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  // initialize custom pager script BEFORE initializing tablesorter/tablesorter pager
  // custom pager looks like this:
  // 1 | 2 … 5 | 6 | 7 … 99 | 100
  //   _       _   _        _     adjacentSpacer
  //       _           _          distanceSpacer
  // _____               ________ ends (2 default)
  //         _________            aroundCurrent (1 default)

  var $table = $('#mytable'),
    $pager = $('.pager');

    table          : $table,                   // point at correct table (string or jQuery object)
    pager          : $pager,                   // pager wrapper (string or jQuery object)
    pageSize       : '.left a',                // container for page sizes
    currentPage    : '.right a',               // container for page selectors
    ends           : 2,                        // number of pages to show of either end
    aroundCurrent  : 1,                        // number of pages surrounding the current page
    link           : '<a href="#">{page}</a>', // page element; use {page} to include the page number
    currentClass   : 'current',                // current page class name
    adjacentSpacer : ' | ',                    // spacer for page numbers next to each other
    distanceSpacer : ' \u2026 ',               // spacer for page numbers away from each other (ellipsis &hellip;)
    addKeyboard    : true                      // add left/right keyboard arrows to change current page

  // initialize tablesorter & pager
      theme: 'blue',
      cssInfoBlock : "tablesorter-no-sort",
      sortList: [[4, 1]],
      widgets: ['zebra', 'columns'],
                  headers: { 
            // assign the secound column (we start counting zero) 
            0: { 
                // disable it by setting the property sorter to false 
                sorter: false 
            // assign the third column (we start counting zero) 
            6: { 
                // disable it by setting the property sorter to false 
                sorter: false 
      // target the pager markup - see the HTML block below
      container: $pager,
      size: 10,
      output: 'showing: {startRow} to {endRow} of ({totalRows})'
