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 You may not change or alter any portion of this comment or credits
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 * Alumni module for Xoops
 * @copyright       XOOPS Project
 * @license         GPL 2.0 or later
 * @package         alumni
 * @since           2.6.x
 * @author          John Mordo (jlm69)

defined('XOOPS_ROOT_PATH') || exit('XOOPS root path not defined');

 * Class AlumniLocaleEn_US
class AlumniLocaleEn_US /*extends XoopsLocaleEn_US*/
    // Module
    const MODULE_NAME = 'Alumni';
    const MODULE_DESC = 'Module for creating Alumni pages';

    // Admin menu
    const SYSTEM_LISTING = 'Listing';
    const SYSTEM_PERMISSIONS = 'Permissions';
    const SYSTEM_ABOUT = 'About';

    // Blocks
    const BLOCKS_LISTINGS = 'Listings';
    const BLOCKS_LISTINGS_DSC = 'Display listings';
    const BLOCKS_ID = 'ID listing';
    const BLOCKS_ID_DSC = 'Display listing by ID';
    const BLOCKS_TITLE = 'Alumni Listings';
    const BLOCKS_ALL_LISTINGS = 'View all Alumni Listings.';
    const BLOCKS_ITEM = 'Title';
    const BLOCKS_DATE = 'Date';
    const BLOCKS_DISPLAY = 'Display';
    const BLOCKS_CHARS = 'characters';
    const BLOCKS_LENGTH = 'Length of the title';
    const BLOCKS_ORDER = 'Order';
    const BLOCKS_HITS = 'Hits';

    // Notifications
    const NOTIFICATION_GLOBAL = 'Whole Module ';
    const NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY = 'Category ';
    const NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY_DSC = 'Notification options that apply to the current category ';
    const NOTIFICATION_GLOBAL_DSC = 'Notification options that apply to all listings.';
    const NOTIFICATION_ITEM = 'Listing';
    const NOTIFICATION_ITEM_DSC = 'Notification options that apply to the current listing.';
    const NOTIFICATION_GLOBAL_NEWLISTING = 'New listing published';
    const NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY_NEWLISTING_CAP = 'Notify me when any new listing is published in the current category.';
    const NOTIFICATION_CATEGORY_NEWLISTING_DSC = 'Receive notification when any new listing is published in the current category.';
    const NOTIFICATION_GLOBAL_NEWLISTING_CAP = 'Notify me when any new listing is published.';
    const NOTIFICATION_GLOBAL_NEWLISTING_DSC = 'Receive notification when any new listing is published.';
    const NOTIFICATION_GLOBAL_NEWLISTING_SBJ = '[{X_SITENAME}] {X_MODULE} auto-notify : New listing published';

    // Admin index.php
    const LISTINGS = 'Listings';
    const TOTAL_LISTINGS = 'There are <span class=\'red bold\'>%s</span> listings in our database';
    const TOTAL_VALID = 'There are <span class=\'green bold\'>%s</span> approved listings';
    const TOTAL_NOT_VALID = 'There are <span class=\'red bold\'>%s</span> listings waiting to be approved';

