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<?php declare(strict_types=1);
                     ADSLIGHT 2 : Module for Xoops

        Redesigned and ameliorate By iluc user at
        Started with the Classifieds module and made MANY changes
        Website :
        Contact :
             Original credits below Version History
#                    Classified Module for Xoops                         #
#  By John Mordo user jlm69 at and         #
#      Started with the MyAds module and made MANY changes               #
 Original Author: Pascal Le Boustouller
 Author Website :
 Licence Type   : GPL
// The name of this module
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NAME', 'AdsLight');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MENUADD', 'Add an Advertisement');
// A brief description of this module
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DESC', 'Classified Ad Module');
// Names of blocks for this module (Not all module has blocks)
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME1', 'Recent Listings');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME1_DESC', 'Recent Listings Block');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME2', 'Top Listings');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME2_DESC', 'Top Listings Block');
// Names of admin menu items
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU0', 'Dashboard');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU1', 'Categories');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU2', 'Permissions');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU3', 'Blocks');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU4', 'Preferences');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU5', 'Types');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU6', 'Import');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU7', 'About');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU8', 'Docs');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU9', 'Go to Module');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU10', 'Updated');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU11', 'Support Forum');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CONFSAVE', 'Configuration saved');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CANPOST', 'Anonymous user can post Listings :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PERPAGE', 'Listings per page :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RES_PERPAGE', 'Resumes per page :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CURRENCY_SYMBOL', 'Currency symbol :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_KOIVI', 'Use Koivi Editor :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NUMNEW', 'Number of new Listings :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MODERAT', 'Moderate Listings :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DAYS', 'Listing Duration :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAXIIMGS', 'Maximum Photo Size :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAXWIDE', 'Maximum Photo Width :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAXHIGH', 'Maximum Photo Height :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_INBYTES', 'in bytes');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_INPIXEL', 'in pixels');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_INDAYS', 'in days');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MUSTLOGIN', 'Allow anonymous users to reply to a classified ad.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_THRUMAIL', 'using the e-mail form (recommended is No, because of spam.)');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_TYPEBLOC', 'Type of Block :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_JOBRAND', 'Random Listing');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LASTTEN', 'Last 10 Listings');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NEWTIME', 'New Listings from :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DISPLPRICE', 'Display price :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DISPLPRICE2', 'Display price :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_INTHISCAT', 'in this category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DISPLSUBCAT', 'Display subcategories :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ONHOME', 'on the Front Page of Module');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NBDISPLSUBCAT', 'Number of subcategories to show :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_IF', 'if');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ISAT', 'is at');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VIEWNEWCLASS', 'Show new Listings :');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORDERALPHA', 'Sort alphabetically');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORDERPERSO', 'Personalised Order');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CSORT_ORDER', 'Category Default Sort Order');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LSORT_ORDER', 'Listing Default Sort Order');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORDER_TITLE', 'Sort listings by title');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORDER_PRICE', 'Sort listings by price');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORDER_DATE', 'Sort listings by date (default)');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORDER_POP', 'Sort listings by hits');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DBUPDATED', 'The database has been updated.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GPERM_G_ADD', 'Can add');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CAT2GROUPDESC', 'Check categories which you allow to access');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GROUPPERMDESC', 'Select group(s) allowed to submit listings.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GROUPPERM', 'Submit Permissions');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUBMITFORM', 'Ads Submit Permissions');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUBMITFORM_DESC', 'Select, who can submit Ads');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VIEWFORM', 'View Ads Permissions');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VIEWFORM_DESC', 'Select, who can view Ads');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VIEW_RESUMEFORM_DESC', 'Select, who can view resumes');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUPPORT0', 'Support this software');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_OP', 'Read my opinion');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PREMIUM', 'Ads Premium');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PREMIUM_DESC', 'Who can select days listing will last');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CATEGORY_NOTIFY', 'Category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CATEGORY_NOTIFYDSC', 'Notification options that apply to the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NOTIFY', 'Listing');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NOTIFYDSC', 'Notification options that apply to the current listing.