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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
                     ADSLIGHT 2: Module for Xoops

        Redesigned and ameliorate By iluc user at
        Started with the Classifieds module and made MANY changes
             Original credits below Version History
#                    Classified Module for Xoops                         #
#  By John Mordo user jlm69 at and         #
#      Started with the MyAds module and made MANY changes               #
 Original Author: Pascal Le Boustouller
 Author Website:
 Licence Type  : GPL
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDON', 'Addon');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNONCES', 'Classified Ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_LOGOLINK', 'Free Xoops Module AdsLight classifieds Ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MAIN', 'Main');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDFROM', 'Classified Advertisements');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWTOD', 'new advertisements have been added in this category today');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWTRED', 'new advertisements have been added in this category during the last 3 days');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWWEEK', 'new advertisements have been added in this category during the last week');
define('_ADSLIGHT_INTRO', "<b>You can add your Classified Ad(s) for free.<br>Just click on the category you wish to add it to,<br>You will see an 'Add a Classified Ad in this category' link.</b>");
define('_ADSLIGHT_PRICE', 'Price');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DATE', 'Date');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TITLE', 'Title');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CAT', 'Category');
define('_ADSLIGHT_THE', 'The');
define('_ADSLIGHT_LASTADD', 'Latest Classified Ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PREV', 'Previous Ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEXT', 'Next Ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_THEREIS', 'There are');
define('_ADSLIGHT_INTHISCAT', 'Classified Ads in this category');
define('_ADSLIGHT_AVAILAB', 'Subcategories available:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADMINCADRE', 'Administration Panel');
define('_ADSLIGHT_WAIT', 'Classified Ads waiting to be approved');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NO_CLA', 'There are no advertisements waiting to be approved');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SEEIT', 'View pending advertisements');
define('_ADSLIGHT_LOCAL', 'Location:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_LOCAL2', 'Location');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNFROM', 'Ads from');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDED', 'added');
define('_ADSLIGHT_GORUB', 'Go to ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DATE2', 'Added');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SUPPRANN', 'Delete your Ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MODIFANN', 'Modify your Ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PHOTO', 'Photo');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEW', 'Viewed');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACT', 'Contact');
define('_ADSLIGHT_BYMAIL2', 'Email');
define('_ADSLIGHT_STOP2', 'The listing period for your Ad :');
define('_ADSLIGHT_STOP3', 'has ended, it has been deleted');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VU2', 'this');
define('_ADSLIGHT_OTHER', 'If your want to place another ad ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TEAM', 'Team');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ACTUALY', 'There are');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADVERTISEMENTS', 'Ad(s) active');
//define("_ADSLIGHT_DISPO","available until");
define('_ADSLIGHT_MODADMIN', 'Change this Ad (administrator)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_AND', 'and');
define('_ADSLIGHT_WAIT3', 'Ad(s) waiting to be approved');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CREATBY', 'was written by');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FOR', 'for');
define('_ADSLIGHT_OF', 'of');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEW2', 'Views');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEWANN2', 'See your Ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ACCESADMIN', 'MyAds Administration');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOANNINCAT', 'There are no advertisements in this category');
define('_ADSLIGHT_INCAT', 'in');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CAT2', 'categories');
// addlisting.php //
define('_ADSLIGHT_DESC', 'Description');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDANNONCE2', 'Add a Classified Ad in this category');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDANNONCE3', 'Adding a Classified Ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNMODERATE', 'Your Classified Ad will be queued for approval and once approved, will run for');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOBIZ', 'Business Advertising Not Allowed');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REDIRECT_BIZ', 'View our Business Rates');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNNOMODERATE', 'Your Classified Ad will start immediately and will run for ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FORMEMBERS2', 'Posting advertisements is restricted to members <br>Please register or login if you are already a member.