    // Main
    const ADD_LISTING = 'Add a new listing';
    const ADD_LISTING_2 = 'Add a Listing';
    const ADD_CAT = 'Add a new Category';
    const EDIT_CAT = 'Edit this Category';
    const MODERATE_LISTING = 'Moderate Listings';
    const EDIT_LISTING = 'Edit a listing';
    const LIST_LISTING = 'List of listings';
    const APPROVE = 'Approve';
    const APPROVE_2 = 'Approve :';
    const NAME = 'Name : ';
    const NAME_2 = 'First Name : ';
    const MNAME_2 = 'Middle/Maiden Name : ';
    const LNAME_2 = 'Last Name : ';
    const SCHOOL = 'School';
    const SCHOOL_2 = 'School : ';
    const CLASS_OF = 'Class of';
    const CLASS_OF_2 = 'Class of : ';
    const MODERATED = 'waiting for approval';
    const STUDIES = 'Studies';
    const STUDIES_2 = 'Studies : ';
    const ACTIVITIES = 'Activities';
    const ACTIVITIES_2 = 'Student Activities : ';
    const EXTRAINFO = 'Extra Info';
    const EXTRAINFO_2 = 'Extra Info : ';
    const OCC = 'Occupation';
    const OCC_2 = 'Occupation : ';
    const CLOSEF = 'Close this window';
    const EMAIL = 'Email';
    const EMAIL_2 = 'Email : ';
    const TOWN_2 = 'Current Location : ';
    const SUBMITTER = 'Submitter : ';
    const EDIT = 'Edit';
    const ALUMNI_LISTINGS = 'Alumni Listings';
    const CLASSOF = 'Class of ';
    const FINTRO = 'Alumni Listings for the Local Area<br>To Add a Listing click on Your School<br>Tell your Friends';
    const SEARCH_LISTINGS = 'Search Listings : ';
    const ALL_WORDS = 'All Words';
    const ANY_WORDS = 'Any Words';
    const EXACT_MATCH = 'Exact Match';
    const MATCH = 'Match';
    const BYCATEGORY = 'By Category/School';
    const BYYEAR = 'By Year';
    const INCATEGORY = 'In this Category/School';
    const ADMIN_PANEL = 'Administration Panel';
    const THERE_ARE = 'There are';
    const WAITING = 'Alumni Listing(s) waiting to be approved';
    const THIS_AND = 'and';
    const IN = 'in';
    const CATEGORIES = 'categories';
    const THE = 'The';
    const YEAR = 'Year';
    const YEAR_2 = 'Year : ';
    const MODADMIN = 'Change this Listing (administrator)';
    const LASTADD = 'Latest Alumni Listings';
    const PHOTO_AVAILABLE = 'Photo available';
    const SEEIT = 'View pending Alumni Listings';
    const HITS = 'Hits';
    const PHOTO = 'Photo';
    const THIS_PRINT = 'Print';
    const FRIENDSEND = 'Send this Listing to a friend';
    const SUBMITTED_BY = 'Submitted by ';
    const MODIFY = 'Modify';
    const MUSTLOGIN = 'You must <a href="../profile/user.php">login</a> to reply to&nbsp;';
    const CONTACT_2 = 'Contact : ';
    const BYMAIL_2 = 'Email : ';
    const LISTING_ADDED = 'Alumni Listing added';
    const LISTING_FROM = 'This Listing from the Alumni Section on the Website ';
    const SENDTO = '<b>Send this Alumni Listing to a friend</b>';
    const LISTING_SEND = 'Sending this listing :';
    const NAMEFR = 'Friend\'s Name :';
    const MAILFR = 'Friend\'s Email :';
    const ALUM_SEND = 'The Alumni Listing selected has been sent';
    const CONTACTALUMNI = 'Contact regarding your Alumni Listing';
    const CONTACTADMIN = 'A reply to an Alumni Listing';
    const ADMIN_COPY = 'This is a copy of the message sent through your system.';
    const REPLY_TO = 'You have a reply to your Alumni Listing ';
    const FROMSITE = 'from the Alumni Section of {X_SITENAME}';
    const CAN_REPLY = 'You can reply to';
    const SUBJECT = 'An Alumni Listing from';
    const HELLO = 'Hello ';
    const NO_REPLY = '!!!  Do not reply to this e-mail, you will not get a reply.  !!!';
    const WEBMASTER = 'Webmaster';
    const YOU_CAN_VIEW_BELOW = 'You can view the full listing at the link below';
    const MESSAGE = 'thinks this Alumni Listing might interest you and has sent you this message.';
    const INTERESTED = 'Other Alumni Listings can be seen at the Alumni Section at';
    const MESSAGE_SENT = 'Your message has been sent...';
    const YOUR_IP = 'Your IP is ';
    const IP_LOGGED = ' and has been logged! Action will be taken on any abuse on this system.';
    const CONTACTAUTOR = 'Reply to this Alumni Listing';
    const YOURMESSAGE = 'Your message:';
    const AT = '  at';
    const DELPICT = 'Delete this Photo';
    const GRAD_PHOTO = 'Graduation Photo : ';
    const NOW_PHOTO = 'Recent Photo : ';
    const PHOTO2 = 'Current Photo : ';
    const FORMIMAGE_PATH = 'Select in the current category Image';
    const FORMUPLOAD = 'Upload Image';
    const FORMSUREDEL = 'Are you sure to delete it?';
    const FORMDELOK = 'Deleted successfully';
    const FORMOK = 'Added successfully';
    const ADD_MOD = 'Add an Alumni Listing<br>Your Listing will be queued for approval';
    const EDIT_MOD = 'Edit Alumni Listing<br>Your Listing will be queued for approval';
    const MODERATE = 'Your Alumni Listing will be queued for approval';
    const NO_LISTING_TO_APPROVE = 'There are no listings waiting to be approved';
    const E_NO_LISTING = 'There are no listings';
    const E_NO_CAT = 'There are no Categories';
    const ALUMNI_TIPS = '<ul><li>Add, update or delete listings</li></ul>';
    const ALUMNI_TEXT_DESC = 'Main content of the page';
    const ALUMNI_META_KEYWORDS = 'Metas keyword';
    const ALUMNI_META_KEYWORDS_DSC = 'Metas keyword separated by a comma';
    const ALUMNI_META_DESCRIPTION = 'Metas description';
    const ALUMNI_OPTIONS_DSC = 'Choose which information will be displayed';
    const ALUMNI_SELECT_GROUPS = 'Select groups that can view this content';
    const ALUMNI_COPY = '[copy]';
    const E_WEIGHT = 'You need a positive integer';
    const Q_ON_MAIN_PAGE = 'Content displayed on the home page';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOPDF = 'PDF icon';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOPRINT = 'Print icon';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOSOCIAL = 'Social networks';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOAUTHOR = 'Author';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOMAIL = 'Mail icon';
    const L_ALUMNI_DODATE = 'Date';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOHITS = 'Hits';
    const L_ALUMNI_DORATING = 'Rating and vote count';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOCOMS = 'Comments';
    const L_ALUMNI_DONCOMS = 'Comments count';
    const L_ALUMNI_DOTITLE = 'Title';
    const L_ALUMNI_DONOTIFICATIONS = 'Notifications';
    const L_ALUMNI_CATEGORIES = 'Category/School';

