces, et dans les catégories.
( Adscence par exemple )
+ Diverses corrections

<h5>1.05                [03.02.2010]</h5>

- Code all&eacute;ger + rapide
+ Divers corrections...

<h5>1.04                [03.02.2010]</h5>

- Am&eacute;lioration de la page cat&eacute;gories ( Admin )
- Am&eacute;lioration de la page index ( Admin )
+ Divers corrections...

<h5>1.0.3 Beta             [01.02.2010]</h5>

- Pr&eacute;sentation cat&eacute;gories sur la page d'accueil
- Images cat&eacute;gories page d'accueil
- Annonce Google entre les annonces en page d'accueil
- Traduction Spanish
+ Divers corrections...

<h5>1.0.2 Beta             [30.01.2010]</h5>

- Notifications dans les cat&eacute;gories
- Affichage des sous-cat&eacute;gories en page index
- Option d'affichage des miniatures en page d'index
- Option d'affichage des miniatures dans les cat&eacute;gories
+ Divers corrections...