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_OR', 'or');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DAY', 'days');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CAT3', 'Category:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TITLE2', 'Title:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TYPE', 'Type:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TYPE_CONDITION', 'Item condition:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOTYPE', 'No type');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CLASSIFIED_AD', 'Classified Ads:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CHARMAX', '(255 Character max)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_IMG', 'Add an image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_IMG2', 'Add a second image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_IMG3', 'Add a third image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PRICE2', 'Price:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EMAIL', 'Email:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TEL', 'Telephone:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TOWN', 'Town:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_COUNTRY', 'Country:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDATE', 'Validate');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SELECTYPE', 'Select Classified Ad Type');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SELECTCAT', 'Select a category');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SELECTYPOTHER', 'Other type');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SELECTCATOTHER', 'Other category');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RETURN', 'Return');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FILES', 'Files with this extension');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FILESTOP', 'may not be uploaded. Upload stopped');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YIMG', 'Your image');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TOBIG', 'is too big.<p> Use the function <b>Previous page</b> to return to the form and add a file');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADSADDED', 'Your advertisement has been added.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PRINT', 'Print this Classified Ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FRIENDSEND', 'Send this advertisement to a friend');
define('_ADSLIGHT_IMGPISP', 'Photo available');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDERORMSG', 'There are errors which prevent this listing from being saved!');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDTITLE', 'Title is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDTYPE', 'Type is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDCAT', 'Category is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDANN', 'Description is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDTOWN', 'Town is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDEMAIL', 'Email is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDSUBMITTER', 'Name is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDMSG', 'Please correct these errors to save the listing.');
// display-image.php //
define('_ADSLIGHT_CLOSEF', 'Close this window');
// listing-p-f.php //
define('_ADSLIGHT_EXTRANN', 'This advertisement is from the classified ads section on the website ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SENDTO', '<b>Send this advertisement to a friend</b><br><br>You can send ad No ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FRIEND', 'to a friend:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NAME', 'Your Name:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MAIL', 'Your Email:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NAMEFR', "Friend's Name:");
define('_ADSLIGHT_MAILFR', "Friend's Email:");
define('_ADSLIGHT_SENDFR', 'Send');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNSEND', 'The Classified Ad selected has been sent');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SUBJET', 'An interesting Classified Ad from');
define('_ADSLIGHT_HELLO', 'Hello');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MESSAGE', 'thinks this Classified Ad might interest you and has sent you this message.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_INTERESS', 'Other Ads can be seen at ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TEL2', 'Telephone:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_BYMAIL', 'Email:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DISPO', 'Expires on');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOMAIL', 'We do not give out users email addresses, to contact them by e-mail please use the contact form on our site by clicking on the e-mail link in the ad, you can view the ad at the following web address. ');
// modify.php //
//define('_ADSLIGHT_OUI', 'Yes');
//define('_ADSLIGHT_NON', 'No');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SURDELANN', 'ATTENTION: Are you sure you want to delete this advertisement');
define('_RETURNANN', 'Return to classified ads listing');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNDEL', 'Classified Ad selected has been deleted');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANNMOD2', 'Classified Ad selected has been modified');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOMODIMG', 'Your Classified Ad includes a photo<br>(pictures may not be changed)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DU', 'added on');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MODIFBEFORE', 'Changes to this Classified Ad must be approved by the administrator and it will be queued for approval');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SENDBY', 'Added by:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NUMANNN', 'Classified Ad No.:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWPICT', 'New image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ACTUALPICT', 'Current image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DELPICT', 'Delete this image');
// contact.php //
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACTAUTOR', 'Contact the author of this Classified Ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TEXTAUTO', "The message automatically sends the first three fields, your name, your email, and your telephone number, you don't need to enter them again in your message.");
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOURNAME', 'Your name:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUREMAIL', 'Your email:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOURPHONE', 'Your telephone:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOURMESSAGE', 'Your message:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDMESS', 'Message is required.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MESSEND', 'your message has been sent...');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CLASSIFIED', 'Classified Ad ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FROM', 'Submitted by ');
