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 * XOOPS tree class
 * @copyright   XOOPS Project
 * @license     GNU GPL 2 (
 * @package     class
 * @since       2.0.0
 * @author      Kazumi Ono (,
 * @author      Edited by John Mordo (jlm69)
 * @version     $Id$

defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || exit('XOOPS root path not defined');

 * A tree structures with {@link XoopsObject}s as nodes
 * @package    kernel
 * @subpackage core
 * @author     Kazumi Ono <>
class AlumniObjectTree extends XoopsObjectTree
     * @var string
    private $_parentId;

     * @var string
    private $_myId;

     * @var null|string
    private $_rootId = null;

     * @var array
    private $_tree = [];

     * @var array
    private $_objects;

     * Constructor
     * @param array  $objectArr Array of {@link XoopsObject}s
     * @param string $myId      field name of object ID
     * @param string $parentId  field name of parent object ID
     * @param string $rootId    field name of root object ID
    public function __construct(&$objectArr, $myId, $parentId, $rootId = null)
        $this->_objects  = $objectArr;
        $this->_myId     = $myId;
        $this->_parentId = $parentId;
        if (null !== $rootId) {
            $this->_rootId = $rootId;

     * Initialize the object
     * @access private
    private function _initialize()
        /* @var $object XoopsObject */
        foreach ($this->_objects as $object) {
            $key1                          = $object->getVar($this->_myId);
            $this->_tree[$key1]['obj']     = $object;
            $key2                          = $object->getVar($this->_parentId);
            $this->_tree[$key1]['parent']  = $key2;
            $this->_tree[$key2]['child'][] = $key1;
            if (null !== $this->_rootId) {
                $this->_tree[$key1]['root'] = $object->getVar($this->_rootId);

     * Get the tree
     * @return array Associative array comprising the tree
    public function alumni_getTree()
        return $this->_tree;

     * returns an object from the tree specified by its id
     * @param  string $key ID of the object to retrieve
     * @return XoopsObject Object within the tree
    public function alumni_getByKey($key)
        return $this->_tree[$key]['obj'];

     * returns an array of all the first child object of an object specified by its id
     * @param  string $key ID of the parent object
     * @return array  Array of children of the parent
    public function alumni_getFirstChild($key)
        $ret = [];
        if (isset($this->_tree[$key]['child'])) {
            foreach ($this->_tree[$key]['child'] as $childkey) {
                $ret[$childkey] = $this->_tree[$childkey]['obj'];

        return $ret;

     * returns an array of all child objects of an object specified by its id
     * @param  string $key ID of the parent
     * @param  array  $ret (Empty when called from client) Array of children from previous recursions.
     * @return array  Array of child nodes.
    public function alumni_getAllChild($key, $ret = [])
        if (isset($this->_tree[$key]['child'])) {
            foreach ($this->_tree[$key]['child'] as $childkey) {
                $ret[$childkey] = $this->_tree[$childkey]['obj'];
                $children       = $this->alumni_getAllChild($childkey, $ret);
                foreach (array_keys($children) as $newkey) {
                    $ret[$newkey] = $children[$newkey];

        return $ret;

     * returns an array of all parent objects.
     * the key of returned array represents how many levels up from the specified object
     * @param  string $key     ID of the child object
     * @param  array  $ret     (empty when called from outside) Result from previous recursions
     * @param  int    $uplevel (empty when called from outside) level of recursion
     * @return array  Array of parent nodes.
    public function alumni_getAllParent($key, $ret = [], $uplevel = 1)
        if (isset($this->_tree[$key]['parent']) && isset($this->_tree[$this->_tree[$key]['parent']]['obj'])) {
            $ret[$uplevel] = $this->_tree[$this->_tree[$key]['parent']]['obj'];
            $parents       = $this->alumni_getAllParent($this->_tree[$key]['parent'], $ret, $uplevel + 1);
            foreach (array_keys($parents) as $newkey) {
                $ret[$newkey] = $parents[$newkey];

        return $ret;