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_NOTIFY', 'Whole Module');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_NOTIFYDSC', 'Global advert notification options.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NEWPOST_NOTIFY', 'New Listing');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of new listings in the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when a new listing is posted to the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : New listing in category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VALIDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of new listings in the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VALIDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when a new listing is posted to the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_VALIDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : New listing in category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFY', 'Listing Updated');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of updated listings in the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when an listing is updated in the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : New listing in category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFY', 'Listing Deleted');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of new listings in the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when an listing is deleted from the current category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : New listing in category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of new listings in all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when a new listing is posted to all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : New listing in category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_VALIDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of new listings in all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_VALIDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when a new listing is posted to all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_VALIDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : New listing in category');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of updated listings in all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when an listing is updated in all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_UPDATE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : Listing updated in categories');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYCAP', 'Notify me of deleted listings in all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYDSC', 'Receive notification when an listing is deleted in all categories.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_GLOBAL_DELETE_NEWPOST_NOTIFYSBJ', '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE}: auto-notify : Listing deleted in categories');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RATE_USER', 'Allow Users to rate sellers');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RATE_ITEM', 'Allow Users to rate items');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DIFF_NAME', 'Allow Users to use different name');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DIFF_EMAIL', 'Allow Users to use different e-mail');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NOT_PREMIUM', 'Number of Pictures - Not Premium');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NOT_PREMIUM_DESC', 'Number of pictures a non-Premium user can have in his page');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NUMBPICT_TITLE', 'Number of Pictures - Premium');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_NUMBPICT_DESC', 'Number of pictures a Premium user can have in his page');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMNAME1', 'Submit');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_THUMW_TITLE', 'Thumb Width');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_THUMBW_DESC', 'Thumbnails width in pixels<br>This means your picture thumbnail will have<br>at most this size in width<br>All proportions are maintained');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_THUMBH_TITLE', 'Thumb Height');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_THUMBH_DESC', 'Thumbnails Height in pixels<br>This means your picture thumbnail will have<br>at most this size in height<br>All proportions are maintained');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RESIZEDW_TITLE', 'Resized picture width');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RESIZEDW_DESC', 'Resized picture width in pixels<br>This means your picture will have<br>at most this size in width<br>All proportions are maintained<br> The original picture if bigger than this size will <br>be resized so it wont break your template');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RESIZEDH_TITLE', 'Resized picture height');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_RESIZEDH_DESC', 'Resized picture height in pixels<br>This means your picture will have<br>at most this size in height<br>All proportions are maintained<br> The original picture if bigger than this size will <br>be resized so it wont break your template design');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORIGW_TITLE', 'Max original picture width');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORIGW_DESC', "Maximum original picture width in pixels<br>This means user's original picture can't exceed <br>this size in height<br>or else it won't be uploaded");
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORIGH_TITLE', 'Max original picture height');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ORIGH_DESC', "Maximum original picture height in pixels<br>This means user's original picture can't exceed <br>this size in height<br>or else it won't be uploaded");