//contact form ip
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUR_IP', 'Your IP is ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_IP_LOGGED', ' and has been logged! Action will be taken on any abuse on this system.');
// message //
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACTAFTERANN', 'Reply to your Classified ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MESSFROM', 'Message from');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FROMANNOF', 'from the classified ads on');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REMINDANN', 'You have a reply to your Classified Ad on ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_STARTMESS', 'Below is the reply to your Ad. ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ENDMESS', '!!!  Do not reply to this e-mail, it will not reach the sender. If you want to reply to the sender, use the contact information above.  !!!');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CANJOINT', 'You can reply to');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TO', 'at');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ORAT', 'or at ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOMAIL2', 'We do not give out users email addresses, to contact them by e-mail please use the contact form on our site, you can reply to the ad at the following address. ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MESSAGE_END', 'End of message.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SECURE_SEND', 'This message was sent using a secure contact form, the sender does not know your email address.');
// message end //
define('_ADSLIGHT_HOW_LONG', 'How long do you want the listing shown.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_WILL_LAST', 'This listing will last.');
//for search on index page
define('_ADSLIGHT_SEARCHRESULTS', 'Classified Ads Search Results');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SEARCH_LISTINGS', 'Search Listings: ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ALL_WORDS', 'All Words');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANY_WORDS', 'Any Words');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EXACT_MATCH', 'Exact Match');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ONLYPIX', 'Show only<br> Ads with photo');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SEARCH', 'Search');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REQUIRED', '* required');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MY_ADS', 'All Ads from ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEW_MY_ADS', 'View all ads from ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_COMMENTS_HEAD', '<h3>Comments about this seller</h3>');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PREMIUM_DAY', "<b> days, if you don't change it.</b> ");
define('_ADSLIGHT_PREMIUM_LONG_HEAD', '<b>Your Classified Ad will start immediately</b> ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PREMIUM_MEMBER', '<b>Since you are a Premium Member, you can choose how long your ad will last.<br><br>It will last </b>');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PREMIUM_MODERATED_HEAD', '<b>Your Classified Ad will be queued for approval</b>');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TOPRATED', 'Top Rated');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATINGC', 'Rating: ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ONEVOTE', '1 vote');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NUMVOTES', '%s votes');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATETHIS', 'Rate this User');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VOTEAPPRE', 'Your vote is appreciated.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_THANKURATE', 'Thank you for taking the time to rate this user here at %s.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VOTEFROMYOU', 'Input from users such as yourself will help other visitors better decide which Ads to choose.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VOTEONCE', 'Please do not vote for the same resource more than once.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATINGSCALE', 'The scale is 1 - 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being excellent.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_BEOBJECTIVE', "Please be objective, if everyone receives a 1 or a 10, the ratings aren't very useful.");
define('_ADSLIGHT_DONOTVOTE', 'Do not vote for your own resource.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATEIT', 'Rate It!');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATING', 'Rating');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VOTE', 'Vote');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NORATING', 'No rating selected.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CANTVOTEOWN', 'You cannot vote on the resource you submitted.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VOTEONCE2', 'Vote for the selected resource only once.<br>All votes are logged and reviewed.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TOTALVOTES', 'Classified Ad Votes (total votes: %s)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_USERTOTALVOTES', 'Registered User Votes (total votes: %s)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ANONTOTALVOTES', 'Anonymous User Votes (total votes: %s)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_USERAVG', 'User AVG Rating');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TOTALRATE', 'Total Ratings');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOREGVOTES', 'No Registered User Votes');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOUNREGVOTES', 'No Unregistered User Votes');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VOTEDELETED', 'Vote data deleted.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_USER_RATING', 'User Rating: ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATETHISUSER', 'Rate this User');
define('_ADSLIGHT_THANKURATEUSER', 'Thank you for taking the time to rate this User here at %s.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATETHISITEM', 'Rate this Item');
