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<?php declare(strict_types=1);

 * You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
 * of supporting developers from this source code or any supporting source code
 * which is considered copyrighted (c) material of the original comment or credit authors.
 * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of

 * @copyright    XOOPS Project (
 * @license      GNU GPL 2.0 or later (
 * @author       XOOPS Development Team
 * @author       Pascal Le Boustouller: original author (
 * @author       Luc Bizet (
 * @author       jlm69 (
 * @author       mamba (

use Xmf\Request;
use XoopsModules\Adslight\{

/** @var Helper $helper */

require_once __DIR__ . '/header.php';
 * Xoops header
require_once \dirname(__DIR__, 2) . '/mainfile.php';
$GLOBALS['xoopsOption']['template_main'] = 'adslight_view_photos.tpl';
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/header.php';

global $xoopsModule, $xoopsDB, $xoopsConfig, $xoTheme;

 * Module classes
$lid = Request::getInt('lid', 0, 'GET');
if (empty($lid)) {
    //mb TODO    $helper->redirect('index.php');

// Is a member looking ?
if ($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'] instanceof \XoopsUser) {
    // If no $_GET['uid'] then redirect to own
    if (Request::hasVar('uid', 'GET')) {
        $uid = Request::getInt('uid', 0, 'GET');
    } else {

     * Is the user the owner of the album ?
    $isOwner = $GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getVar('uid') === $uid;

    $moduleId = $xoopsModule->getVar('mid');

    $groups = &$GLOBALS['xoopsUser']->getGroups();

    /** @var \XoopsGroupPermHandler $grouppermHandler */
    $grouppermHandler = xoops_getHandler('groupperm');

    $perm_itemid = Request::getInt('item_id', 0, 'POST');

    //If no access
    if ($grouppermHandler->checkRight('adslight_premium', $perm_itemid, $groups, $moduleId)) {
        $permit = '1';
    } else {
        $permit = '0';
     * If it is an anonym
} elseif (Request::hasVar('uid', 'GET')) {     // user is anon
    $uid = Request::getInt('uid', 0, 'GET');
} else {
    $isOwner = false;

 * Filter for search pictures in database
$criteria_lid = new \Criteria('lid', $lid);
$criteria_uid = new \Criteria('uid', $uid);

// Creating a factory of pictures
$picturesHandler = $helper->getHandler('Pictures');
 * Fetch pictures from the factory
$pictures_object_array = $picturesHandler->getObjects($criteria_lid, $criteria_uid);

// How many pictures are on the user album
$pictures_number = $picturesHandler->getCount($criteria_lid);

// Are there pictures in the album?
if (0 === $pictures_number) {
    $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_nopicyet', _ADSLIGHT_NOTHINGYET);
} else {
    // no pictures in the album
     * Let's populate an array with the data from the pictures
    $i = 0;
    foreach ($pictures_object_array as $picture) {
        $picturesArray[$i]['url']     = $picture->getVar('url', 's');
        $picturesArray[$i]['desc']    = $picture->getVar('title', 's');
        $picturesArray[$i]['cod_img'] = $picture->getVar('cod_img', 's');
        $picturesArray[$i]['lid']     = $picture->getVar('lid', 's');
        $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('pics_array', $picturesArray);


 * Show the form if it is the owner and he can still upload pictures
if (!empty($GLOBALS['xoopsUser'])) {
    if ($isOwner
        && $helper->getConfig('adslight_nb_pict') > $pictures_number) {
        $maxfilebytes = $helper->getConfig('adslight_maxfilesize');
        $picturesHandler->renderFormSubmit($uid, $lid, $maxfilebytes, $xoopsTpl);

 * Let's get the user name of the owner of the album
$owner      = new \XoopsUser();
$identifier = $owner::getUnameFromId($uid);

 * Adding to the module js and css of the lightbox and new ones
Utility::loadLightbox(); // JJDai
// if (1 == $helper->getConfig('adslight_lightbox')) {
//     $header_lightbox = '<script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox/js/prototype.js"></script>
// <script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox/js/scriptaculous.js?load=effects"></script>
// <script type="text/javascript" src="lightbox/js/lightbox.js"></script>
// <link rel="stylesheet" href="include/adslight.css" type="text/css" media="screen" >
// <link rel="stylesheet" href="lightbox/css/lightbox.css" type="text/css" media="screen" >';
// } else {
//     $header_lightbox = '<link rel="stylesheet" href="assets/css/galery.css" type="text/css" media="screen" >';

 * Assigning smarty variables
$sql    = 'SELECT title FROM ' . $xoopsDB->prefix('adslight_listing') . ' WHERE lid=' . $lid . " AND valid='Yes'";
$result = $xoopsDB->query($sql);
if (!$xoopsDB->isResultSet($result)) {
    \trigger_error("Query Failed! SQL: $sql- Error: " . $xoopsDB->error(), E_USER_ERROR);
while ([$title] = $xoopsDB->fetchRow($result)) {
    $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_gtitle', "<a href='viewads.php?lid=" . $lid . "'>" . $title . '</a>');
    $GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_showcase', _ADSLIGHT_SHOWCASE);

$maxPicturesNumber = $helper->getConfig('adslight_not_premium');
if ($permit) {
    $maxPicturesNumber = $helper->getConfig('adslight_nb_pict');
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('current_nb_pict', $pictures_number);
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('max_nb_pict', $maxPicturesNumber);

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_not_premium', sprintf(_ADSLIGHT_BMCANHAVE, $helper->getConfig('adslight_not_premium')));
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_no_prem_nb', sprintf(_ADSLIGHT_PREMYOUHAVE, $pictures_number));

$upgrade = '<a href="premium.php"><strong> ' . _ADSLIGHT_UPGRADE_NOW . '</strong></a>';
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_upgrade_now', $upgrade);

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_max_nb_pict', sprintf(_ADSLIGHT_YOUCANHAVE, $helper->getConfig('adslight_nb_pict')));
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_nb_pict', sprintf(_ADSLIGHT_YOUHAVE, $pictures_number));

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_albumtitle', sprintf(_ADSLIGHT_ALBUMTITLE, '<a href=' . XOOPS_URL . '/userinfo.php?uid=' . addslashes((string)$uid) . '>' . $identifier . '</a>'));

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('path_uploads', $helper->getConfig('adslight_link_upload'));

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('xoops_pagetitle', $xoopsModule->getVar('name') . ' - ' . $identifier . "'s album");

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('nome_modulo', $xoopsModule->getVar('name'));

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_delete', _ADSLIGHT_DELETE);
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('lang_editdesc', _ADSLIGHT_EDITDESC);
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('isOwner', $isOwner);
$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('permit', $permit);
//$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('xoops_module_header', $header_lightbox);

$GLOBALS['xoopsTpl']->assign('xoopsSecurity', $GLOBALS['xoopsSecurity']->getTokenHTML());

 * Adding the comment system
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/include/comment_view.php';

 * Closing the page
require_once XOOPS_ROOT_PATH . '/footer.php';