    // Admin permissions
    const PERMISSIONS_RATE = 'Rate permissions';
    const PERMISSIONS_VIEW = 'View permissions';
    const PERMISSIONS_SUBMIT = 'Submit permissions';
    const PERMISSIONS_PREMIUM = 'Premium permissions';

    const YOUR_VOTE = 'Your vote';
    const OF = 'of ';

    const E_NOT_EXIST = 'This page does not exist in our database';

    // Print
    const PRINT_COMES = 'This listing comes from';

    // Admin

    const DIRPERMS = 'Check Directory Permission ! => ';
    const CHECKER = 'Directory Checker';
    const CATEGORY_PID = 'Select Parent';
    const CATEGORY_TITLE = 'Category/School Name';
    const IFSCHOOL = '****** If this is the School fill in below ******';
    const ORDER = 'School Order :';
    const IMGCAT = 'Category Icon :';
    const SCPHOTO = 'School Photo :';
    const SCADDRESS = 'School Address :';
    const SCADDRESS2 = 'School Address2 :';
    const SCCITY = 'School City :';
    const SCSTATE = 'School State :';
    const SCZIP = 'School Zip Code :';
    const SCPHONE = 'School Phone :';
    const SCFAX = 'School Fax :';
    const SCMOTTO = 'School Motto :';
    const SCURL = 'School Website :http://';
    const LIST_CATS = 'List Categories';
    const LISTINGLIST = 'List Alumni Listings';
    const LISTING_VALIDATED = 'This listing is now validated';
    const WEB = 'School Website';
    const SELECTED_PHOTO = 'Selected Photo : ';
    const SUBCAT_AVAIL = 'Subcategories available :';
    const MUST_ADD_CAT = '<b>You must add a category first.</b>';
    const NO_LISTINGS = 'No listings in this category';