define('_ADSLIGHT_THANKURATEITEM', 'Thank you for taking the time to rate this item here at %s.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MY_PRICE', 'Price');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MY_DATE', 'Date');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MY_TITLE', 'Title');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MY_LOCAL2', 'Location');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MY_VIEW', 'Viewed');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SORTBY', 'Sort by:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CURSORTEDBY', 'Listings currently sorted by: %s');
define('_ADSLIGHT_POPULARITYLTOM', 'Popularity (Least to Most Hits)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_POPULARITYMTOL', 'Popularity (Most to Least Hits)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TITLEATOZ', 'Title (A to Z)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TITLEZTOA', 'Title (Z to A)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DATEOLD', 'Date (Old Listings First)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DATENEW', 'Date (New Listings First)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATINGLTOH', 'Rating (Lowest Score to Highest Score)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RATINGHTOL', 'Rating (Highest Score to Lowest Score)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PRICELTOH', 'Price (lowest to highest)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PRICEHTOL', 'Price (highest to lowest)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_POPULARITY', 'Popularity');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ACTUALPICT2', 'Current second image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ACTUALPICT3', 'Current third image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWPICT2', 'New second image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWPICT3', 'New third image:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SELECT_CONTACTBY', 'Select an option');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACTBY', 'Contact me by:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACT_BY_EMAIL', 'E-mail');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACT_BY_PM', 'Private Message(PM)');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACT_BY_BOTH', 'Both E-mail or PM');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACT_BY_PHONE', 'By phone only');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ORBY', ' or by ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PREMYOUHAVE', 'You have %s picture in your album.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUHAVE', 'You have %s picture(s) in your album.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUCANHAVE', 'As a Premium Member you can have up to %s picture(s).');
define('_ADSLIGHT_BMCANHAVE', 'As a Basic Member you can have only %s picture.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_UPGRADE_NOW', 'Upgrade to a Premium Member');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DELETE', 'Delete');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EDITDESC', 'Edit description');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TOKENEXPIRED', 'Your Security Token has Expired<br> Try Again');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DESC_EDITED', "Your image's description was edited succesfuly");
define('_ADSLIGHT_DELETED', 'Image deleted succesfully');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SUBMIT_PIC_TITLE', 'Submit a Picture to Your Album');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SELECT_PHOTO', 'Select Photo');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CAPTION', 'Caption');
define('_ADSLIGHT_UPLOADPICTURE', 'Upload Picture');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUCANUPLOAD', "You can upload only jpg's files up to %s KBytes");
define('_ADSLIGHT_ALBUMTITLE', "%s's Album");
define('_ADSLIGHT_WELCOME', 'Welcome to your album');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOTHINGYET', 'No pictures in this album yet');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOCACHACA', 'Sorry no cachaca for you');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_PHOTOS', 'Add Photos');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SHOWCASE', 'Gallery');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EDIT_CAPTION', 'Edit the caption');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EDIT', 'Edit');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SUBMITTER', 'Name:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING', 'Add a Listing');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SUBMIT', 'Submit');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PRICETYPE', 'Price Type:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_PHOTO_NOW', 'Do you want to add Photos Now');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE', 'Active');
define('_ADSLIGHT_INACTIVE', 'Inactive');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SOLD', 'Reserved');
define('_ADSLIGHT_STATUS', 'Status');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPLIES', 'Replies');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EXPIRES_ON', 'Expires on');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDED_ON', 'Added on');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPLY_MESSAGE', 'Reply');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPLIED_ON', 'Replied on: ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEWNOW', 'view');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPLY_TITLE', 'Replies for Listing ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ALL_USER_LISTINGS', 'All Listings for ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPLY', 'Reply -');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PAGES', 'Page -');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REALNAME', 'Name');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEW_YOUR_LISTINGS', 'View Your Listings');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPLIED_BY', 'Reply by: ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_DELETE_REPLY', 'Delete This Reply');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NO_REPLIES', 'There are no replies');