     * Make options for a select box from
     * @param string $fieldName   Name of the member variable from the
     *                            node objects that should be used as the title for the options.
     * @param string $selected    Value to display as selected
     * @param int    $key         ID of the object to display as the root of select options
     * @param string $ret         (reference to a string when called from outside) Result from previous recursions
     * @param string $prefix_orig String to indent items at deeper levels
     * @param string $prefix_curr String to indent the current item
     * @return void
    private function alumni_makeSelBoxOptions($fieldName, $selected, $key, &$ret, $prefix_orig, $prefix_curr = '')
        if ($key > 0) {
            /* @var $object XoopsObject */
            $object = $this->_tree[$key]['obj'];
            $value  = $object->getVar($this->_myId);
            $ret    .= '<option value="' . $value . '"';
            if ($value == $selected) {
                $ret .= ' selected="selected"';
            $ret         .= '>' . $prefix_curr . $object->getVar($fieldName) . '</option>';
            $prefix_curr .= $prefix_orig;
        if (isset($this->_tree[$key]['child']) && !empty($this->_tree[$key]['child'])) {
            foreach ($this->_tree[$key]['child'] as $childkey) {
                $this->alumni_makeSelBoxOptions($fieldName, $selected, $childkey, $ret, $prefix_orig, $prefix_curr);

     * Make a select box with options from the tree
     * @param          $name
     * @param  string  $fieldName      Name of the member variable from the
     *                                 node objects that should be used as the title for the options.
     * @param  string  $prefix         String to indent deeper levels
     * @param  string  $selected       Value to display as selected
     * @param  bool    $addEmptyOption Set TRUE to add an empty option with value "0" at the top of the hierarchy
     * @param  integer $key            ID of the object to display as the root of select options
     * @param  string  $extra
     * @return string  HTML select box
    public function alumni_makeSelBox($name, $fieldName, $prefix = '-', $selected = '', $addEmptyOption = false, $key = 0, $extra = '')
        $xoops = Xoops::getInstance();
        $ret   = '<select name="' . $name . '" id="' . $name . '" ' . $extra . '>';
        if (false != $addEmptyOption) {
            $ret .= '<option value="0">' . XoopsLocale::ALL . '</option>';
        $this->alumni_makeSelBoxOptions($fieldName, $selected, $key, $ret, $prefix);

        return $ret . '</select>';

     * Make options for a array
     * @param  string  $fieldName Name of the member variable from the
     *                            node objects that should be used as the column.
     * @param  string  $prefix    String to indent deeper levels
     * @param  integer $key       ID of the object to display as the root of the array
     * @return array
    public function alumni_makeArrayTree($fieldName, $prefix = '-', $key = 0)
        $ret = [];
        $this->alumni_makeArrayTreeOptions($fieldName, $key, $ret, $prefix);

        return $ret;

     * Make a array with options from the tree
     * @param string  $fieldName   Name of the member variable from the
     *                             node objects that should be used as the column.
     * @param integer $key         ID of the object to display as the root of the array
     * @param         $ret
     * @param string  $prefix_orig String to indent deeper levels (origin)
     * @param string  $prefix_curr String to indent deeper levels (current)
     * @return void
    public function alumni_makeArrayTreeOptions($fieldName, $key, &$ret, $prefix_orig, $prefix_curr = '')
        if ($key > 0) {
            $value       = $this->_tree[$key]['obj']->getVar($this->_myId);
            $ret[$value] = $prefix_curr . $this->_tree[$key]['obj']->getVar($fieldName);
            $prefix_curr .= $prefix_orig;
        if (isset($this->_tree[$key]['child']) && !empty($this->_tree[$key]['child'])) {
            foreach ($this->_tree[$key]['child'] as $childkey) {
                $this->alumni_makeArrayTreeOptions($fieldName, $childkey, $ret, $prefix_orig, $prefix_curr);