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_UPLOAD_TITLE', 'Path Uploads');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_UPLOAD_DESC', 'Path to your uploads directory<br>in linux should look like /var/www/uploads<br>in windows like C:/Program Files/www');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LINKUPLOAD_TI', 'Link to your uploads directory');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LINKUPLOAD_DE', 'This is the address of the root of your uploads <br>like');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAXFILEBYTES_T', 'Max size in bytes');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAXFILEBYTES_D', 'This the maximum size a file of your pictue can have in bytes <br>like 512000 for 500 KB');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_EDITOR', 'Editor to use by Users:');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LIST_EDITORS', 'Select the editor to use by Users.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LIGHTBOX', 'Lightbox effects');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LIGHTBOX_DESC', 'Use the lightbox effects when viewing photos.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USE_COUNTRY', 'Use the Country Field');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USE_COUNTRY_DESC', "If set to 'No' the Country Field will not be shown");
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SOLD_DAYS', 'Listing Duration after marked Sold');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SOLDINDAYS', 'in days');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ALMOST', 'When to send notice that the ad is about to expire');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ALMOST_DESC', 'in days');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAIN_CAT', 'Allow users to add listings in the main categories');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAIN_CAT_DESC', 'or just allow adding listings in sub-categoreies');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMIN_EDITOR', 'Editor to use by Admin:');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LIST_ADMIN_EDITORS', 'Select the editor to use by the Admin');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CAT_DESC', 'Category Description');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DESC_CAT_DESC', 'Add a description for each category.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MUST_ADD_CAT', 'You must add a category first.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME3', 'Recent Listings w/Photo');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME3_DESC', 'Recent Listings w/Photo Block');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME4', 'Top Listings w/Photo');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BNAME4_DESC', 'Top Listings w/Photo Block');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USE_CAPTCHA', 'Use Captcha');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USE_CAPTCHA_DESC', 'Select to Use Captcha');
// Menu AdsLight
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMENU1', 'Your Listings');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMENU2', 'Submit');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SMENU3', 'Search');
// support.php
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUPPORT01', ' If you wish to suggest an improvement:<br><br>- A correction<br>- A translation<br>- A suggestion<br>- Report a Bug<br>');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUPPORT02', 'Join us at the Support Forum AdsLight');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUPPORT03', '> Support Forum AdsLight <');
// Bloc Carte de France
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAPFRANCE', 'Map of France');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAPFRANCE_DESC', 'In your area');
// Bloc Ajouter une annonce
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADDMENU', 'Add Ad');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADDMENU_DESC', 'Menu');
// version Adslight 1.0.2
// Active RewriteUrl
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_REWRITEURL', 'Enable URL Rewrite');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_REWRITEURL_DESC', 'Enable URL rewriting for a better ranking.<br>To install the rewrite, thank you to read the file README.txt');
// Activer thumbs_index
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_THUMBSINDEX', 'Enable Snapshot page index');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_THUMBSINDEX_DESC', "Enable the display of thumbnail images to homepage<br>If it is off an icon <img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/adslight/assets/images/camera_photo.png' width='24px' ><br> indicates whether or not there is a picture in the ad.");
// Activer thumbs_cats
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_THUMBSCATS', 'Enable Snapshot in categories');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_THUMBSCATS_DESC', "Enable the display of thumbnail pictures in the categories<br>If it is off an icon <img src='" . XOOPS_URL . "/modules/adslight/assets/images/camera_photo.png' width='24px' ><br> indicates whether or not there is a picture in the ad.");
// Code Adscence index
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_INDEX_CODE', 'Code additional home page');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_INDEX_CODE_DESC', 'Put your adsense code or other here');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_USE_INDEX_CODE', 'Use additional code to homepage');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_USE_INDEX_CODE_DESC', 'Place the additional code between listings<br>on the home page and category page.<br><br>Banners, Adsense code, etc. ...');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_INDEX_CODE_PLACE', 'Place where the code will be displayed in the list');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_INDEX_CODE_PLACE_DESC', 'Ex. If you choose 4 there will be 3 proposals before this code.<br>The code will be displayed in 4th position.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_USE_BANNER', 'Use code banner Xoops');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_USE_BANNER_DESC', 'allows you to insert banners Xoops between proposals.<br>If you choose Yes<br>NO insert code here');
// Version 1.0.5
// Code Adscence Catégories
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_CATS_CODE', 'Pub code on pages categories');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADSLIGHT_CATS_CODE_DESC', 'Google adsence code or code of a banner:<br>Format: width = 300 height = 250');
// adslight_theme_set