define('_ADSLIGHT_THANKS', 'Thank You for using our Classified Ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_WEBMASTER', 'Webmaster');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUR_AD', 'Your ad');
define('_ADSLIGHT_AT', 'at');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VEDIT_AD', 'View or edit your ad here');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ALMOST', 'Your ad is about to expire');
define('_ADSLIGHT_EXPIRED', 'has expired and has been deleted.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOUR_AD_ON', 'Your ad on');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VU', 'Your Ad has been viewed');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TIMES', 'times.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_STOP', 'Your Classified Ad has expired');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SOON', 'is going to expire soon.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MUSTLOGIN', 'You must login to reply to this Ad.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VIEW_AD', 'View Your ad at');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MORE_PHOTOS', 'View more photos');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CANCEL', 'Cancel');
//Added for 1.2 RC1
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADDED_TO_CAT', 'A new listing has been added to the category ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_RECIEVING_NOTIF', 'You have subscribed to receive notifications of this sort.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ERROR_NOTIF', 'If this is an error, or if you wish not to receive further such notifications, please update your subscriptions by visiting the link below:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_FOLLOW_LINK', 'Here is a link to the new listing');
define('_ADSLIGHT_YOU_CAN_VIEW_BELOW', 'You can view the full ad at the link below');
define('_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_NUMBER', 'Listing Number:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOREPLY', '!!!  Do not reply to this e-mail, you will not get a reply.  !!!');
define('_ADSLIGHT_CAPTCHA', 'Security Code:');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEW_WAITING_SUBJECT', 'New Ad! Waiting approval.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEW_WAITING', 'There is a new listing waiting to be moderated.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PLEASE_CHECK', 'Please click the URL below to check this ad.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADMIN', 'Administrator');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEWAD', 'The new listing is below.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NEED_TO_LOGIN', 'You will need to be logged in.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_PROFILE', 'Profile of ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMENU1', 'Your Listings');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMENU2', 'Submit');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMENU3', 'Search');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ALERTEABUS', 'Report Abuse');
define('_ADSLIGHT_SENDFRIENDS', 'Email this listing');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPORTSENDTO', '<b>Report this ad:</b><br><br>ad No. ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPORTANNSEND', 'Thank you for your help!<br>The ad has been just reported to Admin.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPORTSUBJET', '[Alert] An ad is undesirable ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_REPORTMESSAGE', 'believes that this announcement is illegal and wanted you to know about it.');
//index.php >> Infos Bulle //
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_BULL', 'To add a listing<br>Thank you for ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_SUB', 'register');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_BULLOK', 'You can add new Ads<br>: ');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_SUBOK', 'Click here');
//index.php >> Title Menu //
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU1', 'Edit/delete your ads, or also reported as [Reserved] ...');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU2', 'Post a free ad, if you can browse the categories.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU4', 'All good tips for writing ads.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU5', 'Search Cyble or research in your area.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU6', 'Read and send pm.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU7', 'You have a new message.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU8', 'You must be logged in to read your messages.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU9', 'You must be logged in to see your profile.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_TITLEMENU10', 'View or edit your profile here.');
//viewcats.php >> Infos Bulle //
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_BULLCATS', 'You can add <br>ads in this category<br>');
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_BULLCATSOK', 'To add one or more <br>ads in this category<br>Thank you for ');
// Reserved
// tips_writing_ad.php
define('_ADSLIGHT_TIPSWRITE', 'Our tips for you<br>on how to write your ads');
define('_ADSLIGHT_TIPSWRITE_TITLE', 'The Tips on writing your ad');
    "<strong> 1. One or more photos </strong> <br> <br>
The first contact with visitors qu'auront your ad will be a photo or photos of the item you sell. <br> It is advisable to put a photo or photos of your object. <Br >
An ad with photo is viewed 7 times more than an ad without a photo! <br> It also gives a first idea of ??the state of your object. <br> <br> <br>
- A proper object is always more attractive. <br> - Heal the quality of the photo. (Not too dark) <br>
- Frame the object so that it is visible. <br>
- Avoid photos 'fuzzy' <br> <br> <strong> 2. Clear and detailed </strong> <br> <br>
After carefully preparing the photos of the item you sell. <br> Now you need to write the ad. <br> <br>
- Avoid language 'SMS', it is imperative that the announcement is clearly visible. <br> Otherwise, you lose your chance to sell spare parts. <Br > <br>
