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/*! Parser: weekday - updated 11/22/2015 (v2.24.6) */
/* Demo: */
/*jshint jquery:true */
    'use strict';

    var ts = $.tablesorter;

    if ( !ts.dates ) { ts.dates = {}; }
    if ( !ts.dates.weekdays ) { ts.dates.weekdays = {}; }
    // See
    // for details on how to use CLDR data for a locale to add data for this parser
    // CLDR returns { sun: "Sun", mon: "Mon", tue: "Tue", wed: "Wed", thu: "Thu", ... }
    ts.dates.weekdays.en = {
        'sun' : 'Sun',
        'mon' : 'Mon',
        'tue' : 'Tue',
        'wed' : 'Wed',
        'thu' : 'Thu',
        'fri' : 'Fri',
        'sat' : 'Sat'
    // set table.config.weekStarts to change weekday start date for your locale
    // cross-reference of a date on which the week starts on a...
    // locale agnostic
    ts.dates.weekStartList = {
        'sun' : '1995', // Sun 1/1/1995
        'mon' : '1996', // Mon 1/1/1996
        'fri' : '1999', // Friday 1/1/1999
        'sat' : '2000'  // Sat 1/1/2000
    // do not modify this array; it is used for cross referencing weekdays
    // locale agnostic
    ts.dates.weekdaysXref = [ 'sun', 'mon', 'tue', 'wed', 'thu', 'fri', 'sat' ];

        id: 'weekday',
        is: function() {
            return false;
        format: function( str, table, cell, cellIndex ) {
            if ( str ) {
                var d, day, num,
                    c = table.config,
                    // add options to 'config.globalize' for all columns --> globalize : { lang: 'en' }
                    // or per column by using the column index --> globalize : { 0 : { lang: 'fr' } }
                    options = c.globalize && ( c.globalize[ cellIndex ] || c.globalize ) || {},
                    days = ts.dates.weekdays[ options.lang || 'en' ],
                    xref = ts.dates.weekdaysXref;
                if ( c.ignoreCase ) {
                    str = str.toLowerCase();
                for ( day in days ) {
                    if ( typeof day === 'string' ) {
                        d = days[ day ];
                        if ( c.ignoreCase ) {
                            d = d.toLowerCase();
                        if ( str.match( d ) ) {
                            num = $.inArray( day, xref );
                            return num > -1 ? num : str;
            return str;
        type: 'numeric'

    // useful when a group widget date column is set to "group-date-week"
    // and you want to only sort on the day of the week ignore the actual date, month and year
        id: 'weekday-index',
        is: function() {
            return false;
        format: function( str, table ) {
            if ( str ) {
                var c = table.config,
                    date = new Date( str );
                if ( date instanceof Date && isFinite( date ) ) {
                    // use a specific date that started with that weekday so sorting is only going to be
                    // based on the day of the week and not the date, month or year
                    return new Date( '1/' + ( date.getDay() + 1 ) + '/' + ts.dates.weekStartList[ c.weekStarts || 'sun' ] );
            return str;
        type: 'numeric'