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_THEMESET', 'Choice of template set');
// Méta Description / keywords Categories
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CAT_META', 'Allow the seizure Meta description, Meta keywords categories?');
    "If you set this option to 'Yes',<br>
You can write data meta keywords and description for each category<br>( Recommend to a better ranking. )"
// Version 1.0.51
// tips_writing_ad.php
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USE_TIPS_WRITE', 'Customize page info / advice?');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USEDESC_TIPS_WRITE', "If you select 'yes', you can write below the title and text of the page info / advice");
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_TITLE_TIPS_WRITE', 'Page Title information / advice');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_TITLEDESC_TIPS_WRITE', 'Write here the title that will appear on the page info / advice');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_TEXT_TIPS_WRITE', 'Text of the page info / advice');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_TEXTDESC_TIPS_WRITE', 'Enter the text that appears here on the page info / advice');
// Version 1.0.53
// adslight_maps
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAPSSET', 'SELECT the card FROM your country');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAPSSET_DESC', 'If you want to create the map of your country.<br>Thank you to read the module docs.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAPSW_TITLE', 'Width of the map');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MAPSH_TITLE', 'Height map');
/*  Adslight 2  */
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_MENU', 'Activate the menu?');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USEDESC_ACTIVEMENU', "Activation of the menu on the module's pages");
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_RSS', 'Enable RSS?');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USEDESC_ACTIVERSS', 'Enabling page of RSS Feed');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_BOOKMARK', 'Enable bookmark buttons?');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_USEDESC_ACTIVEBOOKMARK', 'Enabling Bookmark on ads.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_STBOOKMARK', 'Choose the style of Bookmark (Twitter, Facebook, Google ...)');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DESC_STBOOKMARK', '3 styles of Bookmark are available.');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ACTIVE_XPAYMENT', 'Enable Module Xpayment');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_TEXTDESC_XPAYMENT', 'Xpayment module must be installed');
// Xpayment
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PURCHASE', 'Available for purchase');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PURCHASE_DESC', 'These are the categories that are available for purchase on Xpayment');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CURRENCY_CODE', 'ISO Currency Code');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LISTING_COST', 'The registration will be charged at this rate per day');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PURCHASELISTING', 'Inscriptions Purchasable');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_PURCHASELISTING_DESC', 'These are the categories that the cost per day to list an ad');

define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADVISE_TITLE', 'Our Advise');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ADVISE_TEXT', 'Here goes your text');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DIRNAME', basename(dirname(__DIR__, 2)));
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_HELP_HEADER', __DIR__ . '/help/helpheader.tpl');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_BACK_2_ADMIN', 'Back to Administration of ');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_HELP_OVERVIEW', 'Overview');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_OVERVIEW', 'Overview');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CURRENCY_POSITION', 'Currency symbol position ?');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_CURRENCY_POSITION_DESC', 'Yes = left (e.g. $25), No = right (e.g. 25 €)');
// Settings
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_1', 'euro(s)');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_2', '$');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_3', '2');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_4', '1');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_5', '[space]');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_6', ',');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SETTING_7', '0');

define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_HOME', 'Home');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_ABOUT', 'About');

define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU2', 'Listing');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU3', 'Categories');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU4', 'Ad Type');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU5', 'Price Type');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU6', 'Condition');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU7', 'IPlog');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU8', 'ItemVotes');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU9', 'UserVotes');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU10', 'Pictures');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU11', 'Replies');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU12', 'Feedback');
define('MI_ADSLIGHT_ADMENU13', 'Migrate');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MENU_HOME', 'Home');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MENU_01', 'Admin');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_MENU_ABOUT', 'About');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_EDITOR_ADMIN', 'Editor: Admin');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_EDITOR_ADMIN_DESC', 'Select the Editor to use by the Admin');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_EDITOR_USER', 'Editor: User');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_EDITOR_USER_DESC', 'Select the Editor to use by the User');
//define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_HELP_DIR', __DIR__);
//help multipage
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_DISCLAIMER', 'Disclaimer');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_LICENSE', 'License');
define('_MI_ADSLIGHT_SUPPORT', 'Support');