- The title in uppercase and any ad written in uppercase, <br> is strongly discouraged. <br> <br>
- Superlatives are avoided. <br> <br>
- Write down all the details and make sure that visitors can best identify your object. <br> Otherwise they will contact you by email or telephone to ask you. (Loss of time for you and the buyer) <br> <br>
- Do not write a novel, it must remain an ad. <br> <br>
- The visitor must be able to obtain a maximum of information when reading your ad, and that quickly. <br> <br>
More an ad is clear and precise, it has a chance to reach a deal. <br> <br> <strong>
And do not forget, a good deal <br> this is when the buyer and seller find their happiness </strong>"
//version 1.053
// maps.php
define('_ADSLIGHT_MAPS_TITLE', 'Search by region');
define('_ADSLIGHT_MAPS_TEXT', 'Select a region on the map<br>to see the ads in a region.');
define('_ADSLIGHT_NOCLAS', 'There are currently no advertisements<br>in this category ...');
//version 1.063
// viawcats.php
define('_ADSLIGHT_ADD_LISTING_NOTADDSINTHISCAT', 'There are no ads in this category.<br>');
//version 1.064
define('_ADSLIGHT_CATPLUS', '<br>&#187;&nbsp;More ...');
/* AdsLight 2 */
define('_ADSLIGHT_RESERVED', "This ad is: <br> <span style='color: #ff0000;'> <strong> [Reserved] </strong> </span>");
define('_ADSLIGHT_RESERVEDMEMBER', "<strong> Status: </strong> <span style='color: #ff0000;'> <strong> [Reserved] </strong> </span>");
// Xpayment //
define('_MN_ADSLIGHT_PURCHASE', 'Buy It Now');
define('_MN_ADSLIGHT_YOURNAME', 'Establish invoice:');
define('_MN_ADSLIGHT_YOUREMAIL', 'Billing Email:');

//2.2 Beta 2
define('_MN_ADSLIGHT_ERROR404', 'Error 404');
    '<table class="errorMsg" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
<div style="text-align:center">
    <h1>Error 404</h1><br><br>
<b><span style="font-size: small; ">The page does not exist or has been moved</span></b><br>
<br><b>Did you enter this address directly into your browser? ?</b><br>
- Check your entry and try again.<br><br>
<b>Did you click on a link? ?</b><br>
-  Maybe it is an old link that is no longer valid..<br>
<p>You can also use our <u><a href="search.php">search engine</a></u><br>

define('_ADSLIGHT_CONTACTBY2', ' by:');

define('_MA_ADSLIGHT_MUSTREGFIRST', 'You Must Register First');
define('_ADSLIGHT_VALIDATE_FAILED', 'Validation Failed');


// Listing
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_ADMIN', 'Admin');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_INDEX', 'Home');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_ACTION', 'Action');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_VIEW', 'View');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_PRINT', 'Print');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_TELL_A_FRIEND', 'Tell A Friend');

define('MD_ADSLIGHT_TITLE', 'Adslight');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_DESC', 'This module is to create Classifieds Ads.');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_INDEX_DESC', 'This module is to create Classifieds Ads.');
// Listing
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING', 'Listing');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_DESC', 'Listing description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_CID', 'Category');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_DESCTEXT', 'Description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_TEL', 'Phone');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_COUNTRY', 'country');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_PREMIUM', 'premium');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_USER_RATING', 'user_rating');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_USER_VOTES', 'user_votes');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_COMMENTS', 'comments');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_REMIND', 'remind');
// Categories
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_CATEGORIES', 'Categories');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_CATEGORIES_DESC', 'Categories description');
// Adtype
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_TYPE', 'Adtype');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_TYPE_DESC', 'Adtype description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_TYPE_NOM_TYPE', 'Name');
// Price
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_PRICE', 'Price');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_PRICE_DESC', 'Price description');
// Condition
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_CONDITION', 'Condition');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_CONDITION_DESC', 'Condition description');
// Iplog
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG', 'Iplog');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG_DESC', 'Iplog description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG_LID', 'Listing');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG_DATE_CREATED', 'DateTimeCreated');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG_SUBMITTER', 'Submitter');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG_IPNUMBER', 'Ipnumber');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_IPLOG_EMAIL', 'Email');
// Itemvotes
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_ITEMVOTES', 'Itemvotes');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_ITEMVOTES_DESC', 'Itemvotes description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_ITEMVOTES_LID', 'Listing');
// Uservotes
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_USERVOTES', 'Uservotes');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_USERVOTES_DESC', 'Uservotes description');
// Pictures
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_PICTURES', 'Pictures');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_PICTURES_DESC', 'Pictures description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_PICTURES_LID', 'Listing');
// Replies
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_REPLIES', 'Replies');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_REPLIES_DESC', 'Replies description');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_REPLIES_LID', 'Listing');
define('MD_ADSLIGHT_REPLIES_TELE', 'Phone');

define('_ADSLIGHT_DESCRIPTION', 'Description:');