    // Configuration
    const CONF_BNAME = 'Alumni Block';
    const CONF_BNAME_DESC = 'Shows Alumni Block';
    const ADMENU1 = 'Home';
    const ADMENU2 = 'Categories : Schools';
    const ADMENU3 = 'Permissions';
    const ADMENU4 = 'Preferences';
    const ADMENU5 = 'Listings';
    const ADMENU6 = 'Random';
    const ADMENU7 = 'About';
    const CONF_PERPAGE = 'Listings per page :';
    const CONF_USECAT = 'Use Categories :';
    const CONF_SHOW_NEW = 'Show new Alumni Listings :';
    const CONF_ONHOME = 'on the Front Page of Module';
    const CONF_NUMNEW = 'Number of new Listings :';
    const CONF_NEWTIME = 'New Listings from :';
    const CONF_INDAYS = 'in days';
    const CONF_INBYTES = 'in bytes';
    const CONF_INPIXEL = 'in pixels';
    const CONF_EDITOR = 'Editor to use:';
    const CONF_LIST_EDITORS = 'Select the editor to use.';
    const CONF_MODERATE = 'Moderate Alumni Listings :';
    const CONF_MAXFILESIZE = 'Maximum Photo Size :';
    const CONF_MAXWIDE = 'Maximum Photo Width :';
    const CONF_MAXHIGH = 'Maximum Photo Height :';
    const CONF_TYPEBLOCK = 'Type of Block :';
    const CONF_ALUMRAND = 'Random Alumni Listing';
    const CONF_LASTTEN = 'Last 10 Alumni Listings';
    const CONF_DISPLSUBCAT = 'Display subcategories :';
    const CONF_NUMSUBCAT = 'Number of subcategories to show :';
    const CONF_ORDERALPHA = 'Sort alphabetically';
    const CONF_ORDERPERSONAL = 'Personalised Order';
    const CONF_USE_CAPTCHA = 'Use Captcha';
    const CONF_ORDER_DATE = 'Order by Date';
    const CONF_ORDER_NAME = 'Order by Name';
    const CONF_ORDER_POP = 'Order by Hits';
    const CONF_INDEX_CODE = 'Extra Index Page Code';
    const CONF_INDEX_CODE_DESC = 'Put your adsense or other code here';
    const CONF_USE_INDEX_CODE = 'Use Extra Index Page Code';
    const CONF_USE_INDEX_CODE_DESC = 'Put additional code between listings<br>on the index page<br>and the categories page.<br><br>Banners, Adsense code, etc...';
    const CONF_INDEX_CODE_PLACE = 'Code will show in this place in the list ';
    const CONF_INDEX_CODE_PLACE_DESC = 'Ex. If you choose 4 there will be 3 listings before this code.<br> Code will be displayed in the 4th slot.';
    const CONF_USE_BANNER = 'Use Xoops Banner Code';
    const CONF_USE_BANNER_DESC = 'Will allow you to insert xoopsbanners in between listings.<br>If you choose Yes<br>Do Not insert any code below';
    const CONF_OFFER_SEARCH = 'Offer search within listings';
    const CONF_OFFER_SEARCH_DESC = 'Select yes to provide a search box';
    const CONF_LORDER = 'Alumni Listing Order :';
    const CONF_CORDER = 'Category Order :';
    const CONF_BLOCK_L_DESC = 'Descending';
    const CONF_BLOCK_DISPLAY_NUMBER = 'Number to display';